Influence of Term of Exposure to High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity on Myocardial Collagen Type I and III (original) (raw)
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Obesidade, Sobrepeso e Outros Fatores De Risco Para Doenças Cardiovasculares
Revista Saude Fisica Mental Issn 2317 1790, 2013
Aline do Carmo França-Botelho* 5 RESUMO: O presente estudo objetivou conhecer fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) em Araxá-MG. A amostra foi composta por 214 participantes distribuídos em três grupos: 84 mulheres pós-menopáusicas, 100 fumantes e 30 pacientes de fisioterapia, com história pessoal e/ou familiar de DCV. Foi uma pesquisa transversal realizada em Araxá (MG-Brasil) por meio de questionário, verificação do IMC (índice de massa corporal) e CA (circunferência abdominal). Os maiores percentuais de obesidade e sobrepeso foram encontrados nos pacientes da clínica de Fisioterapia do UNIARAXÁ, sendo 42,5% e 42,8%, respectivamente. Além disso, dados obtidos como tabagismo, sedentarismo, hipertensão, história familiar e diabetes, associados a hábitos inadequados de alimentação aumentam o risco de DCV. Há risco de DCV na população estudada, evidenciado por aspectos do estilo de vida, história familiar e principalmente gordura corporal. Palavras-chave: menopausa; tabagismo; fatores de risco; doenças cardiovasculares.
British Journal of Nutrition, 2010
Introdução -O curso de pedagogia no Brasil, equivalente ao curso de ciências da educação em Portugal, tem em sua trajetória histórica em si, inúmeras singularidades dignas de nota e de estudos pormenorizados. Principalmente no momento atual, quando, de maneira oficial, foram implantadas as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o curso de pedagogia, instituídas pela resolução 001/2006 do Conselho Nacional de Educação. A partir daí, a formação de docentes se insere obrigatoriamente na composição dos cursos de pedagogia no Brasil. Esse dado não se constitui necessariamente em um fato inédito, pois, na história do curso de pedagogia no Brasil, já anteriormente a tal oficialização, não eram poucas as iniciativas desses cursos, que articulavam a formação do pedagogo com a formação do professor, em uma só esfera. Partindo desses apontamentos, quer-se cumprir um duplo objetivo com o presente texto: expor histórica, conceitual e legalmente esse fenômeno da formação de professores, ou seja, da docência no curso de pedagogia no Brasil e, ainda, apontar para limites e possibilidades dessa nova característica do curso no Brasil. Dessa maneira, o presente texto se delimita em uma questão central: como se apresenta a formação de docentes no interior do curso de pedagogia no Brasil? Devido ao apontamento legal já assinalado, a concentração da reflexão se dará acerca dos dispositivos institucionais que transformam oficialmente o objetivo central do referido curso, que volta a sua base para a docência.
[Model of high-fat diet-induced obesity associated to insulin resistance and glucose intolerance]
Arquivos brasileiros de endocrinologia e metabologia, 2013
Validate a model of high-fat diet-induced obesity, of low cost, easy reproducibility, that could express characteristics observed in human, and would enable subsequent therapy proposals. Sixteen Swiss mice received a standard diet (DP) or high-fat diet (DH) for 10 weeks. Although the DP group had greater water (p < 0.01) and feed (p…
Objective: Validate a model of high-fat diet-induced obesity, of low cost, easy reproducibility, that could express characteristics observed in human, and would enable subsequent therapy proposals. Materials and methods: Sixteen Swiss mice received a standard diet (DP) or high--fat diet (DH) for 10 weeks. Results: Although the DP group had greater water (p < 0.01) and feed (p < 0.001) consumption, the DH group had greater body weight (p < 0.5) and adipose tissue gain (p < 0.001), favoring higher adiposity index (p < 0.001), glucose (p < 0.01), and area under the curve in the insulin (p < 0.001) and glucose (p < 0.01) tolerance tests. Conclusion: A high-fat diet-induced obesity model has been validated, which was also associated with insulin resis-tance and glucose intolerance after a period of 10 weeks. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57(5):339-45 Keywords Obesity; high-fat diet; insulin resistance; glucose intolerance; mice 1 Departamento de Fisiologia, Univ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the body composition, food intake and glucose tolerance in female rats consuming meal feeding associated to fat enriched diets (FE). Female Wistar rats were distributed into: C2h (gorging control, one meal a day with stock diet for 2h/day); FE2h (gorging fat, one meal a day with fat rich diet for 2h/day); C24h (nibbling control, ad libitum access to stock diet); FE24h (nibbling fat, ad libitum access to fat rich diet). FE diet groups ate less than control groups, although they presented a similar energy intake. Gorging animals ate only about 62% of the calories consumed by nibbling ones. After 8 weeks, FE24h was the heaviest group, and both gorging groups presented the same weight, lower than nibbling groups. FE animals showed heavier fat depots than controls, but FE24h was the heaviest one. Lipid incorporation into the body carcass was the similar among FE2h, C24h and FE24h, which was higher than C2h. Control animals showed lower glucose curve during oral glucose tolerance test than FE ones. Despite the same energy intake observed between C2h and FE2h and between C24h and FE24h, FE diet animals were more efficient in store excess energy as body fat. FE2h presented the same body fat as C24h and FE24h, even though FE2h showed less energy intake, demonstrating energy economy in gorging pattern. Heavier body fat was more dependent on the high lipid content and lower feeding bouts than on energy intake. Other metabolic disorders originated from these feeding behaviors may be involved and should be evaluated.
Linea Alba Collagen Assessment in Morbidly Obese Patients
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva : ABCD, 2016
Background: The evaluation of collagen in the abdominal wall has been increasingly studied because of the relevance on collagen in the healing process after laparotomy. Aim: To evaluate the amount of collagen in the linea alba of patients undergoing laparotomic bariatric surgery and comparing with non-obese cadavers. Methods: Were evaluated 88 samples of aponeurosis from abdominal linea alba of 44 obese patients (obesity group) and 44 non-obese cadavers (control group). The samples were collected in 2013 and 2104, and were sorted according to age (18-30, 31-45 and 46-60), gender, BMI, waist and cervical circumference, and subcutaneous tissue thickness. Material for biopsy was collected from the supraumbilical region of the linea alba for immunohistochemical analysis differentiating collagen type 1 and type 3 and the 1/3 ratio. Image-Pro Plus pixel counting software was used to measure the amount of collagen. Results: The obesity group evidenced mean age 44.11±9.90 years; 18-30 age g...