Pengujian Validitas dan Reliabilitas Konstruk pada Organizational Citizenship Behavior (original) (raw)
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The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability and construct validity of organizational citizenship behaviour, to find dimensions and indicators that can form organizational citizenship behaviour. Organizational citizenship behaviour measured by the dimensions of altruism, courtesy, conscientiousness, sportsmanship, and civic virtue. The population in this study were teachers in junior high schools in Purwokerto region with a total of 327 teachers. The sample of this study was 90 teachers. The sampling technique in this study uses accidental sampling. Data collection methods use the organizational citizenship behaviour scale. Research data were analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through the SmartPLS 3.2.8 program. Based on the analysis results, the dimensions and indicators that form the construct of organizational citizenship behaviour are declared valid and reliable. The most dimension that reflects the construction of organizational citizenship behaviour is...
Asian Social Science, 2013
The success of an organization is influenced by employees who not only perform their job, but also contribute their time and energy to provide assistance beside the formal obligations to the organization. This behavior is referred to as organizational citizenship behavior. This study was conducted to analyze the validity of the Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale. Therefore, there were two main objectives in this study, namely to examine the construct validity of the Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and to assess the reliability of the scale. Organizational citizenship behavior was measured using three dimensions and they were helping behavior, civic virtue and sportsmanship. The study was conducted on 11 religious schools located in North, East, South, Middle and West of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The schools consisted of 339 teachers. However, after examination of normality data, only 208 respondents were used as samples. The results of the study showed that the hypothesized model did not have a good fit to the data with Chi Square =190.168, p < 0.0001, CFI = 0.89, GFI = 0.92, TLI = 0.87, RMSEA = 0.078. Thus, this model has to be revised. The results of the revised model showed a better fit with Chi Square =118.335, p < 0.0001, CFI = 0.93, GFI = 0.92, TLI = 0.90, RMSEA = 0.07. The findings were discussed based on the suitability of the Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale as a valid measure within Indonesian context.
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In order to conduct the clean and good governance for excellent public services, they have to support with quality and profesionalism of human resources, responsibility, fair, honest, have a commitment, work satisfaction and loyalty. The purposes this research to examine and analyze the influence of Commitment, work satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) to contract workers performances. To examine the problem statements, spread the questionaries to 133 employes at Dinas Pendapatan Bali Province. The data collected will analyze using structural equation modelling (SEM). The results are fullfill GoodnessofFitIndexCriteria):Chi-square (c2) = 107,246, Relatitive Chi-square (c2/df) =
Organizational citizenship behavior adaptation and validation of the OCB scale CCOE R
Frontiers in Psychology, 2024
Introduction: Organizational Citizenship Behavior has evolved as a pivotal concept in organizational behavior because of its importance on fostering the success of organizations. Despite its recognized benefits, OCB’s dimensions are not consensual in literature. The goal of this paper was to adapt and validated to be used in a broader work context an OCB scale (CCOE-R) initially developed for the Portuguese specific professional context, schools and the education sector. Methods: The sample of this study is composed of 740 participants. To validate the scale, an exploratory and a confirmatory factor analysis and scale invariance test were performed. Results: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed a 10-item unidimensional structure, with excellent reliability indices, and goodness of fit, besides invariance for group status (managerial and non-managerial positions). Discussion: The OCB-G (Global OCB) emerges as a reliable and valid instrument that is based on a conception of OCB as a unidimensional construct. Because the items are group referenced items, it is possible to obtain a global value of OCB that represents group perceptions on OCB, allowing research to be carried out at the group/organizational level. The (CCOE-R) is an essential contribution to the study of organizational behavior, serving as a practical tool for assessing OCB-G as it plays a prominent role in organizations.
The paper focuses on the effect of demographic variable on organizational citizenship behaviour of employees in finance sector with special reference to banking sector in Lucknow.The paper studies to which demographic variable affects more and less. The paper also focuses on to what extent organizational citizenship behavior is present in employees of banking sector in Lucknow.The study is conducted on 400 employees of banking sector employees in Lucknow.The study uses convenience sampling and uses statistical techniques ANNOVA and correlation for analysis of the data. Introduction: The satisfied, committed and loyal workforce is essential in this complex challenging environment for organizations to be successful. Organizational citizenship behaviour means individual behaviours that are beneficial to the organization but not directly recognized by the formal reward system .Organ (1988) defines OCB as a set of helpful, discretionary and extra role behaviours exhibited by employees that are not directly or clearly recognized by the formal reward system and have an overall positive effect on the operation of the organization also they cannot be enforced by the employment contract. By discretionary, it is meant that behaviour is not enforceable but which is clearly specifiable terms of the person's employment contract with the organization; the behaviour is rather a matter of personal choice, such that its omission is not generally understood as punishable. Organizational citizenship behaviour is defined as those extra work –related behaviours which go above and beyond the routine duties prescribed by their job descriptions or measured in formal evaluations.(Bateman &Organ ,1983). The concept was introduced by Bateman and Organ in 1980's. Smith et al (1983) conceptualized OCB with Altruism (behaviour targeted specifically at helping individuals) and generalized compliance (behaviour reflecting compliance with general rules and expectations .Later Organ in 1988 identified five OCB dimensions namely altruism, courtesy, civic virtue, conscientiousness and sportsmanship .Williams and Anderson (1991) proposed a two dimensional conceptualization of OCB : OCB-1 (Behaviour directed towards individuals) and OCB-II (Behaviour directed towards organization).Podsakoff and Mackenzie (1997) considered helping behaviour ,sportsmanship and civic virtue .Marockzy and Xin (2004) supported only sportsmanship and courtesy OCB dimensions among the five recognized by Organ(1998). According to (Nemeth and Staw, 1989), organizational citizenship can help organizations to improve performance and gain competitive edge as it motivates employees to perform beyond the formal job requirement. To be successful in today's competitive environment organizational citizenship behavior helps organizations to accelerate towards innovation and productive approaches. As Organ (1988) emphasized, organizational citizenship leads towards effective organizations and bring new resources for them. Hackman & Oldham (1975), proposed job characteristic model (JCM) describing five core job characteristics (Task variety, task identity, task significance, task autonomy and task
OCB, 2023
The purpose of this research is to make an effort to improve the teacher's OCB by conducting research into the relationship between personality variables, interpersonal communication, and organizational justice. This research uses methods of correlational statistical analysis to find out the relationships between the variables studied and the SITOREM method for indicator analysis to obtain optimal solutions to enhance the teachers' OCB. The population of the study was teachers of the Secondary School of Education (SMK) PGRI in Bogor district, which amounted to 289 people, from the population then took samples using the Slovin formula obtained samples of 168 people. The results of the analysis using correlational methods show that there is a positive relationship between personality and OCB with a correlation coefficient ρy1 = 0.416 so that personality reinforcement can increase OCB. There are positive relationships between interpersonal communications with OCBs with a Correlation Coefficients ρi2 = 0.526 so strengthening interpersonnel communications can increase OCBs. From SITOREM analysis, the optimal solution is that of the 23 indicators, 14 indicators are good enough to beined or developed and 9 indicators are still weak so that they need to be repaired. good indicators are: 1) supportive behavior, 2) technical factors, 3) social status, 4) cruelty, 5) self-extraversion, 6) openness to experience, 7) emotional stability, 8) carefulness, 9) wise, 10) equality, 11) consistency, 12) maintaining ethics, 13) informative, and 14) selfesteem, and indicators to be improved in the order of priority management are as follows: 1st trust, 2nd opening, 3rd appreciation for inspiration, 4th need, 5th courtesy, 6th civic virtue, 7th conscientiousness, 8th sportsmanship, and 9th altruism
This research has three objectives. First, to analyze the influence of Nurse’s Job Satisfaction to Organizational Commitment. Second, to analyze the influence of Nurse’s Organizational Commitment to Organizational Citizenship Behavior. And the last is to analyze the relationship for the whole model, between Nurse’s Job Satisfaction to Orgarnizational Citizenship Behavior through Organiztional Commitment. To meet those objectives above, survey using questionnaire as the tools has been conducted and the data has collected from 83 nurses for inpatient and outpatient clinic in Sari Asih Hospital. And those data are calculated using Path Analysis as the statistics method for this study. The result of this research, shows that Nurse’s Job Satisfaction influenced significantly and positively to Organizational Commitment. Second Nurse’s Organizational Commitment also significantly and has positive influenced to Organizational Citizenship Behavior. And the last is for the whole model, there ...
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
The objective of this study is to figure out the influence of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) on performance at the Health Department in South Sulawesi Province. According to the South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office's Regional Apparatus Accountability, the realized performance achievement exceeded the predicted target of roughly 103.22% in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was a quantitative study with 73 respondents and a 10% tolerance using purposive and incidental sampling. Respondents completed a questionnaire with structured questions, and the data was processed by assessing the chi-square and contingency coefficients to determine the strength of correlation. It analyses OCB using the theory from Luthans to measure OCB which consists of Altruism, Conscientiousness, Civic Virtue, Courtesy, and Sportsmanship and uses the theory performance from Mathis and Jackson: quantity, quality, punctuality, attendance, and ability to cooperate. The result of the analysis resulted in that there is an Influence of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) on performance of p-value = 55.51 > 9.448 (α 0.05) and Coefficient Contingency C C = 0,80 with very strong categories.
Organizational citizenship Behaviours is being researched for last three decades by the researchers. It is sometimes compared with the prosocial behaviour, organizational spontaneity, extra role behaviour and contextual performance. Dennis Organ (1997), father of OCB has defined OCB as, “Individual Behaviour that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and in the aggregate promotes the efficient and effective functioning of the organization.” Different scales has been devised by the researchers to measure different Organizational citizenship behaviour for different types of respondents. The current study aims to test the reliability of standardized questionnaire while measuring the Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of the non – teaching staff in the academic sector. Doing this, test shall prove the relevance of the current scale for non – teaching staff that will surely direct the future researchers to develop a new scale for non – teaching staff.