International Conference "Signs of Cohabitations in Urban Spaces of the Roman Near East (1st-6th cent. CE)" (original) (raw)
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The 2013 campaign has taken over the investigation in the areas already previously detected, focusing on the block delimited thanks to the identification of two new routes in the 2012 campaign. Excavations, conducted by the formula of the site-school, has been organized in order to achieve both trenches of stratigraphic verifications, inside spaces highlighted in previous years, and the enlargement of the investigation, especially in the western sector of the block. On the North and South the limits of the block have been better defined, investigating, up to the level of the paved floor, the southern route-axis and performing a test of stratigraphic deepening in the northern route- axis, which was not provided - with the exception of the intersection with the north-south axis - with a floor paved. The survey allowed us to verify the entire sequence of the floors of the road axis, which seem to live since the Archaic period. Also in the southern sector of the block the limits of the peristyle of the house of the late Republican period have been brought to light; this comes with a porch on three sides and a back wall, the limit of the block, with the altar. It was also carried out an in-depth trench on a place setting at the southeast corner, from which it is clear the entire sequence, showing an occupation since the Archaic period, with the construction of the first building in blocks of tuff at least in the Vth century B.C.
Matteo D'Acunto, Carla Bagnulo, Domenico Oione, Stefano Iavarone, Mariangela Barbato, Laura Carpentiero, Gaia Forlano, GIOVANNI BORRIELLO, Emanuela Auzino, Alfredo Carannante, Marco Giglio
Oecus Corinthius et Aegyptius. Origini, applicazioni e interpretazioni di due modelli architettonici in Italia e nel Mediterraneo meridionale e orientale tra Augusto e i Severi, in IN SOLO PROVINCIALI (Thiasos 9.2) Giuseppe Mazzilli (ed.), pp. 321-346., 2020
Article complete: Abstract The current paper deals with the review of the archaeological evidence attributable to the Vitruvian models of the oeci corinthii and aegyptii, as attested in Italy and in the South-Eastern Mediterranean between the late Hellenistic and the Severian periods. Starting from a preliminary investigation, that aims at identifying the origins of the architectural model, the study focuses on the preserved testimonies, in order to verify the applications and the interpretations of the Corinthian ad Aegyptian oeci in the different investigated areas. As a matter of fact, recent studies on Roman architecture in Italy, Greece, North Africa, and in the Syro-Palestinian area do allow to suggest a preliminary scenario about the diffusion, application, and interpretation of these two architectural models. Oggetto del contributo è il riesame delle testimonianze archeologiche riconducibili ai modelli vitruviani degli oeci corinthii ed aegyptii attestati in Italia e nel Mediterraneo meridionale e orientale in un periodo compreso tra la tarda epoca ellenistica e l’età severiana. Partendo da una preliminare indagine volta a identificare l’origine del modello architettonico, lo studio si concentrerà sulle testimonianze note, al fine di verificare le applicazioni e le interpretazioni degli oeci corinthii ed aegyptii nelle diverse aree indagate. Grazie a recenti studi sull’architettura di età romana nel territorio italiano, greco, nordafricano e siro-palestinese, è infatti possibile proporre un primo quadro dettagliato della diffusione, dell’applicazione e delle interpretazioni di questi modelli architettonici.