The Design of Maternal Health Status Report System to Decrease Maternal Mortality in Jember Regency (original) (raw)

Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates’s Contributing Factors Description and Its Prevention in Kencong Healthcare Center, Jember Regency : A Descriptive Study

Medical and health science journal, 2024

Background: Maternal Mortality Rates (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rates (IMR) are two of the indicators on the success of health programs in Indonesia. Jember has become the district with the highest rate of maternal and infant deaths throughout 2020-2021. Methods: This research assessed the contributing factors of MMR and IMR in Puskesmas Kencong, Jember Regency. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research design. Data in this study were taken by conducting interviews to fill out questionnaires to mothers who had given birth at least once and the Coordinating Midwife and Head Midwife of PONED (Basic Emergency Neonatal Obstetrics Services) at the Puskesmas Kencong. Then the data from the questionnaires and interviews will be processed and then explained in the narrative. Results:. Based on data from questionnaires filled out by 37 respondents, as well as questions posed to the midwife, Puskesmas Kencong has fulfilled the requirements needed as a PONED Health Center according to PONED Guidelines.

Description Data Completeness in Maternal & Child Health (MCH) Handbook in Temanggung Regency

Journal of Public Health for Tropical and Coastal Region, 2019

Background: Maternal mortality rate in Central Java in 2015 was still high, at 111 / 100,000 live births. Therefore developed a method for early detection of the cause of death in “Desa Siaga“ Program. In this program include a community-based surveillance. Sources of primary data recording surveillance activities are MCH handbook. Therefore it needs to know how the completeness of MCH handbook as a basis for the development of surveillance system in the villageMethod: Data collection techniques using observations with the checklist instrument to describe data completeness MCH handbook. Population study is MCH handbook what owned by Mothers who have children under five. Samples were MCH handbook in 31 villages with category Active “ Desa Siaga” in the working area three health centers in the district of Temanggung.Results: The average of data completeness in MCH Handbook was 45.29%. For 13 MCH Handbook section was observed, there are only 3 parts completeness above 50%, Ten other p...

Analysis of causes of maternal mortality in Sukabumi West Java

Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan

@ Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan tenaga kesehatan, faktor fasilitas kesehatan dan faktor hambatan rujukan serta adany faktor pencatatan dan pelaporan terkait kematian maternal. Upaya penurunan kematian maternal dilakukan melalui penguatan sistem pemberdayaan masyaraka kematian ibu merupakan hal yang sulit untuk diselesaikan dengan kompleksitas karena memerlukan upaya yang melibatkan berbagai pihak.

Maternal mortality audit based on district maternal health performance in East Java Province, Indonesia

Bali Medical Journal, 2018

Background: Maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still high, including in East Java Province. Although the successful decline in MMR has been achieved, more action still needed to maintain and accelerate the process. Several factors that affect the maternal mortality, especially referral factor, and districts maternal health services quality, need to analyse. This study was conducted to analyze the correlation between maternal mortality with labour referral and maternal health service quality in 10 regencies/cities in East Java Province, Indonesia Methods: The case-control study among 2 groups of 5 regencies/cities with the highest and lowest MMR in East Java Province in 2015. The indicators used, were maternal referral relay in maternal mortality report, frequencies of antenatal care, labor by health care provider, puerperal health care, obstetric complication management, detection of high-risk pregnancy by community and healthcare personnel, and family planning program. Results: Total number of maternal mortality in East Java province in 2015 was 531, with MMR were 89,6/100.000 living birth. From the comparative study, we found a significant difference in indicators of high-risk pregnancy detection by healthcare personnel (p=0,035) and obstetrics complications management (p=0,006). There were no significant differences in frequencies of antenatal care, labor by health care provider, puerperal health care, detection of high-risk pregnancy by community, and family planning program in 10 regencies/cities in East Java Province, Indonesia Conclusion: High-risk pregnancy detection by healthcare personnel and obstetrics complications management were related with MMR in 10 districts in East Java province, Indonesia.

Developing a Web-Based Information System in Detection of High-Risk Pregnancies in Semarang, Indonesia: Addie Model

Belitung Nursing Journal

A web-based information system in this study was developed using ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) instruction model to facilitate the monitoring and reporting the existence of high-risk pregnancies in Semarang. The evaluation of the system revealed that web-based information system was very effective in terms of completeness, ease, timeliness, accuracy, and conformity with p-value <0.05. This innovation is expected to contribute positively to reduce maternal mortality rates in Indonesia, especially in Semarang

An Analysis of Maternal Death’ Cause in Bandung City (Epidemiology Study in Efforts to Lower Maternal Mortality Rate in West Java Province)

STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan

The results showed that the factors associated with maternal mortality based on the analysis were history of ANC (OR = 37.4; 95% CI: 9.5 - 313.6; p = 0.012), place of death (OR = 21.5; 95% CI: 2.5 - 188.5; p = 0.001), Health Facility (OR = 21.5; 95% CI: 2.5 - 188.5; p = 0.001), Non-referral case (OR = 91.2; 95% CI: 11.1 - 750; p = 0.001), delay in referral (OR = 122.1; 95% CI: 14.7 - 1010.2; p = 0.001). The results of the qualitative study showed that maternal mortality was affected by several factors, such as the low level of understanding of danger signs in pregnancy, labor and childbirth, low levels of late referral by overdue family decisions.

Overview of relation between coverage of health services and maternal mortality in East Java Province in 2015

Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi, 2017

Objectives: to analyze the efforts of maternal health services that may affect maternal mortality rate.Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at the Health Office of East Java using secondary data from 38 districts/cities in East Java in 2015 that includes performance antenatal care K1 and K4, postnatal care, early detection of complications in pregnant women, natal in health workers and health facilities, management of complications by health workers and MMR. Data were analyzed with statistical method with spatial regression and illustrated with thematic maps by application ArcView statistics.Results: the highest MMR was in Bojonegoro district, Lumajang, Probolinggo, Bondowoso, Situbondo and Probolinggo city. Some districts/cities that have the highest maternal mortality has proximity of areas, namely the district Lumajang, Probolinggo, Bondowoso, Situbondo and Probolinggo city. Their proximity concluded an association condition and the causes of MMR between districts so th...

Development Model of Perinatal Death Surveilance and Response (PDSR) in Semarang City, Indonesia

Jurnal Medicoeticolegal dan Manajemen Rumah Sakit, 2019

The infant mortality rate is the important things to measure health status and achievement of Sustained Development Goals (SDGs). It can be used to audit the cause of perinatal death and used to planning program to prevent the death. In addition, data on perinatal deaths must be recorded in terms of population administration. The problem is underreported perinatal death so that data not valid. This is because many government stakeholder such as Health Office, Administrative Village, Family Empowerment and Welfare (PKK), and the Information and Communication Department has reported and recorded perinatal death themself but not integrated. This study aims to develop a concept of integrated perinatal death report and record. This research is qualitative research with following steps advocation, initial assessment, and development models through interview, observation, and Focus Group Discussion methods. The result of this study is existing condition and concept model that can integrate of perinatal death record and reported. The concept model in Semarang City, Indonesia can be done in two ways. First, data comes from the Health Office (SIM-KIA). Second, data comes from Administrative Village and Family Empowerment and Welfare (PKK). All of the data forwarded to the Integrated Data Integration System (SIDADU) in Information and Communication Service in Semarang City. To support the validity of data, the Health Office should identify all public and private health facilities related to perinatal care. The local government should release Circular Letter concerning the notification of services regarding the recording and reporting of perinatal deaths in Administrative Village. Angka kematian bayi dan perinatal merupakan salah satu indikator penting untuk menilai derajat kesehatan dan pencapaian Sustained Development Goals (SDGs). Angka tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai perencanaan program untuk mencegah kematian bayi dan perinatal. Selain itu, data kematian perinatal juga perlu dilaporkan dalam hal administasi kependudukan. Salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi adalah adanya kematian perinatal yang tidak dilaporkan (underreported) sehingga data yang diperoleh tidak valid. Hal ini dikarenakan data mengenai kematian perinatal yang diperoleh dari sektor terkait seperti Dinas Kesehatan, Kelurahan, PKK, Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil, serta Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika tidak terintegrasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan konsep model pencatatan dan pelaporan kematian perinatal (PDSR) yang terintegrasi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif melalui tahapan advokasi, analisis kebutuhan, dan pengembangan model dengan metode wawancara, observasi, dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Model integrasi pencatatan dan pelaporan kematian perinatal di Kota Semarang dapat dilakukan melalui dua alur. Pertama, data diperoleh dari Dinas Kesehatan. Kedua, data diperoleh dari Kelurahan dan PKK. Keseluruhan data akan diintegrasikan melalui Sistem Integrasi Data Terpadu (SIDADU) yang dikelolah oleh Dinas Komunikasi dan Informasi sebagai wali data. Untuk mendukung validitas data, Dinas Kesehatan sebaiknya mengidentifikasi semua fasilitas kesehatan baik publik maupun swasta yang berkaitan dengan perawatan perinatal. Selain itu, Pemerintah Daerah sebaiknya mengeluarkan Surat Edaran mengenai kewajiban untuk mencatat dan melaporkan kematian perinatal di Kelurahan.

Maternal Mortality Evaluation: A Case Study in Bantul, Yogyakarta

Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 2019

Background: Maternal mortality rate is one of the indicators to measure the level of a woman's health. The maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still high, it's about 190/100.000 live birth. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the cause of maternal death in Bantul at 2016 which related to the health services including human resources. Subjects and Method: This was a mixed method with case study design on maternal mortality in Bantul District. The qualitative data collected through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and the quantitative data from the questionnaire were filled by a senior midwife throughout the hospital in Bantul. The number of hospitals in Bantul District was 11 consisting of 1 government hospital and 10 private hospitals. Results: The number of obstetricians who could be available 24 hours in hospitals was still limited. The skills of midwives were still considered to be limited in handling a number of obstetric emergency conditions due to the lack of regular training. The primary health care services which had been provided to support and handle obstetric emergencies, but the infrastructure and human resources were still considered inadequate. Thus, there was also a condition where the utilization of integrated ANC facilities in the primary health center (Puskesmas) was still low, soan early detection of complications of pregnancy was less optimal. Conclusion: There are three main topics causing the maternal mortality at Bantul, and those are 1)Maternal mortality related to hospital facilities, 2) Maternal mortality related to human resources at the hospital, 3) Maternal mortality related to health center facility.

District Health Information System on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health How Good Is It? A Case of Deli Serdang and Sumedang Districts

Kesmas: National Public Health Journal

Valid data and information are critical for any health programs, in particular for planning, monitoring and evaluation purposes. District Health Information System is designed to produce routine data on process and output type of indicators at district level. This study, taking place at Deli Serdang and Sumedang districts, has its objectives as to learn about the current practice of DHIS, specifically looking at its process and the availability, quality and utilization of thedata. Methods of data collection include in-depth interview with stakeholders at village, health facility and district levels, examination of existing forms at all levels as well as other documents and reports. Findings suggest that weaknesses of DHIS prevail at each level of the system. Complexity of the system has produced inaccurate and suboptimal the use of generated data and information.Key words : District health information system, inaccurate data and informationAbstrakData dan informasi yang valid sangat...