Factors Related to Stunting in Toddlers Aged 6-24 Months (original) (raw)

Determinants of Stunting among Toddlers Aged 24-59 Months in Puuwatu District, Kendari City, Indonesia

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2020

In Indonesia, the problem of low nutritional status proportion is still a problem, despite it decline of 37.2%in 2013 and 30.8% in 2018. Southeast Sulawesi is the Province with prevalence of stunting of 27.5 %in 2018 while Kendari City with the prevalence of 28.6% of children under five included in the stuntingcategory. In 2014 to 2015 there was a 2.2% increase in stunting children in the working area of PuuwatuPublic Health Center. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the incidenceof stunting among children aged 24-59 months. The type of study was quantitative with a cross sectionalstudy approach. The sampling technique was accidental sampling, with the number of respondents was 88toddlers. The results of statistical tests using chi square test with confidence level of 95%. The result ofstudy obtained p value of protein intake = 0.001, p value of mother’s education = 0.040, p value of father’soccupation= 0.003 and p value of economic status = 0.054...

Prevalence and affecting factors of stunting in toddlers in Bandar Lampung City, Indonesia

The prevalence of stunting in children under five (toddler) in Lampung Province reached 31.6 percent in 2017, after experiencing an increase for three consecutive years.In 2018 this figure may drop slightly to 27.5%, but this is still quite high. Some cities and districts have a much higher figure, including Bandar Lampung as the provincial capital, which reaches 33.4%. This study aims to determine the prevalence and influencing factors of stunting in toddlers in Bandar Lampung by a survey method that takes a sample of 124 toddlers who are registered in posyandu in three topographic regions. The three regions are lowland, urban and highland. The research data was collected in September-October 2019, including anthropometric data and nutritional intake of toddlers as well as the socioeconomic characteristics of their families. The results showed that the prevalence of stunting was 43.5%, much higher than the provincial average. This research showed that stunting was also significantly influenced by the education and social status of the mother, namely the mother's occupation before marriage and the mother's employment status during pregnancy; not only caused by lack of nutritional intake.

Determinant Factors of Stunting Events of Toddler in Batu City Indonesia

Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2021

Background: Stunting on toddler shows the presence of chronic nutritional problems that are characterized by stunted growth. Stunting indicator is calculated using length-for-age Z-scores (LA Z-scores) less than -2SD. Stunting risk factors include length of birth, low birth weight, immunization, nutritional intake, infectious diseases, genetics, and family socioeconomic status. Objective: This study aims was analysed the factors related to the stunting incidence in Batu City. Method: The research design used case-control. Sample size of 90 toddlers were selecting by simple random sampling. The sample was divided into two groups, namely case and control groups, each group of 45 people. Variables collected that are parental education, parental occupation, length of the child's body at birth, child's weight at birth, exclusive breastfeeding status, complementary feeding, history of illness, and immunization status. Data analysis used chi square. Results: Child's body weight...

Determinant of Stunting among Toddler in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Babali Nursing Research, 2022

Information on risk factors related to stunting is required as basic information in providing appropriate interventions in reducing the incidence of stunting. This study aimed to determine the relative risk factors for stunting. Methods: The sample of 75 infants was selected by proportional cluster random sampling. The study design was a descriptive correlation by analyzing primary data through observation and interviews using questionnaires and secondary data through Mother and Children Handbook (MCH) observation. Data analysis uses logistic regression.

Factors Related to Stunting among Children Age 6-59 Months in Babakan Madang Sub-District, West Java, Indonesia

Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal, 2020

Stunting is a category of malnutrition that can cause death for children. In 2018, 30.8% of children under five in Indonesia experienced stunting. This study aimed to determine the factors that are related to stunting in Babakan Madang sub district, West Java, Indonesia. A cross sectional study was carried out among 612 children aged 6–59 months on May–August 2019. Z-scores were calculated using WHO Anthro. The characteristics of the under-fives (sex, age, history of infectious diseases), maternal characteristics (education level, mother’s occupation, income per month, age during pregnancy, parity), and infant feeding practices (colostrum feeding, early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, pre-lacteal feeding, timely complementary feeding) were analysed. The results of univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi-square showed that for age over 24 months, nonexclusive breastfeeding and untimely complementary feeding were related to stunting. It is recommended that lo...

Analyzing Nutritional Factors that Affect Toddler’s Stunting in Malang Regency, Indonesia

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences

BACKGROUND: The proportion of short and very short toddlers in Indonesia is 30.8%. East Java is among the 18 provinces with high prevalence (30%–<40%), having made Malang Regency included among the 100 regencies/cities prioritized for intervention. AIM: This study aimed to analyze sociodemographic and nutritional factors affecting toddler’s stunting in Malang Regency, Indonesia. DESIGN AND METHODS: A case–control analytic survey research with retrospective approach was used: An epidemiologic observation design to study the effect of exposures to diseases or other health problems occurrences. The investigation was conducted during July to August time period through observation, weight measurement and interview in order to collect the data about mother’s knowledge, childcare practices, household food security, healthcare services, access to clean water, economic and socio-cultural background, parenting practices, and causes of stunting. The data were processed using SPSS 16.0, biva...

Factors Associated with Stunting in Children Aged 0-24 Months : Studies in Sukaluyu, Karawang, Indonesia (Citarum Project)


The period of early life (0-24 months) is a golden period of growth and development that determines the quality of health in the next age. Double malnutrition, including stunting, at the early life will inhibit the growth and development, also increase the risk of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in the next stages of life. Methods: This study was aimed to analyze prevalence and factors associated with stunting in children aged 0-24 months in Sukaluyu, Karawang, Indonesia (Citarum Project). A cross sectional study was conducted in 130 childrens aged 0-24 months during oktober-november 2018 in Sukaluyu Village, Karawang District, Indonesia (sector 17 of citarum harum project). The data were collected by questionnaires and anthropometric assessment. Pearson correlation was used to analyze the association between birth weight, early breastfeeding initiation, breast milk, and hygiene and healthy lifestyle. Results: The prevalence of stunting (length/height for age z-scores < -2.0) amo...

Analysis of Determinan of Stunting Prevalence among Stunted Toddlers in Indonesia


Stunting is regarded as one of the nutritional problems in Indonesia. The prevalence of stunted toddlers in Indonesia showed a decline from 37.2 percent in 2013 to 30.8 percent in 2018. However, this was still far from the WHO target, which should be less than 20 percent. There were two objectives of this study, firstly, to determine the general condition of health and nutrition of toddlers as well as the general condition of households in Indonesia. The second one was to examine the determinants of stunting in toddlers. The data were obtained from Riskesdas 2018, Podes 2018, and population projections per district/city from Statistics Indonesia. The method was carried out using descriptive and inferential analysis. The findings showed that all regions in Indonesia, excluding DKI Jakarta, experienced cases of stunted toddlers categorized in high and very high categories. The regression results confirmed that the prevalence of malnutrition toddlers, the prevalence of obese toddlers, ...

Risk Factor Analysis of Stunting in Children Aged 6-23 Months in Tanralili District, Maros Regency, Indonesia

National Journal of Community Medicine, 2024

"Background: The high rate of stunting is still a nutritional problem in children in Indonesia which has an impact on the quality of future generations. The study aims to determine the risk factors for stunting in children aged 6-23 months in Tanralili District, Maros Regency. Methodology: This study used a case control study design. The sampling technique uses the side exhaustive method with a ratio of 1: 1, as many as 260 samples consisting of 130 cases and 130 controls. Stata program ver-sion 17 is used for data analysis. Results: Risk factors associated with stunting were maternal age <20 or 35 years (OR=1.953), lower-middle fam-ily income (OR=1.947), antenatal care <4 visits (OR=1,820), anemia (OR=2.252), chronic energy deficiency (OR=2.261), low birth weight (OR=2,595), exclusive breastfeeding (OR=2.448), poor home sanitation (OR=2.226;). Working mothers are a protective factor against stunting (OR=0.819). Multivariate analysis shows that exclusive breastfeeding is the dominant risk factor for stunting. Conclusion: Risk factors for stunting come from mother, child, as well as environmental and family economic factors. The need for integrated and multisectoral programs to increase family income, access to proper home sanitation, maternal education on pregnancy and nutrition and exclusive breastfeeding to reduce the incidence of stunting."

Determinants of Stunting in Indonesian Toddlers

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 2021

Children who are malnourished for a long time can experience a failure to thrive, namely stunting.This situation occurs in many developing countries such as Indonesia. Stunting is a linear growth disorder characterized by a TB/U z-score less than-2SD. The study aimed to examine the incidence of stunting in children under five in terms of exclusive breastfeeding (ASI), complementary foods of breast milk (MP-ASI), immunization status, family characteristics. The research approach is quantitative with a Case-Control Study design and is carried out in West Java Province, with a sample size of 120 people. Data analysis includes bivariate using Chi-Square. The results showed that the incidence of stunting in children under five was due to low family income (p = 0.004; OR= 9.33), non-exclusive breastfeeding (p= 0.001; OR= 28.5), poor complementary feeding (p= 0.001; OR= 16), and incomplete immunization (p = 0.00; OR = 17). Stunting in children under five is closely related to low family income, non-exclusive breastfeeding, poor complementary breastfeeding, and incomplete immunization. Meanwhile, non-exclusive breastfeeding is a dominant factor as a risk factor for children experiencing stunting.