Analysis of news content clarifying misinformation and fake news by media professionals (original) (raw)

The rapid global spread of misinformation and false information which we call "infodemic", during Covid-19 is as severe as the Pandemic itself. But, we must not ignore the fact that Mediahas undoubtedly played a major role by not only bringing awareness but also pacifying the masses during the Pandemic on misinformation specially. From Print Media to Digital Media, the entire media fraternity had put its complete vigor and enthusiasm in fighting against this deadly evil whether it is through the presentation of News or clarifying the myth and preventing the misinformation to spread. Keeping this in light, the main aim of this study is to bring forth the role of media professionals in fighting against the myth, fake news and misinformation spreading more than the speed of Virus itself. The paper will also try to analyze the content published in newspaper which clarifies the myth and misinformation spreading during these hard times and the role played by Media Professionals in understanding, rebuking and purposefully correcting such misinformation on print media. The objective of this article is also to illustrate the characteristics of said misinformation on media by descriptive analysis, including the typology, the most-mentioned information, and a developmental timeline. The paper therefore tries to establish the fact that combating misinformation on media is likely not a single effort instead, scholars, journalists, educators, and citizens must collaboratively identify and correct any such myth and misinformation.