Cryogenic process optimization for simultaneous cool down of the TF and PF superconducting coils of SST-1 Tokamak (original) (raw)
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Process optimization of helium cryo plant operation for SST-1 superconducting magnet system
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017
Several plasma discharge campaigns have been carried out in steady state superconducting tokamak (SST-1). SST-1 has toroidal field (TF) and poloidal field (PF) superconducting magnet system (SCMS). The TF coils system is cooled to 4.5-4.8 K at 1.5-1.7 bar(a) under two phase flow condition using 1.3 kW helium cryo plant. Experience revealed that the PF coils demand higher pressure heads even at lower temperatures in comparison to TF coils because of its longer hydraulic path lengths. Thermal run away are observed within PF coils because of single common control valve for all PF coils in distribution system having non-uniform lengths. Thus it is routine practice to stop the cooling of PF path and continue only TF cooling at SCMS inlet temperature of ~ 14 K. In order to achieve uniform cool down, different control logic is adopted to make cryo stable system. In adopted control logic, the SCMS are cooled down to 80 K at constant inlet pressure of 9 bar(a). After authorization of turbine A/B, the SCMS inlet pressure is gradually controlled by refrigeration J-T valve to achieve stable operation window for cryo system. This paper presents process optimization for cryo plant operation for SST-1 SCMS. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Cryogenic system of steady state superconducting Tokamak SST1: Operational experience and controls
Fusion Engineering and Design, 2006
The cryogenic system of SST-1 consists of the helium cryogenic system and the nitrogen cryogenic system. The main components of the helium cryogenic system are (a) 1.3 kW helium refrigerator/liquefier (HRL) and (b) warm gas management system (WGM), where as, the nitrogen cryogenic system called as liquid nitrogen (LN 2 ) management system consists of storage tanks and a distribution system. The helium flow distribution and control to different sub-systems is achieved by the integrated flow distribution and control (IFDC) system. The HRL has been commissioned and operated for performing a single toroidal field coil test as well as for the first commissioning of SST-1 superconducting-magnets up to 68 K. Analysis of the results shows that the compressor and turbine parameters of the HRL, namely, the speed and pressure are very stable during operation of the HRL, confirming to the reliability in control of thermo-dynamic parameters of the system. The thermal shield of the SST-1 cryostat consists of ten different types of panels, which have been cooled down to the minimum temperature of 80 K and maintained during the first commissioning of SST-1. The operation and controls of the LN2 management system have been found to be as per the design consideration.
Cryogenic Acceptance Tests of SST-1 Superconducting Coils
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2015
Toroidal field (TF) and poloidal field (PF) coils of steady-state superconducting tokamak (SST-1) have been fully refurbished to ensure cryostable and low-dc-resistance interpancake and intercoil joints, helium leak tightness of the winding pack, and > 10 MΩ winding pack to ground insulation resistance under cold conditions. As per SST-1 mission mandate, all TF coils and PF3 Top had been cold tested at full operational parameters. A dedicated large coil test facility was integrated for these tests. Specially adapted solutions such as magnet preparation cum transport stand, demountable busbar supports, demountable sensor mountings, reusable joints for busbar connections inside cryostat, etc., were developed. These measures led to timely and successful completion of cold tests and integration of the magnet system on to the SST-1 machine shell. The functionality of various diagnostics of the magnet system was also established during these tests. Details of coil refurbishment, test facility, test campaigns, and some important test results are reported in this paper.
FT/3-4Rb Superconducting Magnets of SST-1 Tokamak
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IEEE Transactions on Appiled Superconductivity, 1997
This paper describes the design and manufacturing of a 25 kJ superconducting coil as well as its cryostat and magnet support, including current leads and cryogenic services, for an SMES. The coil design is based on a minimum volume criteria. The cryostat is designed for 60 1 of liquid helium, and the magnet support with current leads optimised for 150 A. Using numerical modelling the total heat transfer into the liquid is calculated and minimised. The manufacturing of both components is also presented, as well as the complete system operation. Finally the papeir presents the power converter topology that is controlled in optimal PWM mode with a low switching frequency. In order to compensate different power oscillations the power converter interchanges fastly adjustable and uncoupled levells of real and reactive power.
Parametric Analyses of JT-60SA TF Coils in the Cold Test Facility With SuperMagnet Code
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2018
The toroidal field (TF) system of JT-60SA tokamak comprises 18 NbTi superconducting coils. In each TF coil, 6 cablein-conduit conductor (CICC) lengths are wound into 6 doublepancakes and carry a nominal current of 25.7 kA at a temperature of 4.7 K. Each coil is tested in the cold test facility (CEA Saclay), up to quench. A SuperMagnet (CryoSoft) model has been developed, each of the 12 pancakes being modeled with THEA and cryogenic circuit being modeled with FLOWER. The experiments showed that helium inlet temperature increases until quench triggering at about 7.5 K on C11 and C13, with quench starting on a lateral and on a central pancake, respectively. Each test has been simulated, applying (or not) a realistic heat load from casing to winding pack that was estimated from experimental measurements. A parametric analysis has been performed, considering realistic or null heat flux deposition, variation of friction factor (in fabrication quality range), and CICC critical current density (in strand J c performance range). This last parameter was found to have the largest impact on the localization of the first quenched pancake (central or lateral).
Physics Procedia, 2015
The SST-1 machine comprises a superconducting magnet system (SCMS), which includes TF and PF magnets. In order to charge the SCMS, we need superconducting current feeders consisting of SC feeders and vapor cooled current leads (VCCLs). We have installed all 10 (+/-) pairs of VCCLs for the TF and PF systems. While conducting initial engineering validation of the SST-1 machine, our prime objective was to produce circular plasma using only the TF system. During the SST-1 campaign I to VI, we have to stop the PF magnets cooling in order to get the cryostable conditions for current charging of the TF magnets system. In that case, the cooling of the PF current leads is not essential. It has been also observed that after aborting the PF system cooling, there was a limited experimental window of TF operation. Therefore, in the recent SST-1 campaign-VII, we removed the PF current leads (9 pairs) and kept only single (+/-) pair of the 10,000 A rated VCCLs to realize the charging of the TF system for the extended window of operation. We have observed a better cryogenic stability in the TF magnets after modifications in the CFS. In this paper, we report the comparison of the cool down performance for the SST-1 machine operation before and after modifications of the current feeders system.
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Study and thermal-hydraulic design of water cooled PFC for SST-1 tokamak
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE/IPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering. 19th SOFE (Cat. No.02CH37231), 2002
The Steady-State Superconducting Tokamak (SST-1) is a medium-size tokamak with super-conducting magnetic field coils. Plasma facing components (PFC) of the SST-1, consisting of divertors, passive stabilisers, baffles, and poloidal limiters, are designed to be compatible for steady-state operation. Except for the poloidal limiters, all other PFC are structurally continuous in the toroidal direction. As SST-1 is designed to run double-null divertor plasmas, these components also have up-down symmetry. A closed divertor configuration is chosen to produce high recycling and high pumping speed in the divertor region. The passive stabilisers are located close to the plasma to provide stability against the vertical instability of the elongated plasma. The main consideration in the design of the PFC is the steady-state heat removal of up to 1 MW/m 2 . In addition to removing high heat fluxes, the PFC are also designed to be compatible for baking at 350°C. Different flow parameters and various tube layouts have been examined to select the optimum thermal-hydraulic parameters and tube layout for different PFC of SST-1. Thermal response of the PFC during baking has been performed analytically (using a Fortran code) and two-dimensional finite element analysis using ANSYS. The detailed thermal hydraulics and thermal responses of PFC baking is presented in this paper.