The role of endosonography (EUS) in preoperative staging of patients with stomach cancer (original) (raw)
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Analysis of diagnostic criteria for diffuse and intestinal types of stomach cancer
In order to reduce the causes of death from malignant neoplasms, early and correct diagnosis of all neoplasms remains relevant at all times. Clinical and morphological criteria for the malignancy of the process are widely used to predict the clinical course of stomach cancer. Purpose: to justify the clinical and morphological diagnosis of diffuse and intestinal types of stomach cancer. Methods. Study design: аdescriptive retrospective study. The study was conducted on the material of 109 patients who were admitted for examination to the Aktobe Regional Pathological ofce in 2018-2020.Statistical data processing was performed using the STATISTICA 10.0 software package. Differences between the samples of qualitative comparison indicators were assessed using the Pearson Chi-square test. The level of statistical signifcance is p <0.05. Results: A diffuse type of stomach cancer was found in 33% of 109 patients, average age was 58 years. The tumor was localized in the proximal part of the stomach in 72% of cases.And in 67% of histopathological cases, it was observed as a tumor of a low degree of differentiation.Intestinal type of stomach cancer was detected in 67% of cases, the average age of patients was 69 years. In 58% of patients, a tumor was found in the distal part of the stomach. Histopathological 55% - was detected as a tumor of medium degree of differentiation. Conclusions: In conclusion, it should be noted that a comprehensive study of the diagnostic criteria of diffuse and intestinal types of gastric cancer allows patients to justify a timely diagnosis.
The value of endorectal ultrasonography in rectal cancer staging
Medicinski pregled, 2008
Sazetak -Preoperativno odredivanje stadijuma karcinoma rektuma je od presudnog znacaja za planiranje terapije. individualno za svakog pacijenta Ova studija je imala za cilj da utvrdi tacnost endorektalnog ultrazvuka u preoperativnom odredivanju stadijuma karcinoma rektuma. Pedeset boIesnika sa dijagnostikovanim karcinomom rektuma (3 I muskarac, 19 zena) pregIedani su endorektalnim ultrazvukom sa sondom od 7.5 MHz. Preoperativnu hemioiradijaciju primilo jc 38 pacijenata te je kod njih pregled radcn pre i nakon sprovedene zracne terapije. Rezultati pregleda su uporedivani sa histoloskirn nalazima operativnog preparata. Patohistoloski je postavljena dijagnoza 4 TO. 3 TI, 12 T2, 30 T3 i jedan T4 tumor. Metastaze u limfnim cvorovima su identifikovane kod 17 pacijenata. Ukupna tacnost endorektalnog ultrazvuka u odredivanju T stadijuma bila je 66% a u odredivanju N stadijuma 70%. U proceni da Ii postoji proboj zida rektuma iii ne (T I-2 vs. T3-4 / Dukes A vs. Dukes B) endorektalni ultrazvuk je pokazao sen zitivnost, specificnost i tacnost od 74%, 68% i 72%. Endorektalni ultrazvuk je pouzdana dijagnosticka procedura u odredivanju stadijuma karcinoma rektuma: To je brz, bezbedan, tacan i jeftin pregled, pacijenti ga dobro podnose, te treba da bude dijagnosticka metoda izbora u odredivanju stadijuma karcinoma rektuma, iako treba uzeti u obzir izvesne teskoce u dijagnostici kod pacijenata koji su primili radioterapiju.
Siberian journal of oncology, 2021
Introduction. A multimodal approach to the treatment of locally advanced gastric cancer with the addition of systemic or local treatment methods, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, reduces the risk of cancer recurrence, thus improving survival of patients. Advances in anticancer therapy dictate the need to develop systems for assessing tumor response to new treatment modalities.Material and Methods. The study included 162 patients with locally advanced gastric cancer who received treatment at the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology from 2015 to 2018. All patients underwent subtotal gastric resection or gastrectomy with lymph node dissection and previously received neoadjuvant polychemotherapy. Patients were in the age range 30 to 80 years old. The tumor pathomorphological response to chemotherapy was assessed in all patients using a pathomorphological response rate system according to the classification of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association (JGCA, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series, 2019
The condition of gastric mucosa was assessed in relatives of patients with gastric cancer (RPGC). The study included 108 RPGC (main group) and 102 patients with no family history of gastric cancer who were screened for dyspepsia. All study participants were subjected to clinical examination, questioning and esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) with a biopsy, in which the gastric mucosa state was assessed according to the modified Sydney system, the OLGA and OLGIM systems, and the definition of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. It was established that the prevalence of H. pylori infection in the main group was 58.3 % (95 % CI 48.8–67.7), in the control group – 56.0 % (95 % CI 46.1–65.6). At RPGC, atrophy of any localization (46.3 % (95 % CI 39.4–53.2) versus 26.5 % (95 % CI 20.4–32.6), respectively, was found more often than in the control group, respectively, p = 0.002), antral atrophic gastritis (41.6 % (95 % CI 34.8–48.4) versus 26.5 % (95 % CI 20.4–32.6), respectively, p = ...
Отдаленные результаты хирургического лечения больных раком желудка: связь с клиническими факторами
Distant results of treatment of 92 people having stomach cancer after different surgical operations are given. With the aim of specification of predictor role of different factors multifactor analysis is carried out. General survival of patients according to the received results depended on the degree of spread of tumor process. Thus, at the index T1 3 and 5 years survival composed 84.8 and 84.8 % accordingly. At the grade of increasing this index the longevity of life is reducing, composing at T4 25.8 and 12.9 % accordingly. General survival is also in direct dependence of features, characterizing the stage of tumor process, to be exact, the level of invasion of wall of stomach, state of regional glands, and also some morphological criteria invasion in lymphatic vessels, intramural metastasis. Maximum indices of longevity of life were at invasion of mucosal and submucosal layers, 5 year survival was 85.7 %. In the case of invasion of tumor cells in blood vessels 3 and 5 years survi...
Mathematical modeling and forecasting of esophageal and stomach cancer case rate in Kazakhstan
Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan, 2016
Objective. Create a mathematical model and forecast esophageal and stomach cancer case rate in Kazakhstan up to the year 2020. Methods: It is retrospective, descriptive-analytical study. Primary information sources during performance of this work were indicators of oncological service of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1990-2014. Forecasting on the level of esophageal and stomach cancer case rate was performed through the development of time-series model and their extrapolation. The length of the forecast period was identified by the length of actual data series. Total forecast in the country up to the year 2020 was made on the basis of data for 1990-2014. Unfortunately, due to the insufficiency of data in archives, we failed to obtain the required volume of data across the country regions for the specified period. Comparatively short regional database, which covers the period from 1999 to 2014, allowed to extrapolate the obtained models for 2-3 years in advance, in our case-up to 2017. Considering the dynamics peculiarities of esophageal and stomach cancer case rate among the country population, the most relevant method for forecasting is the logarithmic function. Results. According to the results of forecasting, there was some tendency to the growth of esophageal and stomach cancer case rate among the population of Akmola (from 8,900/0000 to 9,650/0000), Almaty (from 5,740/0000 to 6,130/0000) and Kostanay (from 9,450/0000 to 10,590/0000) regions. Based on the forecast of stomach cancer case rate in Zhambyl region, there is a possibility of the growth from 15,00/0000 to 16,00/0000 till the year 2017. In all other regions there was a common tendency to stabilization and decrease in stomach cancer case rate. Nationwide, there is a tendency to the decrease in esophageal cancer (7,90/0000) and stomach cancer (17,00/0000) case rate to the year 2020. Conclusion. In connection with the identification of esophageal and stomach cancer case rate growth in a certain regions of Kazakhstan during mathematical forecasting, there is a viability of further investigations on the detailed study of possible cause and effect relationships of this phenomenon.
Surgical treatment of patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the stomach
Khirurgiya. Zhurnal im. N.I. Pirogova, 2016
Длительное время гастроинтестинальные стромальные опухоли (ГИСО) расценивались как лейомиомы и лейомиосаркомы, и истинный показатель их распространенности был искажен. В 1983 г. Маzur и Clark, годом позже Shaldendrand и Appelman впервые использовали термин «гастроинтестинальная стромальная опухоль». Только в 2000 г. ГИСО были выделены как отдельная нозологическая группа. На сегодняшний день известно, что ГИСО являются наиболее распространенными среди неэпителиальных опухолей пищеварительного тракта. В развитых странах мира на 1 млн населения обнаруживается до 20 случаев ГИСО в год, 20-45% из них являются злокачественными, остальные 55-80% имеют злокачественный потенциал. Следует отметить, что ГИСО составляют около 80% всех сарком желудочно-кишечного тракта и 1% всех злокачественных новообразований пищеварительного тракта [6, 7]. ГИСО развиваются в любом отделе желудочно-кишечного тракта, чаще всего в желудке-60-70%, реже в тонкой кишке-15-30%, в толстой кишке-5-8%, в прямой кишке-5%, в пищеводе-2-5%, в червеобразном отростке-в единичных наблюдениях. Имеются сведения о выявлении ГИСО в поджелудочной железе, желчном пузыре, предстательной железе, мочевом пузыре, большом и малом сальнике, брыжейке тонкой и толстой кишки, забрюшинном пространстве [1].
Dokazatel'naya gastroenterologiya, 2016
Modern digital technologies make it possible to obtain the additional data for the characteristic of the revealed colorectal lesions and thereby facilitate taking decision as regards the strategies for their real-time treatment. narrow-band imaging endoscopy is used as an alternative to morphological diagnostics for the detection of small-sized polyps. The niCe-classification is one of the most widely applied classifications all over the world. it has been shown that sensitivity of narrow-band imaging endoscopy for the differentiation between hyperplastic and adenomatous polyps amounts to 84,6% (95% Ci 78,35-89,58%) and specificity to 99,2% (95% Ci 95,5-99,9%), 99,3% (95% Ди 96,3-99,9%), with the positive prognostic value being 99,3% (95% Ди 96,3-99,9%), the negative prognostic value 81,9% (95% Ci 74,7-87,7%) and auC for ROC-analysis 0,92 (95% Ci 0,88-0,95). an indispensable condition for the practical application of narrow-band imaging endoscopy for differential diagnostics between hyperplastic and adenomatous polyps is the adequate training of the doctors. One of the forms of such training is master-classes as exemplified by the master class carried out in the framework of the 16 th international conference «high technologies applied in endoscopy of the digestive system» (YeS-2016) held in Yaroslavl. in the Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Oncological hospital, images obtained during colonoscopy are stored to be integrated into the study protocols with the use of the eMiS hardware and software system.
Journal of Modern Oncology, 2021
Background. Lack of universal diagnostic parameters that can accurately and reliably diagnose presence of a malignant neoplasm, anticancer drug effectiveness or metastasis development including dormant ones and also to detect the progression or relapse of the disease at an early stage put on the first place studies related to the identification of such markers. Increased secretion and activity of the urokinase type plasminogen activator (uPA), its receptor (uPAR) accompany many types of malignant neoplasms, contributing their progression and metastasis, as well as the emergence of chemoresistance. So today these proteins are promising diagnostic targets in oncology. Aim. To evaluate the diagnostic significance of the expression levels of uPA and uPAR in blood serum of patients with colorectal and gastric adenocarcinoma and uPA/uPAR distribution in samples obtained from the primary tumor node, to assess the possibility of their use as universal diagnostic indicators in cancer patient...
Annals of Critical Care, 2020
Introduction. Despite the advances in modern anesthesiology, it is impossible to guarantee a safe course of anesthesia, and even with planned surgical interventions, there is a risk of death. At present, there is no unanimity in approaches to assessing perioperative risk, and many systems for determining this risk have not been validated in Russia. The question of the contribution of pre-operative factors to the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome also remains open, which requires large multicenter national studies. Objectives. To assessment the predictive value of preoperative factors in determining the risk of death and complications based on the analysis of data obtained during the first year of the STOPRISK study. Materials and methods. An analysis of data on perioperative indices of 3002 patients operated on the abdominal and pelvic organs from 30 centers in 21 cities of Russia participating in the STOPRISK study is presented. Results. The mortality rate in the study was 0.47 ...