Communication, Inquiring, Networking, Teaching, Applying (CINTA) as an Effective Learning Model to Improve Students‟ Critical and Creative Thinking Skills (original) (raw)
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This study aims to produce android-based learning multimedia. The research method used is R&D research with the ADDIE development model (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation). The steps in the research include analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating. Data collection techniques in this study include interviews, questionnaires, tests, and documentation. The trial was carried out using the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The results of this study are (1) the need for multimedia mejabando learning in the high category (2) the validity of the interactive multimedia mejabando from the material expert got a score of 4.18 in the good category and 4.64 from the material expert in the good category (3) multimedia practicality is in the very practical category with a score of 87%, 88% and 89% (4) the effectiveness of interactive multimedia learning mejabando can be seen from the results of the students' pretest and posttest. Critical thinking skills get an N-Gain score of 0.66 in a fairly effective category and N-Gain score for creative thinking skills of 0.57 in a moderately effective category. Based on the results of the research obtained, it can be concluded that the interactive multimedia mejabando learning to improve critical and creative thinking skills in learning Indonesian for fifth-grade elementary school is practical, valid and effective for use in learning.
Implementation of Online Learning on Teachers's and Students's Perspective in Indonesia
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An Analysis of Vocational School Students’ Need during Online Learning in Pandemic Covid-19 Era
Acitya: Journal of Teaching & Education, 2022
Online learning is the alternative teaching technique in this situation. Combining technology in learning English may be not weird for some teachers. However, some teachers are made confused by technology because of their knowledge. The pandemic of covid-19 thrust on the teacher for utilizing the technology in teaching and learning. The teacher has faced two conditions where they are not only learning about technology but, also should develop their materials. In developing the material for vocational school, the teachers have to know the need of their students. This research is aimed to analyze the students' needs in teaching and learning which are conducted by online learning. The material, method, media, or technique in teaching and learning should be paid attention to. This research is descriptive qualitative research with use population vocational school in Purworejo. The sample of this research is tenth graders of SMK N 7 Purworejo and SMK Muhammadiyah Purworejo. The collecting data technique is an observation of the document and interview with the students and teachers. The result of this research is the materials should be developed/modified based on the major of their students. Speaking, pronunciation, and vocabulary are needed to emphasize online learning. The teacher must improve their media of teaching by using interactive media. So the teachers have to be more creative in using technology. The technique, method, or approach should be adaptable with the material of students' needs, learning media, and textbook that is used. In conclusion, the teacher was hoped that they know how to use the technology, develop the materials based on their major, and improvisation of teaching and learning techniques, methods, and approaches.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021), 2022
f the use of interactive multimedia on the mastery of concepts and critical thinking skills of students in courses. Some of the most important findings expected in this study are (1) the influence of this model can improve students' learning competence in the cognitive realm. (2) through software, students' skills and independence can improve critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. This research is an experimental study using pretest-posttest control design. The research sample is even semester students in 2020/2021 with random sampling cluster technique. The instrument used to collect data is a concept mastery test sheet developed based on data analysis indicators and provides interachievement. While the critical thinking ability test developed based on argumentation analysis indicators showed that the average concept mastery score of the experimental group was 69% and the control group was 55%. The results of the t-test mastery of critical concepts and thinking skills showed that the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group. This means that the use of interactive multimedia affects the mastery of students' critical thinking concepts and skills in data analysis and achievement materials. Keywords— interactive multimedia, concept mastery, critical thinking skills, data analysis and achievement