Digital audio and programmatic ad buying: status and prospects in the post-pandemic context (original) (raw)

Exploring digital marketing in entertainment industry: a case of a digital music platform


Purpose- This study aims to investigate entertainment marketing activities in the digital entertainment era. In doing so, this study targets to explore digital entertainment marketing activities and strategies. Methodology- The study employs a qualitative method designed as an explorative study. Case study is conducted as a research method. A purposive sampling method is performed. Purposive sampling methods are used to discover and explain facts and events. Typical case sampling which is one of the purposive samplin is conducted. In this method the most typical cases are chosen among a series of cases where a new application or innovation is wanted to be introduced by the researcher. Data is collected by the semi-structured interview technique with the chief marketing officer of a dıgital music platform application. Findings- Digitalisation is the most succesful tool of information and communication technology. Findings reveal that digital consumer engagement is one of the essentia...

When the Internet seems to be deaf. Sound resources to enrich online radio advertising eMMa rOderO; Olatz larrea; lluis Mas; Marina vázQuez & María blancO

Radio, advertising and the Internet often forget that sound is a rich and versatile resource for achieving objectives such as to gain the consumer's immediate response, to build reputation and a brand image, to improve attention and recall, and to provide a functional and emotional user experience. To that end, adequate work in audio design should be performed to solve this deficiency. The success of several big brands in creating a solid audio brand demonstrates its relevance and beneficial consequences. This paper aims to analyze the sound strategy of three companies: McDonalds; Intel; and Coca-Cola. We study how sound resources are creatively applied to brand advertisement management of these companies. The analyzed variables in this study are the sound composition thought the use of music, sound effects and voice, the communicative function of the sound, and the strategic relationship between the brand, the product and the sound. The results of this study indicate that a suitable sound branding strategy can reinforce the advertising effectiveness of a brand.

The 2013 Audio-Visual Legislation-a Genuine Limitation or a Challenge in the Evolution of Romanian Advertising

Our present research compared the ways several important brands on the Romanian market have promoted their values before and after 2013 by using TV and online channels of communication. In 2013, the Romanian Audio-visual Emergency Ordinance 25 was passed to regulate a prior decision of 2002. The main goal of Law 25 was to limit the involvement of the advertising industry in establishing and negotiating media contracts on behalf of clients. We chose to analyze local and global brands from various product categories (Vodafone, Raiffeisen, Lidl, Danone, Jacobs, Timiṣoreana, Rom, Boromir, Dero, and Dacia) that employed extensive campaigns from 2012 to 2014 to reveal the way they promote their values by advertising on audio-visual and alternative channels of the Romanian market. Our main hypothesis led us to a straightforward conclusion: the 25/2013 audio-visual regulation triggered a rapid reaction of online channels in advertising, which at first developed by replacing television and radio advertisements. Keywords: advertising, audio-video regulation, online, media channels.

Musicvertising in branded music content. An analysis of formats, features and sectors

Mediterranean Journal of Communication, 2018

This paper explores the relationship between music and advertising and, more specifically, branded music content. The analysis of the relationship between music and advertising establishes a priori a symbiotic relationship that poses a challenge: the need to formulate a concept to articulate how and why brands use music as a tool to engage an audience that increasingly rejects conventional advertising. To this end, it was necessary to identify the sectors and brands that produce music, and secondly, the formats in which this audiovisual content is presented. This quantitative and qualitative analysis is based on a sample of 165 music contents produced by one hundred brands between 2009 and 2013. The results indicate that brands use the music video format to connect with consumers. On the other hand, fashion brands are the most active sector in the production of music branded content. Finally, the paper shows that brands have made an incursion in the music industry through the production of music and entertainment contents. The term musicvertising is proposed to refer to the contents produced by brands to exploit the power of music to arouse emotions, provide meaning, seduce, communicate and create identity.

Radio Ads as a Strategic Offline Approach for Building Brand Awareness

The journal of Design and Applied Arts, 2020

The impact of online advertising can't be denied on building the brand awareness now days. Although Egypt considered one of the largest countries in terms of population that qualifies it to be a successful digital market However, there are many cultural, economic and technological constraints. With population exceeding 90 million high rates of illiteracy and low percentage of Internet users, meanwhile according to statistics of the ministry of information and communication, Compared to the population, There are still more than 50% of Egypt's population size cannot be ac-cessed through online advertising (2018/ 2019), and it opens the door in front of offline advertising to be used more widely in Egypt to create the communication between the consumer and the brand and build the brand awareness. PROBLEM: Brand Awareness in Egypt faces some educational, technological and economical challenges , which requires finding another and different design solutions by reliance on Offline advertising instead, to achieve maximum brand awareness and engagement. Research aims to collect and study the role of radio ads as an offline advertising tool and how could be relied upon by designers to support brand awareness with the Egyptian market. METHODOLOGY An analytical study using a qualitative research, based on personal interviews with Advertising agency representatives discussing the strategy and methodology behind their relaunching offline campaign for the agency's Client Measuring the impact of Radio ads on a selected target audience. 71 2020 ‫يونيو‬ ‫عدد2،‬ ، 1 ‫مجلد‬ especially when communicating illiterate target audiences. Further research should be done to different target groups aside drivers and class C to fulfil the points this research could not cover, could be on university undergraduate students in bus-es, targeting them while going to and back from the university at fixed times.

Creativity: the key to creating successful advertising messages in the digital sonosphere

Radio Evolution: …, 2012

The characteristics of the radio media have traditionally been put forward as arguments to justify the lack of creativity in radio advertising in Spain. Factors such as fragmentation of the media, the need to resort to high frequencies in the broadcast message, the format almost absolute control wedge or direct translation of texts designed to television to radio, have led to and perpetuated the idea that radio advertising is not creative. However, the sono-digital realm has become the paradigm upside down transmission and reception of audio advertising messages. Multiplication, integration and interaction of different receiving devices paint a landscape in which arise not only new consumption habits that are beginning to overtake traditional formats, but also creativity stands as an essential tool to attract attention of the "new audiences". This is one conclusion that emerges from the first phase of the study being carried out Publiradio Research Group (Faculty of Communication Sciences -Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona), with the title: The Digital Sonosphere as a New Space to Communicate with Young People: A Study of Listener Habits for the Development of new PSA Formats CSO2009-12236. The project emphasizes the importance given to creativity when developing advertising products, so much so that young people who have been part of the field investigation, one of the conditions to be given to advertising is acceptable to be creative. In this new stage of digital sound-field, in which the radio loses its characteristic half-king as a transmitter of sound advertising and must coexist with other media that carry the increased potential for contact with the target. These new media have features that allow them free of the topics traditionally associated with radio advertising, but have we taken this opportunity to renew? The emergence of these new media has not been accompanied by the emergence of new advertising formulas sound. In this communication, is intended to highlight the opportunity provided by the digital sound-field enhancement factor of creativity and highlight the central role it can and should play in building future audio advertisements.

I love audio but not radio ads. How young advertising students perceive audio

6th ECREA Radio Research Section Conference, 2019

"Sound is very important in my life, but I do not listen to the radio. Ads are boring." This is the representative answer of one of the 80 advertising students of Mexico and Spain (between 18 and 25 years old) that we surveyed in this exploratory study. Our goal was to know how this generation of young students perceive sound and radio advertising by identifying their audio consumption habits, the role of audio in their lives and academia, their opinion about the current radio advertising, and how they perceive the future of audio in this sector. The general conclusion is that they consider audio as very important in their lives, and they consume different products, especially music. Still, they think that advertising is not using all the possibilities of audio ("radio ads just use repetitive structures"). They perceive a mismatch between the training they receive at the university and the professional sector.

When the Internet seems to be deaf. Sound resources to enrich online radio advertising

Radio, advertising and the Internet often forget that sound is a rich and versatile resource for achieving objectives such as to gain the consumer’s immediate response, to build reputation and a brand image, to improve attention and recall, and to provide a functional and emotional user experience. To that end, adequate work in audio design should be performed to solve this deficiency. The success of several big brands in creating a solid audio brand demonstrates its relevance and beneficial consequences. This paper aims to analyze the sound strategy of three companies: McDonalds; Intel; and Coca-Cola. We study how sound resources are creatively applied to brand advertisement management of these companies. The analyzed variables in this study are the sound composition thought the use of music, sound effects and voice, the communicative function of the sound, and the strategic relationship between the brand, the product and the sound. The results of this study indicate that a suitable sound branding strategy can reinforce the advertising effectiveness of a brand.

Sonic identity and audio branding elements in Spanish radio advertising

Anàlisi, 2021

The emotional potential of sound is an excellent resource for companies and institutions seeking to test new ways of communicating with their stakeholders through the senses. However, there are still few organizations that include sound as a conveyer of their corporate identity. Audio branding aims to expand the contact points with audiences by incorporating sound elements that facilitate the recognition of the brand's values. This research attempts to understand the use that corporations make of sound as a communication tool and to evaluate its presence, but above all it wants to find out if this use is due to a strategic approach or if it is a specific decision marked by the temporality of advertising campaigns. For this reason, in this paper we have taken the radio as an advertising media. On the one hand, because it is the sound media par excellence. On the other hand, because it is where we can find the most well-known modes of audio branding such as the brand song, the jin...

Consumer behavior in digital era : general aspects and findings of empirical studies on digital music with a retrospective discussion


Halttunen, Veikko Consumer Behavior in Digital Era – General Aspects and Findings of Empirical Studies on Digital Music with a Retrospective Discussion Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 2016, 70 p. (Jyväskylä Studies in Computing. ISSN 1456-5390; 235) ISBN 978-951-39-6641-6 (nid.) ISBN 978-951-39-6642-3 (PDF) Digitization of products and processes has changed consumer behavior in several ways. Changes can be found not only in human actions but also in attitudes and ethics. The music industry has been a pioneer in digitized societies. In the new millennium it has also faced the downsides of the development: digital piracy and, as a consequence of it, declining revenues. These threats are not limited to the music industry but concern many other sectors whose products can be digitized. The mainstream of previous and contemporary IS/IT research has been optimistic and emphasized the positive impacts of digitalization. Those who have considered the negative impacts, such as the consequ...