The Impacts of “A Plastic Ocean” Film on The Environmental Care Attitudes of Senior High School Students in Tangerang (original) (raw)

The Impact of Educational Films on Attitude and Awareness towards Environmental Problems

Trakya Eğitim Dergisi, 2019

Bu çalışma ile sınıf öğretmenliği anabilim dalında öğrenim görmekte olan ikinci sınıf öğretmen adaylarının çevre sorunlarına yönelik tutum ve farkındalıklarına eğitsel filmlerin etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu araştırmada iki grup rastgele oluşturularak deney ve kontrol grubu olarak atanmıştır ve çalışma nicel araştırma desenlerinden ön test son test kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel desene göre yürütülmüştür. Verilerin toplandığı katılımcılar, araştırmacının araştırma problemlerine cevap bulacağına inandığı kişileri seçmesine olanak veren amaçlı örnekleme ile belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama araçları olarak "Çevre Sorunlarına Yönelik Farkındalık Ölçeği" ve "Çevre Sorunlarına Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda deney grubunda yer alan öğretmen adaylarının çevre sorunlarına yönelik farkındalık son test puan ortalamalarının kontrol grubundan daha fazla olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen diğer bir sonuçta ise deney ve kontrol grubunda yer alan öğretmen adaylarının son test tutum puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır.


Environmental problems are getting worse nowadays. The importance of Environmental Education, particularly to the youth is crucial because youth are the leaders of the future and play significant roles in determining the direction of the country. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of video and pamphlets in influencing youth on Environmental Education. This study also determines to find the best medium to educate youth on Environmental Education be it video or pamphlet. The Social Cognitive Theory by Albert Bandura was used as a theoretical framework and a qualitative method of focus group was carried out in order to collect data from respondents. Findings indicated that respondents had a higher preference for the video as an Environmental Education medium as opposed to pamphlets.

The Effects of Using Animated Films in the Environmental Education Course on Prospective Teachers' Behavior towards Environmental Problems and Their Attitude towards Solid Waste and Recycling

International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 2020

This research aimed to investigate the effect of Wall-E films on prospective teachers' behavior towards environmental problems and attitude towards solid waste and recycling. In the research, one-group pre-test and post-test experimental design was used. The study group consisted of 130 prospective teachers at the Classroom Teacher Department, and the Department of Social Sciences Teaching in a Faculty of Education of a state university in Turkey. where they took Environmental Education course in 2018-2019 academic year. The data collection tools of the study were "Environmental Problems Behavior Scale" and "Solid Waste and Recycling Attitude Scale". After the scales were administered as a pre-test, the participants were invited to watch the movie Wall-E for a period of three weeks. Then the scales were re-administered as the post-test. It was found out that, watching the film, the participants' behavior towards environmental problems and their attitude towards solid waste and recycling increased in a positive way. The findings also revealed that attitude towards solid waste and recycling was a significant predictor of the prospective teachers' behavior towards environmental problems.

Source of Information About Environmental Awareness in Growing Green Ethos For Junior High School Students in Bandung, Indonesia

Proceedings of the Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Environmental Science, Society, and Technology, WESTECH 2018, December 8th, 2018, Medan, Indonesia

Environmental issues have become global issues. Environmental damage caused by human activities has entered an alarming stage, which is basically more due to the nescience of the community to protect the environment. This nescience is also triggered by the lack of individual understanding of the importance of protecting the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct environmental awareness activities to the community through counseling activities that take the Green Ethos theme. The target object of this counseling activity is junior high school students. The method used in this research is the description method, as an initial step to identify sources of information that form the understanding and environmental awareness possessed by the object of research. Data collection techniques used were using observation techniques and focus group discussions. The results show that the understanding and awareness of junior high school students in the city of Bandung tend to be formed from information obtained from friends, non-formal education, mass media, internet media, internet media, parents and teachers. However, there are a number of obstacles that become resistors for them to be able to actively participate in protecting the environment, among others are the availability of facilities such as a trash can that has been categorized, making it easier for students to dispose of waste according to their type, lack of available drinking water in public facilities to reduce the consumption of plastic beverage waste in packaging, as well as eating and drinking habits on the street or other public facilities which only provide minimal trash can

The Development of Learning Model through Video Documentary to Improve Environmental Knowledge of Coastal Residents of Palopo City, Indonesia

Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 2020

This study aims to develop the Environmental Learning Model (ELM) by using documentary videos to improve knowledge of coastal residents of Palopo City about mangrove, wastewater, domestic waste, and liveable house. There were two phases used in this research. The first phase examined the concept of the lesson plan, guidedbook, video material, evaluation tests, and answer sheets that were validated by the experts. In the second phase, two reviewers examined the practicality and the effectivity of the learning implementation. The validity result of the guided-book was in very valid category. The lesson plan was in very valid category, and the video material was also in the very valid category. This validation was carried out by educational expert and multimedia expert. Practicality: Two educational reviewers stated the syntax, social system, reactional principle, support system were implemented entirely. Effectivity: The learning result of environmental knowledge in the first trial wa...

Kuswati Purwanto Sutikno Encouraging pro environmental behavior

Advances in Business, Management and Entrepreneurship, 2020

Environmental issues are important in the context of sustainability devel-opment goals. Pro-environmental is an idea with a new paradigm that is able to influence consumer lifestyles. As a relatively new concept or idea, pro-environmental becomes nsumers’ challenge in terms of adopting and applying it to be a part of their lifestyle. This shows that pro-environmental behavior becomes a challenge for researchers. The aim of this literature review is to describe pro-environmental behavior and the antecedents of pro-environmental behavior. Theories that explain pro-environmental behavior include Value Belief Norm Theory, Theory of Planned Behavior, Ecological Theory, Attitudinal-Behavior-Context Theory, etc. While the antecedents of pro-environmental behavior are consumer innovativeness, values, belief, attitudes to pro-environmental behavior, age, gender, income, level of education and others. This literature review presents an opportunity for researchers to conduct validation testing of pro-environmental behavior instruments, which can be either unidimensional or multidimensional. Consumer innovativeness as an alternative predictor of pro-environmental behavior becomes an opportunity for researchers to explore in further research. The gap theory of consumer innovativeness arises with the existence of several different theoretical standpoints that explain consumer innovativeness.

Evaluation of Adult Environmental Awareness Behaviours in terms of Social Learning Theory according to Perceptions of Primary and Secondary School Students

International Journal of Higher Education, 2018

It has been a well-known fact that educational activities are significant in approaches directed to permanent solutions for environmental problems. To grow individuals who have awareness on their surroundings and are conscious about environment can be considered as an effective way of dealing with these problems. It is necessary to inform individuals about environment and to make them have innovative perspectives, by having positive attitudes. That is, individuals must be encouraged to change their attitudes and behaviours in a positive way. It is not possible to realize these aims only by means of instructing them. Becoming role models for the young makes the process easier and provides permanent learnings. Within this context, Social Learning Theory (SLT), posited by Albert Bandura, argues that learning by observations and imitations are important for children to acquire new knowledge, attitudes or behaviours. The purpose of this current study was to evaluate the adult environment...

MINUS plastic: influencing pro‐environmental attitudes among Singaporean youth

Environmental Education Research, 2009

Plastic have much to offer as a modern convenience but without developing responsible plastic waste management habits, it can have potential harmful environmental effects. Secondary research revealed the lack of focus on youth attitudes and needs in existing environmental initiatives. [minus]plastic is an environmental public promotional campaign encouraging Singaporean youth to adopt positive attitudes towards, recognize the importance of, and subsequently adopt the practice of responsible plastic management. We utilized Prochaska and DiClemente’s stages of change model (1982) to develop a Temporal Incentives Framework of Social Influence to guide campaign design. A pre-post quantitative research design showed that the pre-contemplation, contemplation and preparation stages progressed significantly after the campaign. The findings suggest that specialized information and small action steps must be adapted to allow migration to the successive stages. With strong presence of Internet culture among Singaporean youth, the online medium was proven effective in altering the attitudes of the target audience.

Environmental attitudes and behaviour of secondary school students in Hong Kong

The Environmentalist, 1996

A postal survey on 992 secondary students in Hong Kong was conducted to investigate environmental attitudes, using 's environmental concern scale and readiness to engage in various pro-environmental behaviors including paper recycling at school and at home, using less tissues and less plastic bags. Results indicated that students' expressed great concern about the environment and exhibited strong willingness to participate in various proenvironmental behaviors. However, students' over-optimism toward technological development and perceived importance of benefits of modern consumer goods were the two major factors that contradicted concern for the environment.

"Developing a teaching methodology to increase people's awareness of sustainable behavior, as part of an animation course". In: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN) 2016, Barcelona, Spain.

This paper discusses three main findings from classroom-based research. It focuses on: (i) developing a teaching methodology that can address the significance of sustainability, a global agenda for the 21 st century; (ii) raising people's awareness of sustainable behavior – especially at the individual level – through an educational course. A general elective course, namely: Modern Life and Animation (ANI100) that is run for undergraduate students at Chiang Mai University (CMU) in Thailand, was utilized as the research platform. The research was carried out between August 2015 and April 2016. It comprised four classrooms, with 104 students in total. Three main findings are identified. • Research finding 1: The production and presentation of animated movies can raise people's awareness of sustainable behavior. • Research finding 2: Nine thematic issues emerged as areas for fostering sustainable behavior, along with styles of storytelling and situations that can motivate change. • Research finding 3: There are six procedures that the students employed in the production of animated movies, based on the assignment guidelines.