Laboratory test of the impact of the area of an LED billboard on drivers' visual performance (original) (raw)
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Selcuk Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi a, 2009
Bu çalışma farklı dalga boyuna sahip monokromatik ışık kaynaklarının 42 günlük yetiştirme periyodu boyunca dişi broylerin performansına etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada 3 farklı ışık grubu oluşturulmuş ve her gruba ait 160' ar hayvan denemede kullanılmıştır. Her grup için 4 alt grup oluşturulmuştur. Her deneme grubu birbirinden bağımsız odalara yerleştirilmiş ve her bir alt grup 4 m 2 'lik 12 bölmeye yerleştirilmiştir (her bölmede 40 civciv). Gruplarda ortalama ışık şiddeti 10 lüks olarak ayarlanmıştır. Işık denemeleri; 1-Kontrol grubu (mini flüoresan lamba-günışığı); 2-ilk 3 hafta 560 nm dalga boyundaki yeşil ışık (G) ve son 3 hafta 480 nm dalga boyundaki mavi ışık (B)'ın kullanıldığı G-B olarak adlandırılan grup ve son olarak 3-ilk 3 hafta G ışık kaynağının kullanıldığı kalan 3 hafta ise G-B ışıklarının karışık olarak kullanıldığı ve G-GB mix olarak adlandırılan grup şeklinde planlanmıştır. Monokromatik ışık kaynağı olarak LED'ler kullanılmıştır. Denemede haftalık periyotlarla, ölüm oranı, canlı ağırlık (BW), canlı ağırlık kazancı (LBW) ve yem tüketimi (FC) değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre G-B ve G-GB mix gruplarında BW, LWG ve FC bakımından önemli iyileşmeler bulunmuştur. Ayrıca G-GB mix grubunda karkas ağırlığı bakımından kontrol grubuna göre önemli ilerlemeler tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre, dişi broyler yetiştiriciliğinde yetiştirme periyodunun ilk 3 haftası G kalan 3 haftalık periyot için ise GB mix ışıklandırma modelinin uygulanması tavsiye edilebilir.
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2018
A proper visual performance by drivers can be ensured by, among else, a correct distribution of luminance in their field of view. At night, when the driver's sight is adapted to low luminance levels, high luminance level objects located near the road may be a source of glare, which is not only a nuisance, but it may also blind the driver. For many years, LED billboards (light-emitting diode billboards) have been installed near roads. Such billboards are usually large, have high luminance and show dynamically changing images. These parameters have a significant impact on the drivers' visual performance and, in turn, on road traffic safety. The study on the impact of the luminance, size and location of LED billboards on the drivers' visual performance was conducted on a volunteer group. Testing the impact of LED billboards on the visual performance of drivers in real-life conditions is very difficult. Therefore, the tests have been conducted in laboratory conditions, using a car driving simulator. The paper describes the testing procedure and tests results. The permissible luminance and areas of LED screens in two locations near the road, which significantly reduce the drivers' visual performance in municipal traffic at night, were determined by conducting an analysis of the results. Recommendations on the permissible luminance and areas of LED billboards were formulated.
Complex assessment of LED tubes
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2013
In this paper, the authors are trying to complexly assess usage of LED tubes as replacement of linear fluorescent tubes. In the first part, advantages of LED tubes deployment are shortly described. Then comparison of its connection from electrical and safety point of view is done. Results of thermal measurement held in dust-proof luminaire follow. Based on this a confirmation of useful lifetime is provided. Light sources were measured in louvre and dust proof luminaires to compare luminances and light intensity distribution curves. With measured data, authors did economic analysis of three different lighting systems. Streszczenie. Artykul dotyczy wykorzystania tub LED zamiast świetlowek typu T8 zarowno w istniejącym oświetleniu, oprawach oświetleniowych jak i w nowych instalacjach. Na wstepie zostaly wymienione podstawowe wady i zalety wykorzystania lamp LED lamp a nastepnie zostala przeprowadzona analiza pod wzgledem instalacji elektrycznej i bezpieczenstwa. Wyniki pomiarow tempera...
To Determine The Functional Efficacy of Led Units in Various Clinical Offices
Dental Journal of Advance Studies
Aim: Light units used for polymerization of resin composites are subject to deterioration with age, and frequent maintenance is required to maintain optimal efficacy. The aim of this study was to examine the efficacy of LED units in private dental offices in Baddi (H.P) for polymerization of resin composites. Materials and Methods: Twenty dental offices met all selection criteria and agreedto participate in the study. To measure light intensity, an analogue radiometer was used. The probe of each LED unit was placed and then measurements of light intensities were recorded for each light unit and the data was statistically analysed. Results: The light intensity of the individual units varied widely. The results revealed that there was error of 35% and a standard deviation of 155.76 among the intensities of various LED Units checked in the study. Conclusions: Light polymerization units in private dental offices displayed a wide rangein light intensity, and many had below-recommended le...
Use of color lights for the detection of anomalies in quality systems
Work (Reading, Mass.), 2012
The importance of eye care in the industry is a first level topic, due to most of the assembly and manufacturing aimed companies of various products that require direct health care of their employees, specially eye care. The lighting system, the lamp features and job tasks are factors that impact over the visual performance of the worker. Each of these factors, either by themselves or in conjunction, influences the visual performance of the employee, and therefore its safety and efficacy. Some of the reported symptoms are: problem of visual fixation, eye redness, tearing, headache, blurred vision, eyelids heaviness and dry eyes, [7]. The research was developed with 48 people, 27 male and 21 female, in the range of ages of 17 to 58 years old. In the experiment were used illumination system base on Diode Emitting lights (LED's) of five different colors (White, Blue, Green, Red and Yellow), the reason of use of LED's it is because are source of monochromatic light, also it is a...
Revista Técnica "Energía", 2020
In the present project was done the design and analysis of a system of external illumination by means of technology LED, was carried out which is energized by means of concentrated photovoltaic generation. Considering that, in the parking lot, there is an average illumination lower than the permitted, levels, is proposed to improve the lighting through the Dialux evo software, obtaining the following results from this design: 518 lx for access, 132,83 lx in the circulation strip and 113,75 lx in parking spaces, in accordance with the NTE INEN 2 248 standard, whose electric power density for lighting is 1,88 W/m 2. Through a bibliographic research, the technical data of the LED luminaires of 245 W and 134 W were compiled, with a luminous efficiency of 145 lm/W and 146 lm/W respectively. In addition, the photovoltaic system consists of 28 monocrystalline panels of 360 W/24 V, the accumulation system will consist of 28 deep discharge batteries at 240 Ah/12 V, two PWM load controllers of 110 A/48 V and the inverter of 5 000 VA/48 V. With a new value for the kWh of USD 0,681 2 it is possible to have a VAN of $ 66 525,60 and the TIR equal to 25,35 %, indicating that the project is profitable. Index terms Battery, electrical power density, concentrated photovoltaic generation, inverter, monocrystalline panel, regulator, LED technology, TIR and VAN. Resumen En el presente trabajo se realizó el diseño y análisis de un sistema de iluminación exterior mediante tecnología LED, el cual es energizado por medio de generación fotovoltaica concentrada. Considerando que, en el estacionamiento se cuenta con una iluminación media inferior a los niveles permitidos, se propone la mejora del alumbrado a través del software Dialux evo, obteniendo de este diseño los siguientes resultados: 518 lx para el acceso, 132,83 lx en la franja de circulación y 113,75 lx en plazas de estacionamiento, acordes a la normativa NTE INEN 2 248, cuya densidad de potencia eléctrica para alumbrado es de 1,88 W/m 2. Mediante una investigación bibliográfica se recopiló los datos técnicos de las luminarias LED de 245 W y 134 W, con un eficiencia luminosa de 145 lm/W y 146 lm/W respectivamente. Además, el sistema fotovoltaico está conformado por 28 paneles monocristalinos de 360 W/24 V, el sistema de acumulación constará de 28 baterías de descarga profunda a 240 Ah/12 V, dos reguladores de carga PWM de 110 A/48 V y el inversor de 5 000 VA/48 V. Con un nuevo valor para el kWh de USD 0,681 2 se logra tener un VAN de $ 66 525,60 y el TIR igual a 25,35 %, indicando que el proyecto resulta rentable. Palabras clave Batería, densidad de potencia eléctrica, generación fotovoltaica concentrada, inversor, panel monocristalino, regulador, tecnología LED, TIR y VAN.
Laboratory of experimental lighting for low vision people
International Congress Series, 2005
The work presents the Laboratory of Experimental Lighting for Low Vision (LELLV) as a social system of integration with the community and describes the experimental studies we want to do there. It will work like a bdynamic and interactive experimental spaceQ, expecting to achieve its proposals. The proponent institution is a non-profit organization and offers mainly free care for poor people. The service will attend hospital's users, as well as the low vision population in general, that needs lighting solutions, as well as other institutions of social character, preferentially working with low vision people.
Evaluation of Visual Performance Using LED Signboards under Different Ambient Conditions
Procedia Engineering, 2012
This research aimed to study how to make the light emitting diode (LED) signboards be more legible under high illuminative conditions and to avoid the observers feeling dazzling glare under low illuminative conditions. This research firstly studied the literatures to explore the drivers' visual ergonomic as well as the optical properties of LED, and investigated the relatively existing norms for engineering vehicle LED signboards. Three variables were set in this study: three kinds of ambient condition, four kinds of luminance contrast and two kinds of character form. In the first phase of the experiment, subjects observed LED signboards in both near and distant locations and filled out the SWN scale (Subjective Well-being under Neuroleptics), and in the second phase, subjects were then asked to moved forward and recorded their perceptions of comfort and glare to distance range. The findings demonstrated that, there was no variation in subjective evaluation to display signs with no backgrounds either in the near or distant locations, while to display signs with backgrounds, the subjects perceptions were the farther the distance, the clearer the legibility; higher ambient illumination could effectively reduce observers' glare perception to LED signboards; signboards with backgrounds at the luminance contrast of 3:1 (L max = 3100, L min = 1033 cd / ㎡) showed the lowest uncomfortable and glare level to observers. The two forms of character showed no significant variation in affecting observers in terms of the comfort and glare perception.
Study of visual performance of drivers in laboratory conditions
Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering, 2014
Due to the safety of road traffic, the study of visual performance of drivers in real life conditions is often very difficult or downright impossible. Vehicle driving simulators turn out to be excellent testing equipment in such situations. A static driving simulator of a medium class passenger vehicle for carrying out drivers' visual performance test in nighttime conditions was built in the laboratory of the Lighting Technology and Electroheat Department of the Poznan University of Technology. During the tests a necessity was identified to formulate recommendations and guidelines on measuring drivers' visual performance with the use of a car driving simulator. The article presents the examination procedure and the results of research aiming to determine the criteria and conditions of carrying out examinations of drivers' visual performance with the use of a car driving simulator.