What we Teach our Children: Gender Sensitivity within the Indian Curriculum (original) (raw)
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Rife Manifestations of Gender Segregation in Indian Society: Evidence from Textbooks
Throughout the world, gender inequality has been recognized as a well established social notion. Over the period of time, some countries have developed relatively better social position of males and females as equal members of the society and are considered as developed but still a large number do not meet this criterion and thus are at lowest rung of social development. In this regard, South Asian region especially India has no exception. Based on strong socio-cultural norms and traditions, this country stands at lowest pool of gender equality. In this study, the existence of gender negativity and gender insensitivity was measured in the primary level textbooks of India. The focus of the study was to explore existing stereotype and gendered behaviors in textbooks through content analysis. The study concluded that textbooks represented segregated pictures for females to strengthen the patriarchal structure of Asian society.
Gender Portrayal in School Textbooks: A study in Bhopal City
Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 2013
Education is recognized as one of the critical elements for national development effort as it is a powerful tool to build knowledge-based society for the 21st century. The awareness and commitment for attaining gender equality can be realized as being one of the most important development goals of India. Statistics indicate that the scenario of gender equality in education has made progress by leaps and bounds; however, a camouflaged form of gender inequality in the curriculum has gone unaccounted for. The current paper documents the extent of gender inequality in the curriculum and text books adopted by the schools of Bhopal. The study is limited to analysing the curriculum/ text books of Hindi and English language for first to tenth grade through content analysis. The paper also makes an effort to understand the opinion of various stakeholders regarding the curriculum being "Gender Neutral" or "Gender Sensitive". The research will add value towards building literature related to the extent of gender differences in the curriculum. The study can provide the policymakers with relevant information to build gender neutral curriculum for schools so as to improve access along with equity and excellence in education. The study will provide literature for adoption of strategies for enhancing the relevance of education through curriculum reforms.
Gender inequality is an issue that is prevalent across the globe today. In particular, India is amongst those that rank rather low in the attainment of gender equality and parity. This paper aims to provide provisions for a gender sensitive educational system by discussing the nuances of gender inequality. Moreover, it also discusses why it is necessary to bring about changes in the current educational system for a more gender sensitive society. In order to come up with approaches that would help with this process, relevant literature has been reviewed to ensure incorporation of a wider range of strategies to provide a gender sensitive learning environment. Gender disparity in literacy rates in India has been examined, and changes in the curriculum, extra-curricular activities, training for teachers, vocational training, etc. have been recommended. Constant monitoring of these practices and evaluation would maximise the benefits of an altered, more responsive system of Indian education. Attaining gender parity in education will not only build more considerate adults, but it is an important aspect of inclusive education. One can hope that it will prove to be helpful in educating students about issues related to the LGBTQ and transgender populations, and adding to a better and kinder society.
is more important, if there can be any comparison, for the women of a nation to be educated-than its men. One of the truest measures of a nation's advancement is the state of its women ... "
Gender Biased in the Textbook of West Bengal Board of Primary Education: A Content Analysis
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2020
The word gender came from Greek word Genus. Gender bias means a tendency to believe that some people better than others that usually result in treating some people unfairly. Curriculum is the main rootof action that can confirm the supply of effective and efficient human resource for the development of a nation and a progressive society. It helps to generate and to promote among the children’s language ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing, thinking, values, creativity and communication skill for social living .Text books are the direct real and particular manifestation of curriculum.Primary education is the first stage of child education and it is the first introduction to mental deployments and socialization of child. Webelieve a child’s mental growth starts since their childhood. Cooperation helps boys and girls to grow themselves up with mutual helps, involvement and contributions. This time helps them to grow biasfree, cooperative attitudes.This helps them to be a gr...
Linguistic Landscape and Gender Discrimination: A Study on Gender Biasness in School Curriculum
Gender discrimination is one of the serious issues in today's world. The predominant literature on the subject of gender has succeeded in portraying women as the target of such types of discrimination. It can be seen everywhere in the society be it public or private sphere. In fact, school is one of the important agents of gender socialization which plays a significant role in shaping the gender roles of school children. Thus, the practice and promotion of gender discrimination in school curriculum and textbooks through projection of gender biased roles and professions both in the public and private spheres have severe consequences in the society at large. It negatively encourages both girls and boys to take up the stereotypical positions constructed for them by these teaching aids. In this context, the study critically examines and analyzes the pictures and the language shown in the posters and charts that have been used in schools as one of the important teaching aids for centuries. The posters, charts and the other teaching materials both in Hindi and English medium were selected and reviewed for the study. Identifying gender biased language, gender stereotyping and construction of gender roles are central to the study. The study observes that still the existing new teaching aids are showing gender inequalities. Thus, the study suggests that a gender inclusive curriculum is the need of present era in order to shape and promote positive gender socialization, which advocates gender equality.
Gender and Curriculum in Contemporary India
Contemporary Issues in Languages and Humanities, 2019
Education has always been subject to dominant ideology. Education has been used more effectively, especially in modern times, to create a particular society that is conducive to the consolidation and stabilisation of hierarchical power relations in society. Educational politics pertaining to women was akin to the educational politics pertaining to class and race. The purpose of modern education was to develop a specific form of femininity. Curriculum remained an important site of this cultural politics.
The high school English textbooks produced during the two decades of Left Front Government in West Bengal present classic example of the discursive formation and perpetuation of the stereotypical image of femininity within the hegemonic structure of a patriarchal society. By means of discourse analysis and application of feminist theories of Simone de Beauvoir and Judith Butler this paper explicates how conventional gender role-play and repetitive performativity assigned by patriarchy mythicize the image of femininity and make women subservient to male domination. The failure to identify this gender inequity in the textbooks, forming the nucleus of the pedagogical system, was behind the failure of the Left Front Government's endeavour to establish social justice and equality.
A Study of Gender Prediction in I.C.S.E Board Social Science Text Books of Class IX
Gender is not a women’s issue; it is a people’s issue. “Femininity” does not exist in isolation from Masculinity. The construction and power of one determines the construction and power of the other. Unequal gender relations stunt the freedom of all individuals to develop their human capacities to their fullest. Therefore it is in the interest of both men and women to liberate human beings from existing relations of gender. Gender bias in education means treating boys and girls differently at school. This can include how teachers respond to students, what students are encouraged to study, and how textbooks represent gender roles. Under the constitution of India men and women are equal citizens in the eye of the law hence having the equal rights to all state resources. But social, economic and cultural dynamics have prevented the law form translating into reality. AS Education play a significant role in shaping the personality so we will have to see our curriculum whether there is gender bias exist or not.