Pengaruh Imbangan Hijauan Dengan Konsentrat Berbahan Baku Limbah Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian Dalam Ransum Terhadap (original) (raw)

Imbangan Hijauan Dan Konsentrat Dalam Ransum Terhadap Respon Fermentasi Rumen Dan Sintesis Protein Mikroba Pedet Sapi Bali Calon Induk

Majalah Ilmiah Peternakan

In order to fulfill the domestic meat requirements and reduce imports so government continually develop localbeef cattle based on their quantity and quality of meat. Among the local cattle in Indonesia, Bali cattle is the mostfavourite cattle (32.31%) considering on its meat quality. There were 12 calves used in this research with 100 kgof average body weight. The treatments were diet with 40% concentrate and 60% king grass (A); 45% concentrateand 55% king grass (B); 50% concentrate and 50% king grass (C); 55% concentrate and 45% king grass (D). Theexperiment was design in a completely randomized block design with four treatments and three replicates. Thevariables measured were rumen fermentation as of pH, NH3, total and pastial of VFA (acetic acid, propionic acidand butyric acid), microbial protein synthesis and protozoa populations. It showed that treatment D produce thehighest NH3 and total VFA, 14.66 mMol, and 165.38 mMol respectively compared to other treatments. Propionicacid ...

Pengaruh Rasio Penggunaan Limbah Ternak Dan Hijauan Terhadap Kualitas Pupuk Cair

Jurnal Gamma, 2013

Oganik fertilizer is not only solid but can also be a liquid such as inorganic fertilizers. Liquid fertilizers seemed more easily utilized by plants as elements in it are not easy to unravel and the amount is too much benefits to be felt sooner. Liquid fertilizer raw materials may come from sewage Forage and livestock. ratio comparisons and Forage use of livestock waste is will affect the quality of the nutrients contained in liquid manure. This study aimed to determine the origin of waste usage ratio livestock and forage for the content of N, P and K fertilizer produced liquid. Research using Completely Randomized Design. As the treatment is the ratio between the waste and livestock forage. The treatments were as follows P1 = Waste 25% of cattle: Forage 75% P2 = 50% of livestock waste: Forage P3 = 50% Waste 75% of cattle: Forage P4 = 25% and 100% of livestock waste treatment is the respective repeated 3 times. To differentiate the average value of the treatment, conducted LSD (Steel and Torric, 1991). While the parameters measured were nitrogen content, P and K. Conclusion There is a very real effect of the use of livestock waste and forage for the content of N, P and K fertilizer liquid fertilizer with cair.

Pengaruh Pemberian Silase Ransum Komplit Berbasis Limbah Tebu Dan Limbah Kubis Dengan Level Energi Dan Protein Yang Berbeda Terhadap Performa Ternak Kerbau


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan rasio energi dan protein yang optimal dan mengetahui pengaruh energi dan protein silase ransum komplit berbasis limbah tebu dan limbah kubis terhadap konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan harian, dan efisiensi ransum. Penelitian ini menggunakan 12 ekor kerbau jantan umur lebih kurang 2 tahun dengan bobot badan kisaran antara 208 ± 20 kg. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 3 macam formula ransum dengan 4 kali ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian terdiri dari Ransum A(level protein 13%, TDN 65%), Ransum B (level protein 11,5%, TDN 62%) dan Ransum C(level protein 10%, TDN 58%). Peubah yang diamati adalah konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan harian, dan efisiensi ransum. Hasil analisis keragaman menunjukkan bahwa memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan, dan efisiensi ransum. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ...


Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmuPertanian Vol, 2004

The research was conducted to study the effect of organic matter and soil moisture condition to total nitrogen content, available phosphate, potassium content and soil cation exchange capacity on Vertisol. The experiment arranged in factorial completely randomized design. The first factor was organic matter, i e. 0, 10, 15 and 20 ton. ha-1 . The second factor was soil moisture condition i e. field capacity and submerged condition. Each treatment combination replicated three times. The result showed that organic matter and soil moisture condition affected nitrogen, phosphate, potassium and soil cation exchange capacity of Vertisol.


In an effort to increase and stabilize the production or yield of the Palm Oil Mill (PKS) PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VII Sungai Niru Business Unit (PTPN VII UU SUNI) is required to first test the processed material by conducting a material balance test which includes empty bunches (tankos), loose fruit, meat, fiber, oil, nuts (seeds), kernels (shells).) and the core produced from 100% FFB. The analysis is carried out by comparing the results of the material balance test carried out with the actual production results at the time the FFB is processed in the factory. The analysis was carried out by collecting data and information through direct observation by testing 3 samples of FFB fractions, namely fraction 00 (raw FFB), fraction 02 (mature FFB) and fraction IV (mature FFB) which were taken at the loading ramp station before FFB was processed. After the material balance test was carried out, it was found that the difference in the ratio of oil yields (losses) was 2.38%, namely 6020 kg and the difference in ratio of core losses was 4.58%, which was 2087 kg with an estimated loss of IDR 54,569,200. From the fishbone diagram, it was found that the elements of equipment and process were the most important stakeholders causing the high losses so that the yield decreased, especially at the sterillizer station. Thus the researchers designed a vertical sterillizer to calibrate the old and aged plant sterillizers, causing increased losses and ineffective production processing time.



Organic mater is one of the important component in the soil, can improve the soil feature of physical chemistry especially in marginal soil with the result, it can give a better support capacity for the growth and development of plants. This research using the Factorial Randomaized Block Design 2x4 factorial model by 3 replication. This action consists of organic material factors of straw and sago palm ground, organic factor dose is 0, 10, 20 and 30 ton ha-1. The result of this result shows that there is a fact interaction between the sort of organic material and the dose through the high plan in is days after it is grown and have 1000 weight of dry shelled seed. The hight plant in is days after the highest grown and have the combination of organic material sort from sago palm ground by giving 30 ton ha-1. while for the 1000 weight of dry shelled seed is gotten in the combination of straw by giving 30 ton ha-1 dose.