Temperature Dependence of High Frequency Noise Behaviors for RF MOSFETs (original) (raw)
Related papers
Thermal noise modeling for short-channel MOSFETs
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 1996
Abshzc&-An analytical formulation of the thermal noise in shiort-channel MOSFET's, working in the saturation region, is presented. For the noise calculation, we took into account effects like the field dependent noise temperature and mobility, thle device geometry and the channel length modulation, the back gate effect and the velocity saturation. The derived data from the model are in good agreement with reported thermal noise measurements, regarding the noise bias dependence, for transistors with channel lengths shorter than 1 pm. Since the present thermal noise models of MOS transistors are valid for channel lengths well above 1 pm, the proposed model can be easily incorporated in circuit simulators like SPICE, providing an extension to the analytical thermal noise modeling suitable for submicron MOSFET's.
MOSFET thermal noise modeling for analog integrated circuits
IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits, 1994
The effects of device geometry, oxide thickness, and bias condition on the thermal noise of MOSFET's are investigated. The experimental results show that the conventional MOSFET thermal noise models do not accurately predict the thermal noise of MOSFET's. A model that is capable of predicting the thermal noise of both long and short channel devices in both the triode and saturation regions is presented. This model, which can be easily implemented into existing circuit simulators such as SPICE, has been verified by a wide variety of measurements.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2001
In this paper, we present a simple analytical model for the thermal channel noise of deep-submicron MOS transistors including hot carrier effects. The model is verified by measurements and implemented in the standard BSIM3v3 SPICE model. We show that the consideration of this additional noise caused by hot carrier effects is essential for the correct simulation of the noise performance of a low noise amplifier in the gigahertz range.
Thermal Noise in MOSFETs: A Two or a Three-Parameter Noise Model
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2010
In this brief, it is clearly demonstrated that a twoparameter noise model is sufficient to accurately extract the MOSFET high-frequency noise performance, as long as channel uniformity is ensured (which corresponds to mainstream CMOS technology). Nevertheless, in the case of asymmetric channelbased MOSFETs, it is shown that a three-parameter noise model is required.
Extraction of the channel thermal noise in MOSFETs
ICMTS 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (Cat. No.00CH37095)
An extraction method to obtain the channcl thcrmal noise in MOSFETs directly from DC, scattering paramctcr and RF noise nieasurements is presentcd, In this extraction mcthod, the transconductance (g,,J, output resistancc (RDs), and source and drain resistances (Rs and RD) are obtained from DC measuremcnts. The gate resistancc (RG) is extracted from s c~t t c i. i n~-p~r~m e t~r mcasurcmcnts, and thc cquivalcnt noise resistance (RJ is obtained from RF noise measuremcnts. This mediad has bccn verified by using the measured data of a 0.36 pin n-typc MOSFET up to 18 GHz. INTHODUCTION With the very high unity-gain frequencics (f~) of deep sub-micron MOSFETs of more than 100 GHz, many highspeed or radio-frcqucncy (HI?) integratcd circuits (ICs) which were fabricntcd cxclusively in IILV or bipolar technologics are likely to bc implcmcnted in CMOS tcchnology becausc of its low cost and high levcls of integration [I ,2]. However, when working at high frequencics with sub-micron dcviccs, the noise gcncrated within the dcvicc itself will play an increasingly important mol e in the ovcrall noise pei-formancc of analog circuits. Thcrcfore, an accuratc noisc model for die channel thermal noisc in MOSFETs is crucial for the design and simulation nf RF CMOS circuits.
CMOS Small-Signal and Thermal Noise Modeling at High Frequencies
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2000
In this paper the behavior of RF CMOS noise up to 24 GHz is analyzed and verified with measurements over a wide range of bias voltages and channel lengths. For the first time, approaches for excess noise factor modelling are validated versus measurements. Furthermore, important RF CMOS figures of merit are examined over many CMOS generations. With the scaling of CMOS technology, optimum RF performance is shown to be shifted from higher moderate towards lower moderate inversion, providing important guidelines for RFIC design. The results are validated with the charge-based EKV3 compact model which takes into account short channel effects such as channel length modulation, velocity saturation and carrier heating.
Compact Modeling of Thermal Noise in the MOS Transistor
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2005
Although some of the recently proposed compact models for thermal noise in MOS transistors exhibit a good match with experimental data, we believe most of the existing compact models suffer from incorrect physical assumptions or modeling (e.g., absence of carrier heating, incorrect modeling of velocity saturation effect, wrong modeling of diffusivity, etc.). This brief presents a new, completely analytical thermal noise model based on consistent physical assumptions.
Microwave transistor noise models including temperature dependence
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Noise in Advanced Electronic Devices and Circuits
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2005
State-of-the-art low-frequency and high-frequency noise performance and modeling in modern semiconductor devices and circuits are discussed. The increase of noise-to-DC current ratio may compromise the circuit applications in near future. The low-frequency noise (LFN) tends to a log-normal distribution. Since the random-telegraph-signal (RTS) noise is pronounced in submicron devices, then new techniques being used to characterize of multilevel RTS are discussed. High-frequency noise modeling and sample experimental results are presented, including the important effect of gate-tunneling current for future devices. For the RF circuits, we discuss the phase noise in voltage-controlled oscillators (VCO) based on ring oscillators and LC-tank VCOs with and without automatic amplitude control. Finally, the effects of hot-carrier stress on the performance of a VCO is presented and discussed.