Analisis Kepuasan Mahasiswa Terhadap Kinerja Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Jambi (original) (raw)

Kepuasan Mahasiswa Terhadap Kinerja Dosen

Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2016

Level of Students' Satisfaction towards Lecturers' Performance. This study was aimed at investigating the students' levels of satisfaction and their effects on the lecturers performance. The data were analyzed using factor analysis, bivariate corelational analysis, one way MANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. It was concluded that: (1) the students' satisfaction with the lecturers' lectures, communication, creativity, discipline, assessment, and use of facilities simultaneously had significant, positive correlation with the lecturers' performance; and (2) the lecturers' performance had a significant influence on the students' behaviours. Abstrak: Kepuasan Mahasiswa terhadap Kinerja Dosen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap kinerja dosen, serta menyelidiki pengaruh kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap kinerja dosen. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis faktor, analisis deskriptif, analisis korelasional bivariat, analisis varians multivariat satu arah (Manova satu arah), dan analisis regresi berganda. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa (1) kepuasan mahasisiswa dari berpengaruh signifikan dan berkorelasi positif dengan kinerja dosen; dan (2) kinerja dosen memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku pascakuliah mahasiswa.

Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Mahasiswa terhadap Kinerja Dosen Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis Politeknik Negeri Padang

JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai penilaian kinerja dosen yang dilakukan oleh Jurusan perguruan tinggi Politeknik Negeri Padang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi kinerja dosen dilihat dari beberapa dimensi dan juga penilaian terhadap mata kuliah yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa apakah sudah mencapai standar yang ditetapkan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 450 orang mahasiswa dari tingkat 1 sampai tingkat 3 pada Prodi Administrasi Bisnis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap kinerj dosen benilai baik dan masih ada beberapa dimensi yang mendapatkan penilaian kurang baik seperti Kemampuan menghidup suasana kelasmasih mendapatkan nilai 2.56 atau masuk dalam kategori kurang baik. Dimensi lainnya yang menerima penilaian kurang adalah pemanfaatan pemakaian teknologi dalam pembelajaran. Dimensi yang mendapatkan nilai kurang akan di...

Tingkat Kepuasan Mahasiswa Terhadap Karakteristik Dosen DI Stkip Muhammadiyah Sampit

Jurnal Paedagogie Media Kependidikan, Keilmuan dan Keagamaan, 2019

Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap karakteristik dosen tipe Extraversion (Ekstraversi), Conscientiousness (Kesadaran), Neuroticism (Neurotisme) dan Openness to experience (Keterbukaan). Hal ini ditunjukan oleh nilai Fhitung >Ftabel ; 3.364 > 2.26 dengan nilai signifikan p = 0.020 < 0.050 sehingga Ha diterima. Perbedaan kepuasan mahasiswa yang signifikan yaitu terhadap karakteristik Extraversion (Ekstraversi) dengan karakteristik Conscientiousness (Kesadaran). Dari hasil teknik analisa data tersebut diketahui bahwa karakteristik Extraversion (Ekstraversi) memiliki kepuasan yang paling tinggi dibandingkan karakteristik lain, kepuasan yang kedua yaitu terhadap karakteristik Openness to experience (Keterbukaan), kepuasan ketiga terhadap karakteristik Neuroticism (Neurotisme), dan kepuasan yang keempat yaitu terhadap karakteristik Conscientiousness (Kesadaran)

Analisis Kepuasan Kerja Dosen (Studi Kasus Pada Universitas Pekalongan)


The aims of this research is to measuring the job satisfaction of lecturer in Pekalongan University. Job satisfaction has 4 indicators, there are satisfaction for the job itself; satisfaction for compensations; satisfaction for job environment ; and satisfaction for colleagues cooperation.The research require primary data, and data collection done with the list of questionnaire as an instrument. The population is all of lecturers at Pekalongan University that amounts 136 persons, and the sample take the amount of 80 lecturers that give responding to questionnaire. The analize done with the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) approach to measure the job satisfaction for lecturer.The result showed that lecturer job satisfaction generally has Tki = 73,90 %, by the highest Tki on the aspect “the job itself” (by the rate of Tki ≥ 80 %). The other resultexhibited that 3 aspects have the lowest satisfy with Tki amount between 60 % s/d 69 %, and it means that management must increasing so...

Analisis Kepuasan Mahasiswa Terhadap Kinerja Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Pakuan


The research uses qualitative method with descriptive design. It describes a detail description about individuals or certain groups related to certain phenomena. It is conducted to get the description about students’ satisfactory towards the lecturers’ working performance. The data used in the research is narration, explanation, and questionnaire filling from the informants both oral and written. The source of the data is the lecturers of elementary school education study program and the informants are the students of the same study program in Pakuan University who are registered as active students in the academic year of 2013/2014 with the number of 1767. The result shows that the students’ satisfactory towards the working performance of elementary school education study program is varied from less satisfied, satisfied, and quite satisfied. Mostly, students feel satisfied seen from the aspects of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Students are quite sati...

Analisis Faktor Penentu Tingkat Kepuasan Pemberi Kerja Alumni Universitas Jambi

Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi

This study aims to analyze the satisfaction level of Jambi University alumni employers and aspects of higher education services that must be optimized to increase Jambi University alumni job satisfaction. The research method used is a survey method with a sampling technique that is Stratified Random Sampling, each strata is selected one sampling unit with a simple random sampling technique. Measurement of qualitative variables using a questionnaire in the form of questions with Summated Rating's Scala Likert which was tested for validity and reliability. Aspects of satisfaction analysis include: Integrity (ethics and morals), Expertise in the field of science (main competence), Broadness of insight between disciplines, Leadership, Teamwork, Foreign language skills, Communication skills, Use of information technology, and self-development. To analyze the determinants of the level of satisfaction of the Jambi University alumni employer used Path Analysis. The overall satisfaction ...

Analisis Kepuasan Mahasiswa Ditinjau Dari Kinerja Dosen Dan Fasilitas Pembelajaran

Idaarah: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan, 2019

This study aims to study the level of student satisfaction in terms of the ability of lecturers and learning facilities in the Department of Islamic Education Management of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar. This research is a quantitative descriptive with employing survey model. The population in the research was 243 people with 24 sample. The data were collected using a questionnaire with Likert Scale. The results showed that the satisfaction of MPI students in terms of lecturer performance was satisfactory category, based on four indicators: learning planning in the satisfactory category, the implementation of learning was very satisfying category, learning outcomes was quite satisfactory category, and guidance and direction was unsatisfactory category. MPI Study Program student satisfaction in terms of Learning facilities in the category was quite decisive, based on four indicators: lecture rooms according to the category are quite satisfactory, chairs and desks are less satisfactory, blackboards/blackboards were quite satisfactory, and learning media were quite satisfactory.

Analisis Kinerja Dosen pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi di Kota Semarang

Jurnal Ilmiah Aset

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of competence and emotional intelligence on the performance of lecturers with organizational commitment as a mediating variable. The population in this study were lecturers of the STIE foundation in Semarang City as many as 288 people. The sampling technique in this study used the purposive judgment sampling method, namely the sampling method using certain considerations that were adapted to the research objectives. The considerations and criteria used are permanent lecturers of the foundation, totaling 288 people. The data processed were 165 respondents. Data processing method using SPSS. The results of hypothesis testing show that competence and emotional intelligence have a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, so it can be interpreted that the higher the competence and emotional intelligence, the higher the organizational commitment. Organizational commitment, competence and emotional intelligence have a...