Prinsip-Prinsip Kepemilikan Harta Dalam Islam (original) (raw)
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konsep kepemilikan dalam islam
Dengan memanjatkan puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa penulis dapat Menyelesaikan tugas pembuatan makalah yang berjudul " Konsep Kepemilikan Dalam Islam " dengan lancar. Dalam pembuatan makalah ini, penulis mendapat bantuan dari berbagai pihak, maka pada kesempatan ini penulis mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada: Bapak Mulyadi Kosim, yang telah memberikan kesempatan dan memberi fasilitas sehingga makalah ini dapat selesai dengan lancar. Serta orang tua tercinta kami dirumah yang telah memberikan bantuan materil maupun doanya, sehingga pembuatan makalah ini dapat terselesaikan. Semua pihak yang tidak dapat penulis sebutkan satu persatu yang membantu pembuatan makalah ini. Akhir kata semoga makalah ini bisa bermanfaat bagi pembaca pada umumnya dan penulis pada khususnya, penulis menyadari bahwa dalam pembuatan makalah ini masih jauh sempurna untuk itu penulis menerima saran dan kritik yang bersifat membangun demi perbaikan kearah kesempurnaan. Akhir kata penulis sampaikan terima kasih.
Konsep Hak Milik Dalam Ekonomi Islam
Mu'amalat: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Capitalism as an economic system that is implemented by most countries in the world today, in fact it gave birth to injustice and social inequalityare increasingly out of control. Social and economic inequalities are felt both between countries (developed and developing countries) as well as insociety itself (the rich minority and the poor majority). The condition is born from the practice of departing from faulty assumptions about the man. In capitalism the individual to own property released uncontrollably, causing a social imbalance. On the other hand, Islam never given a state model that guarantees fair distribution of ownership for all members of society, ie at the time of the Prophet Muhammad established the Islamic government in Medina. In Islam, the private ownership of property was also recognized but not absolute like capitalism. Islam also recognizes the forms of joint ownership for the benefit of society and acknowledges the ownership of the state that aims to create a b...
Kepemilikan Individu Menurut Islam
Mizan: Journal of Islamic Law
Islam has set the terms of ownership, whether public ownership, the individual and the state. By law, individuals are entitled to have, enjoy, and transfer of wealth, but people also have a moral obligation to spend in his property. Permissibility of individual ownership is an attempt to achieve distributive justice in real terms, and maintaining a balance in economic matters. Ownership system in Islam has many different features and systems of capitalism and communism, because Islam provides a balance between the opposites can be overstated by both the School of Economics. Although Islam gives rights to individuals to possess wealth, but the state has the right to regulate the ownership of individual interventions with the provisions outlined by the Islamic shariah.
AmaNU: Jurnal Manajemen dan Ekonomi, 2020
The real owner of the resources in this universe is Allah SWT. Humans and creatures that live in the world, in this case are only recipients of entrusted by Him only temporarily and cannot have forever. So at any time it can be taken back by Him, namely Allah SWT. As contained in the word of Allah in Qs. Al-Baqarah verse 284 which states that absolute ownership of property is not recognized in Islam: "To Allah is everything that is in the heavens and what is on earth. And if you give birth to what is in your heart or you hide it, surely Allah will make a calculation with you about your deeds. Then Allah forgives whom He wants and torments whom He wants, and Allah is almighty over all things ". As we know that Man is the caliph of his property, this is also explained in QS. Al-Hadiid verse 7: "Have faith in Allah and His Messenger and spend part of your wealth which Allah has made you control. So those who believe among you and spend (part) of their wealth will receive a great reward.
Konsep Distribusi Kepemilikan dalam Islam
Ekonomica Sharia: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah, 2019
The background of this research is that God tells humanity to make their contribution to people in need. Wealth that must be managed and distributed to the community and wealth should not only be concentrated in certain groups. Wealth that is only centered on certain groups will hamper economic growth because this cannot be utilized as well as possible and eventually cause community opposition. According to the Islamic economic system, distribution is obtained through data sources obtained from Islamic economic system books, literature, and relevant study materials. Ownership in the concept of Islam, what is in the universe belongs only to Allah. Humans as a trusted caliph to be approved by the universe.
Jurnal Alwatzikhoebillah : Kajian Islam, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Humaniora
Setiap individu dapat terjebak ke dalam gaya hidup konsumerisme baik sadar atau pun tidak. Apa yang sedang terjadi di kalangan orang-orang kelas atas dengan sikap konsumerisme, materialistik, dan pamer harta bukanlah satu kekeliruan yang mutlak. Namun, masyarakat perlu melakukan sebuah refleksi mengenai sejauh mana aksi-aksi tersebut mendorong seseorang kepada nilai positif atau negatif. Dengan fenomena ini, peneliti hendak mengkaji topik yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana pemanfaatan harta yang baik dalam pandangan Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian yang bersifat normatif dengan paradigma penelitian kualitatif. Jenisnya merupakan penelitian kepustakaan. Data primernya berasal dari ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an dan hadis. Sedangkan data sekundernya berasal dari literatur lain seperti buku-buku dan jurnal ilmiah, serta dari artikel online. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dapat diungkapkan bagaimana memanfaatkan harta dalam pandangan Islam: menghabiskan harta dengan berorientasi pada pendekatan di...