Influence of moisture on the apical seal of root canal fillings with five different types of sealer (original) (raw)
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Journal of Endodontics, 1991
Previous studies have shown that lateral condensation of gutta-percha and sealer can provide an adequate apical seal. The purpose of this study was to compare the level of apical dye penetration when different sealers were used. One-hundred twentyfive teeth with single root canals were biomechanically prepared using the step-back technique and irrigation with EDTAC and 1% NaOCI solutions. The teeth were divided into five groups of 25 teeth each. The control group root canals were filled with laterally condensed gutta-percha and no sealer and the other four groups were filled with laterally condensed gutta-percha and either Apexit, Sealapex, Tubli-Seal, or AH26 sealer. After storage in 100% humidity at 37~ for 48 h, the root surfaces were coated with nail varnish (except at the apex) and placed in 2% methylene blue dye solution and centrifuged at 3 x g for 3 min. The roots were sectioned transversely at 1-mm intervals to determine the following mean levels of dye penetrations: Apexit, 1.67 mm; Sealapex, 2.28 mm; Tubli-Seal, 1.95 mm; AH26, 0.82 mm; and gutta-percha alone, 8.37 mm. This study demonstrated that a root canal sealer should be used in conjunction with laterally condensed gutta-percha and that AH26 sealer provides a significantly better apical seal than the other sealers.
Dental Science Updates
Introduction: Ideal chemo-mechanical preparation with good obturation produces a monoblock and three-dimension hermetic root canal seal. The importance of sealing is the prevention of leakage, reinfection, periapical lesion, and the root fracture. Aim: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate and compare the effect of different irrigating solutions on the apical sealing ability of two sealers (Bioceramic and Resin based sealers). Materials &Methods: One hundred fifty-five extracted human single-rooted mandibular premolars were prepared and classified into three main groups depending on their final irrigation regimens; group A: 17% Ethylene-diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), group B: 10% citric, and group C: 16 ppm ozonated water. Each group was subdivided into two subgroups based on the type of sealer applied, subgroup1: TotalFill ® BC Sealer and subgroup 2: AH Plus ® sealer. Each subgroup was then divided into two divisions based on the time of evaluation, T1: immediately after incubation and T2: after 30 days. The Apical Sealing Ability was measured for all samples using fluid infiltration method. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA (one-way and three-way) and t-test (paired and unpaired). Statistical significance was considered at P<0.05. Results: In relation to irrigation, the highest apical microleakage mean values were recorded in group B, and the least mean values were recorded in group A, followed by group C. In relation to sealers, the highest mean values were recorded in subgroup1, and the least mean values were recorded in subgroup2. In relation to time, the highest mean values were recorded in division 2 and the least mean values were recorded in division 1. Conclusion: AH plus sealer provided better apical sealing than Totalfill BC sealer. Sealers sealing performance is improved by 17% EDTA and 16 ppm Ozonated water. Apical sealing ability decreased over time, regardless of the irrigation and sealer types used.
Journal of dental research, dental clinics, dental prospects, 2014
Background and aims. With availability of hydrophilic sealers, drying of the canals before endodontic obturation is still a matter of debate. The aim of this study was to compare the apical micro-leakage of AH26, Excite DSC, MTA Fillapex, and ZOE sealers in dry and moist root canals. Materials and methods. This experimental study was performed on 90 extracted maxillary central incisors. Rotary files were used for preparation of the canals. Root canals were filled with a single gutta percha cone, using one of the four sealers, under dry and moist root canal conditions (10 teeth in each group). Orifices were sealed with glue wax and all root surfaces were covered with nail polish except the positive control group. After ten days in 100% humidity, teeth were placed in methylene blue, and then were cut in longitudinal axis. Blue color permeability was measured by stereomicroscope in micrometers. Data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA and Scheffe post hoc test using SPSS V.18 software at P ...
Evaluation of apical leakage in root canals filled with different sealers
Brazilian Dental Science, 2012
Objective: To evaluate the apical leakage exhibited by different endodontic sealers. Material and Methods: (maxillary molars) and distal roots (mandibular molars) sectioned, standardized and instrumented with Mtwo condensation technique and divided into three groups (n=10), according to the endodontic sealer employed: G1-AH Plus, G2-Fill Canal, G3-MTA Fillapex. All sealer. Gutta-percha points were immersed into sodium hypochlorite for 24 h to achieve disinfection. After the
Journal of Applied Oral Science, 2011
was performed with ProFile rotary nickel-titanium instruments 1 mm short of the apical IRUDPHQ 7KH VHDOLQJ DELOLW\ ZDV HYDOXDWHG E\ ÀXLG ¿OWUDWLRQ DW DQG GD\V 5HVXOWV 7KH VWDWLVWLFDO DQDO\VLV VKRZHG VLJQL¿FDQW GLIIHUHQFH EHWZHHQ WKH PDWHULDOV DW different periods (p<0.05). AH Plus and MBP had similar leakage values at 15 and 60 GD\V DOWHUQDWLQJ ZLWK VLJQL¿FDQW UHGXFWLRQ DW GD\V ZKLOH WKH RWKHU PDWHULDOV VKRZHG progressive increase in leakage values. Acroseal and Sealapex presented the best results DW GD\V DQG WKH ZRUVW DW GD\V &RQFOXVLRQV $OO VHDOHUV HYDOXDWHG SUHVHQWHG ÀXLG leakage, with AH Plus and MBP showing the best results at the end of the experimental period. Acroseal, Sealapex, and MTA-Obtura presented increase in leakage values at longer observation periods.
Evaluation of Apical Sealing Ability of Three Different Root Canal Sealers
Aim: Evaluation of apical sealing ability of Resilon with Epiphany sealer, gutta-percha with AH plus sealerand gutta-percha with MTA fillapex sealer using dye penetration method. Introduction – Success of root canal treatment highly depends of three dimensional obturation of the root canal system. Solid core gutta percha and sealers is preferred method of obturation of the root canal system. None of the available method are capable of providing a fluid tight seal. Material and Methods: Thirty freshly extracted single rooted premolars were taken and randomly divided into three groups. These teeth were then obturated using following methods. Group I-gutta-percha with AH plus sealer, Group II-gutta-percha with MTA fillapex sealer, Group III-Resilon with Epiphany sealer. All specimens were stored in 100% relative humidity for 48hrs. The teeth were then stored in Rhodamine-B dye for 24hrs and then were sectioned and observed under stereomicroscope. Results: Data obtained was analysed using Mann whiteny 'u' test.There was statistically significant difference among the groups. Group III showed minimum dye leakage and group II showed maximum dye leakage. Conclusion: Resilon Epiphany system showed better apical sealing of the root canal as compared to AH plus and MTA fillapex sealer.
Evaluation of Sealing Ability of Three Root Canal Sealers: An In Vitro Study
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice
Aim: To evaluate the sealing ability of three different types of sealers using confocal laser microscopy. Materials and methods: Sixty extracted single-root premolars were selected and divided into three groups (20 teeth in each group) according to the type of sealer used, namely, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) Fillapex, AH Plus, and Bio C Sealer. Root canal preparation and obturation will be done in all the samples. Roots will be dissected transversely in apical plane. Percentage of gap from region to canal circumference will be calculated using a confocal laser microscope. Samples were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: High dye penetration was seen with AH Plus compared to MTA Fillapex and least with Bio C Sealer. The AH Plus is the best sealer with respect to seal ability of all the three. Conclusion: This study helps to appraise the sealing ability of the different types of sealers using confocal laser microscopy which is useful for the success of root canal treatment. Clinical significance: As sealer has to seal voids, foramina, and canals, it should have good penetration for the success of root canal treatment.
Apical Leakage of Five Root Canal Sealers After One Year of Storage
Journal of Endodontics, 2002
A fluid transport model study was used to compare the sealing ability of five root canal sealers (AH26, AH Plus, Apexit, Diaket, and Ketac-Endo) on 60 single-rooted teeth after 1 yr of storage. The root canals were prepared with Gates Glidden drills by using a step-back technique before lateral condensation of gutta-percha with the tested sealers. The specimens were stored in saline solution for 1 yr at 37°C. The leakage was measured by the movement of an air bubble in a capillary glass tube connected to the experimental root section. Apexit (0.490 l) leaked significantly more than AH Plus (0.378 l) and Ketac-Endo (0.357 l), whereas AH26 (0.390 l) and Diaket (0.429 l) showed no significant difference from either Apexit or from AH Plus and Keto-Endo.
International journal of scientific research, 2018
Aims: To compare the sealing ability of a new root canal sealer, Totalfill BC Sealer (FKG Dentaire SA, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland) with AH Plus Sealer (Dentsply, Tulsa, OK). Methods and Material: Sixty five permanent single rooted, human maxillary central incisors of similar sizes were selected for the study. Fifty teeth were randomly selected for dye penetration and fifteen teeth for Scanning Electron Microscopy. For dye penetration the teeth were divided into two groups of twenty five teeth each. In Group 1 (n=25), Totalfill BC Sealer and in Group 2 (n=25), AH Plus sealer were used as root canal sealers with Gutta-percha cones to obturate the canals. Roots were covered with nail paint except 2.0 mm of root apically and stored in 0.5% methylene blue dye for one week. The teeth were immersed in 7ml of 70% nitric acid for complete dissolution and subjected to UltraViolet spectrophotometer to quantify the concentration of the dye in each sample. For SEM evaluation, fifteen samples were sectioned longitudinally and marginal adaptation of sealers to root dentin was evaluated. Statistical analysis used: The dye leakage of both groups was analyzed using the Independent t-test. Marginal adaptation of sealers to root dentin was analyzed using unpaired student t test. Results:The mean dye leakage in Group 1 (0.36 ± 0.11) was less when compared to Group 2 (0.49 ± 0.12) (P<0.001 highly significant). The SEM study revealed gap-free regions and gap-containing regions in canals filled with both materials. Gap-containing regions in Group 1 were significantly low compared to Group 2. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, apical sealing ability and adaptation to the root canal dentin of Totalfill BC sealer is better compared to AH Plus sealer.