Kinematics and dynamics of (original) (raw)

Grand battement kinematics

The purpose of this study was to examine grand battement devant at the barre, in the center, and traveling through space. The primary focus was to consider weight transfer in three conditions: from two feet to one foot for the barre and center conditions, and from one foot to the other foot in traveling. Forty female dancers volunteered (mean age 30.0 ± 13.0 yrs) and were placed in three groups: beginner (n = 12), intermediate (n = 14), and advanced (n = 14). Data were collected with a 7-camera Vicon motion capture system using a Plugin Gait Full Body Marker set and with two Kistler force plates. Dancers executed five grand battement devant in each of three conditions in randomized order: at the barre in 1st position, in the center in 1st position, and traveling through space. Four variables were investigated: center of gravity of the full trunk, center of gravity of the pelvis, center of gravity of the upper trunk, and center of mass. Data were analyzed in three intervals-stance to battement initiation (STN to GBI), initiation to battement peak (GBI to GBP), and peak to end (GBP to END)-and in the x-axis and y-axis. The main effect condition was significant for all four variables in both x-axis and yaxis (p<0.001). There were no significant differences for training and no significant condition ϫ training interactions. Condition was significant for all three intervals (STN to GBI, GBI to GBP, and GBP to END) for all four variables in both axes (p<0.01). Dance educators might consider the importance of allocating sufficient time in dance practice to each of the three conditions-barre, center, and traveling-to ensure development of a variety of motor strategies for weight transfer.

Laboratory Experiment # 2. Basic Kinematics

The experiment was dedicated to the familiarization with Chi-squared Test and to the obtainment of position-time, velocity-time and acceleration-time graphs. Different activities were performed, appropriate graphs were predicted and then obtained. Possible errors were referred to the human factor. Generally, the experiment was said to work well.

Accuracy evaluation of an on-line kinematic system via dynamic tests

Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 1997

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Reliability and validity of the MarkWiiRTM for kinematic analysis

Nova Science Publishers (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), 2012

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Kinematics and


Estimation of knee ligaments loads using the modelling approach applied on in-vivo accurate