The Effects of School Academic Course Inspections and Teacher Compensation on Teacher Performance (original) (raw)
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There have been many attempts to prepare teachers to become professionals. The fact shows that not all teachers have a good performance in carrying out their duties. Supervision, which is assumed to be a teacher guidance service, is expected to advance and develop teaching so that teachers can teach well and impact student learning. The research aims to improve teacher performance through academic supervision by the principal at SDN 7 Sungai Ambawang. The research method used was descriptive research, with school action research with a collaborative nature with the teacher. The subjects in this study were 18 teachers at SDN 7 Sungai Ambawang, Sungai Ambawang District. Data collection technique in this study was measurement technique and the instrumentl used was the observation sheet. This study's results are as follows: The first finding, the teacher's performance increases in doing learning planning. The second finding, the teacher's performance increases in carrying ou...
The Impact of Managerial and Principal Academic Supervision on Teacher Performance
Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Supervision is carried out in the context of mentoring, directing, and coaching toward improving teacher performance more optimally. This study aims to determine how managerial and principal academic supervision affect teacher performance in private junior high schools in the Tigaraksa District of the Tangerang Regency. This study uses correlational and regression analysis, which are both types of quantitative research methods. The population comprises 41 teachers, three principals, and one supervisor, for a total of 45 respondents. This study takes a sample of the whole population, which is the whole population. With a 97% contribution, the results showed that managerial supervision greatly improved teacher performance. The study's development shows that the principal's academic control has a significant effect on improving teacher performance, with a contribution of 88%, and that the supervisor's managerial supervision and the principal's visionary leadership have ...
Academic Supervision To Improve The Competence Of Elementary School Teachers
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2019, 35(1)
This study aims to find out the implementation of academic supervision by the principal in order to improve the competence of elementary school teachers in West Jakarta Administrative City, Indonesia. This study used a quantitative approach with survey method . The population of this study was all the state elementary school principals in the region II of the Education Office of West Jakarta Administrative City as many as 152 people. The research sample amounted to 96 people. The result of this study is that the implementation of academic supervision by school principals to improving the competence of Elementary Schoolsteachers in the District II Education Office in West Jakarta City, in general has been well implemented. Although there are still some principals who are still not good at implementing academic supervision for teachers. This can be seen from: a) Teacher's perception of the implementation of academic supervision carried out by the principal. b) Academic supervision program that is compiled and implemented by the principal c) The scope of academic supervision implemented by the principal to the teacher. d) Academic supervision techniques implemented by the principal for the teacher. e) Academic supervision approaches implemented by the principal to the teacher. f) There are still many factors that hinder the implementation of academic supervision.Thus there needs to be a policy from the education office that requires elementary school principals to implement academic supervision to improve the teachers competence of elementary school in the West Jakarta City..
Academic Supervision To Improve Teacher’s Performance in Elementary School
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 2018
Supervision has become a cross-cutting edge tool and a pivot around which performance revolves. There are widespread and ongoing debates centered on the influence of effective supervision on academic performance in our academic. This study examined the role of supervision in academic performance in Elementary School. The study was based on the collegial model of educational management and the supervision model, Theory Y, as proposed by Douglas McGregor. This study employed the descriptive research survey design. Through questionnaire, the data analyzed were collected from 223 respondents who were purposively selected from randomized schools in each region comprising, their assistants and heads of department of 155 schools. The results (2017 and 2018) of the sampled schools were analyzed. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was alpha 0,826. The Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 18 software were employed in the analyses of data using, mean, standard deviation, correlation, and independent t-test. The study revealed that there was a positive weak significant relationship between the supervision roles of heads and academic performance of students. There was positive weak significant relationship between the gender of the headmasters and their supervisory roles. The study recommended that the supervision will be intensified in Putra Wijaya Elementary School. Moreover, the headmaster of elementary school should be reorientated into the new trends of supervision in schools.
Giving compensation is one of the elements that need to be considered in the operational function of human resource management, because human goals in work are to get rewards in order to fulfill their life needs, including teachers. Such compensation can be in the form of money or satisfaction obtained from the psychological environment in which the teacher works. Revenue of appreciation and respect from all parties related to the process of administering education which is at least manifested in the form of proper and fair guarantees to encourage the spirit of life and motivation of the work of teachers in improving the quality of education. Compensation is very important for teachers, this is because compensation is a source of income for them and their families, besides that compensation is also an impact on the psychological condition of the teacher himself in carrying out his duties as an educator. Compensation received by teachers can be grouped into financial compensation and non-financial compensation. Financial compensation is compensation received by teachers in the form of money which includes salaries, incentives, and benefits. while non-financial compensation is compensation in the form of non-money which includes opportunities for teachers to get promotion of career advancement, self-development, and the atmosphere of the work environment.
Teachers have to participate actively in formatting reliable human resources in the field of education and set down his capacity as professionals, following the demands of a growing community. Today the quality of education in elementary school in Bukit Batu district has not met the standard that has been set. It is due to the performance of the teacher. For instance, teachers teach with improper planning, the implementation learning which has not been optimal and the technique of evaluation is inappropriate. Therefore it is important to find out any factors that can influence the performance of the teacher. This study is aimed to determine: (1) the correlation between principal’s supervision and the performance of teacher in elementary school in Bukit Batu district, (2) the correlation between teacher’s interpersonal communication and the performance of teacher in elementary school in Bukit Batu district, (3) the simultaneous correlation of principal’s supervision and interpersonal...