Specifics of Formation and Deformation of Stone Age Sites Cultural Layers in Steppe Zone of East European Plain. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №1 (43) 2023 (original) (raw)

Review of Monograph: Berezina N.S. Stone Age of the Chuvash Volga Region // Archaeоlogy of the Eurasian Steppes. Kazan. 2021. Publ. No. 1. 261 P.. Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey No1 2022


This review analyzes N.S. Berezina's monograph devoted to one of the least studied region prior to the publication of her work. She managed to present voluminous data from new archeological sites containing a significant amount of residential buildings, stone and ceramic inventory. The materials cover the upper Paleolithic-Eneolithic complexes, and create a systematic picture of the ancient population development. The results of natural science methods that have improved the comprehensive understanding of archaeological objects are presented. The author provides the most important data on the sources of various stone raw materials, which is very important for studying the flint industries of different periods. N.S. Berezina gives a strong and persuasive cultural and chronological interpretation for each chronological complex. The author presents her interpretation of various aspects, which she comprehensively argues.

Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference “Dialogue of Urban And Steppe Cultures in the Eurasian Space” Dedicated to the Memory of G.А. Fedorov-Davydov. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №4 (26). 2018.


The article presents a brief overview of the proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference “Dialogue of Urban and Steppe Cultures in the Eurasian Space” held on September 20–25, 2018 in Pyatigorsk and Praskoveya village in Stavropol of the Russian Federation. The topics of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the memory of G.А. Fedorov-Davydov covered a wide range of issues on historical geography, characteristics of the material culture and technological impulses of relations between the cultures and civilizations of the Mongol Empire and the Golden Horde. The second series of issues was related to a systematic study of Bolgar settlement and the general activities of the Bolgar Archaeological Expedition. Particular attention was paid to interdisciplinary studies conducted within the framework of the complex project “The Ancient Town of Bolgar and the Island Town of Sviyazhsk” implemented in 2010–2018. The third series of discussed issues was associated with the particular features of the establishment of urban settlements in steppe Eurasia related to topography characteristics and localization of archaeological sites. The issues of the continuity of medieval cultural traditions were considered.

Environmental and Cultural Transformations at the Turn of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age in the Steppe Belt of Eurasia. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №3 (45) 2023


At the turn of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age in the steppe belt of Eurasia there were significant cultural transformations which probably had been connected with Rapid Climatic Cycles (RCC) in this time, around 3,2 ka calBP. The correlation of data obtained on the base of radiocarbon dating, paleoclimatic reconstructions and cultural and historical chronology for eastern and western zones of the Great Steppe allowed us to reconstruct these processes. In the Late Bronze period bearers of the Кarasuk culture spread in the steppe zone of the Southern Siberia from Central Kazakhstan to Mongolia and Northern Chine. Formation of the Late Bronze Age cultures Sabatinovka and Belozerka Active cultures took place during period of favorable environment. Then the bearers of the early Hallstattian Carpathian-Danubian cultures and the Cimmerian nomads appeared in the beginning of the Early Iron Age during the aridization episode. Since the middle of 9th century BC expansion of the nomadic Scythian cultures within the whole steppe belt began because of wet climatic conditions.

Cultural Layer of the Iron Age and Early Middle Ages Hillforts in the River-Heads of the Volga And Western Dvina (Runa-Zaborovka, Zaborovka-Likhusha, Voroshilovo, Verkhmarevo Archaeological Complex). Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey No3 2023


The cultural layers of five hillforts located in the upper parts of the Volga and Western Dvina rivers (Tver region) were studied according to the descriptions of prospecting shafts and core samples. The cultural layers of the hillforts are represented by dark sand with a thickness of 0.4–1 m, satiated with charcoal. The characteristics of the cultural layers of the hillforts allow authors to refer them to the Archaeological Dark Earth. The cultural layers of the hillforts differ in thickness, degree of homogeneity, coloring and concentration of charcoal. Radiocarbon dating of 19 charcoal samples suggests that the period of maximum economic activity at the hillforts of Zaborovka-Likhusha, Voroshilovo and Verkhmarevo-1 fell on the period of the Early Iron Age (3 century BC – first centuries AD). According to the finds of pottery and some attributive objects, these sites can be related to the Dyakovo and late Dyakovo cultures. The main stage in the formation of the cultural layer for Runa-Zaborovka and Verkhmarevo–2 hillforts corresponds to the Early Middle Ages.

Palynological Studies of Cultural Layers of the Settlement Birsk. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №3 (25). 2018.


The paper deals with the results of the palinological study of cultural stratifications of the multilayer Birsk settlement. 13 samples for pollen-spore analysis were taken from the reopened wall of the 1978 excavation. As a result of the analysis, a column of data characterizing the change in vegetation during the existing of the settlement is obtained. Three climatic periods for the Belaya region during the transition from the bronze age to the early iron age are distinguished by the authors – two periods of humidification and two periods of drying climate. By analyzing materials of the settlement the authors managed to date the first stage of humidity of the XII–IX centuries BC. The second period of humidification is dated within the VII–V centuries BC. Brief period of climate aridization is referred to the time from the turn of IX–VIII centuries BC to the turn of VIII–VII centuries BC.

Paleo-Environment Reconstruction According to Data on the Archaeological SItes in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe Zones of the Volga Region During Holocene. Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey No6 2021


A comparative analysis of the materials obtained on the reconstruction of natural conditions over the past 7000 years indicates that in regions remote from each other for long distances (Volga–Don interfluve and Volga Upland), there was an almost synchronous change in paleoclimatic data, i.e., an increase in precipitation in one region corresponded to the same direction of paleoclimate change in another. At the same time, it should be noted that the reconstruction of the paleo-environment in these regions was carried out using different methodological approaches. In the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Volga region, such “responses” to the alternation of micropluvials and microarids, as in the dry-steppe zone, are not diagnosed. Although there is a slight decrease in moisture after the Atlantic period, precipitation decreased by 4.5% in the early Iron Age and then by 6.5% in the early Middle Ages. It should be noted that the methodological approaches to the reconstruction of natural conditions in the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Volga region were almost identical, as in the study of paleo-soils of the Avilovo 1 and Avilovo 2 sections in the Volga Upland. Chemical weathering index (CIA); - geochemical indicators of the weathering coefficient; - ratio of readily soluble salts; and also - dynamics of soil carbonates in buried soils of archaeological sites were used.

Problematics of Paleoecological Reconstructions Based on Exposed Cultural Layers of Long-Term Post-Silent Functioning (on the Example of the Monuments of the Later Bronze Epoches of the Republic of Bashkortostan). Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №3 (25). 2018.


The article is devoted to the study of the features of the soil cultural layers of the settlement monuments of the developed late Bronze Age of the XIX–XVII centuries. BC. (1930–1750 BC, 1890–1740 BC, 2830–2820 BC, 1875–1840 BC, 1820–1795 BC, 1780–1685 BC, 1670–1665 BC (Beta Analytic – 347344, 347343, 352489, 395800) of the Southern Urals after the population's withdrawal. Monuments are monogenetic, located in the middle reaches of the river Urshak, with its tributary the Belyi Kluch River, created by the population of Srubnaya and Alakul cultural communities. The cultural layers are exposed, that is, the duration of the processes of soil formation and transformation is more than 3,5 thousand years.

Kuz’minykh S.V., Smirnov A.S. Archaeology in the North-Eastern Archaeological and Ethnographic Institute. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №1 (11). 2015.

The article is devoted to the little-known pages of the history of the North-Eastern Archaeological and Ethnographic Institute [NEAEI] in Kazan. Particular attention is given to the teaching of archeology in it. On the basis of archival documents the prehistory of education in the Institute is recreated, its formation and activities are analyzed. From the very beginning the Institute faced with the complexity of the organization of the educational process at the archaeological department. General and special courses were held by N.F. Vysotsky, B.F. Adler, S.P. Shestakov, M.G. Khudyakov. But the system of teaching archaeological disciplines in the NEAEI wasn’t established. The heads of the institute lacked the vision of the structure and methods of teaching archaeological disciplines, a list of them was constantly changed and complemented by. It was determined by the fact that archeology had not been a priority in the NEAEI, although the attendees of the archaeological department made up the majority of students. Статья посвящена малоизвестным страницам истории Северо-Восточного археологического и этнографического института в Казани. Особое внимание уделено в ней преподаванию археологии. На основе архивных документов воссоздана предыстория образования СВАЭИ, характеризуется его становление и деятельность. С самого начала институт столкнулся со сложностью организации учебного процесса на археоло- гическом отделении. Общие и специальные курсы вели Н.Ф. Высоцкий, Б.Ф. Адлер, С.П. Шестаков, М.Г. Худяков. Но система преподавания археологических дисциплин в СВАЭИ так и не была создана. У руководства института отсутствовало представление о структуре и методике преподавания археологических дисциплин, постоянно менялся и дополнялся их перечень. Сказывалось, что археология не была приоритетом в деятельности СВАЭИ, хотя слушатели археологического отделения составляли большую часть учащихся.

Results of Study of Stone Items from the Layer 2b in the Multi-Layer Site Cosăuți (Republic of Moldova). Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey №3.2020


The paper presents results of experimental and use-wear study of the large stone items series from the layer 2 of the Late Palaeolithic site Cosăuţi (the Republic of Moldova). As a result of the analysis, functionally diverse tools were identified in the collection under study. These data indicate the widespread use for the production of tools of different types of raw materials: antler, bone, hide, ocher, as well as flint and various other types of stone. Of particular interest is the discovery of the lower and upper grinding stones used for crushing, kneading and grinding of plant materials. According to the authors, such findings are undeniable evidence of the practice of gathering, which expands our understanding of the forms of economic activity of the inhabitants of the settlement.

Steppe Eneolithic Cultures (in Russian)

История исследования и структура энеолита Северо-Западного Причерноморья. За последние двадцать лет в целом сложились достаточно полные представления об особенностях культурного развития в Северо-Западном Причерноморье в эпоху энеолита. В течение этого периода была разработана культурно-хронологическая структура рассматриваемого периодай эпохиуппы и даже оформился круг своего рода «вечных» вопросов, дискуссии по которым не прекращаются по сей день и отличаются довольно высоким уровнем разногласий. К таким вопросам можно, например, отнести формирование некоторых культурных подразделений, их генетическую и хронологическую сопряженность с соседними и более отдаленными культурами, сущность культурных связей, социальную и экономическую интерпретацию археологических данных, общую оценку культурно-исторической ситуации и т.п.