The Training of Writing Classroom Action Research for Teachers in SMA Negeri 1 OKI on 2022 (original) (raw)

Training in Writing Scientific Article on Classroom Action Research for State Junior High Efl Teachers in Surabaya


Writing scientific papers and scientific publications are an integral part of teacher professional competencies. Thus, continuous improvement of their skills and abilities is essential. To actively participate in this development, the community service program team so-called Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPM) took the initiative to provide training in collaboration with the management of the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher of state junior high school (MGMP) in Surabaya. A team of speakers consisting of assisted lecturers delivered custom-made materials, specially composed to support EFL Teachers in a practical and applicable format. Fifty-four out of sixty-three invited EFL teachers have managed to participate in this offline training. The participants find the workshop positive and more than eighty percent of the teachers are willing to try and utilize the supporting software.

Training and Assistance Classroom Action Research (CAR) for Teacher MA Manbaul Bayan Lombok Timur

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Sains Indonesia

This community service aims to provide insight into the knowledge of writing scientific papers in an effort to improve teacher professionalism. Training The methods used in community service activities are the lecture, discussion and question, and answer method. Results of community service activities overall it can be considered quite good, seen from the presence of trainees reaching 90% of the number of MA Manbaul Bayan East Lombok teachers. The implementation procedure in the classroom action research training was rated as well based on positive responses from the participants and the level of mastery of the participants reached 75% of all stages of the implementation of the Classroom Action Research.

The Improving of Students Ability in Writing Research Background of Classroom Action Research Proposal by Using Scientific Approach

Visi Sosial Humaniora, 2021

This study is aimed to know the improvement in writing background of Classroom Action Reseach proposal by using Scientific Approach done by the sixth semester students of English Department of Nommensen University Academic Year 2020/2021.Scientific writing is a way for someone to put the concept of thinking in written form so that other people can understand what is being thought. The method used here is an action research using Scientific Approach.In conducting this classroom action research, the writer divided the action into twocycles. The instrument of collecting data were qualitative data from observation, interview, diary notes, and documentation. Quantitative data were taken from students writing of CAR proposal, which was carried out in the end of everycycle. It is applied for students’ learning in writing Classroom Action research proposal. The students are expected to have logical thinking aspects, data objectivity, vocabulary mastery, use of Enhanced Spelling (EYD), use ...

Teachers‘ Ability in Formulating the Topics of their Classroom Action Researches

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language and Language Teaching, ICLLT 2019, 12 October, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2020

The objective of the study was to find out how successful the teachers were in formulating the topics of their classroom action researches after following a four-hour research proposal writing workshop. This phase of proposal writing activity was considered the most urgent among school teachers in Indonesia because most of them were not obliged to do researches until they were about to be promoted to be senior teaching staff members. The respondents of the study consisted of forty-two (42) teachers working for a junior high school in Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia. The instruments for collecting the data were the sheets of problem identification, particularly designed for assisting the teachers to begin writing their action research proposals. A descriptive quantitative technique was used to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that most respondents were not successful in formulating the topics of their classroom action researches.

Improving Students Writing Skill through Lesson Study-based Classroom Action Research


This research aim at finding out (1) students ability in writing descriptive text through Lesson Study – based Classroom Action Research (CAR) and (2) the impact of using Lesson StudyBased Classroom Action Research toward the teaching of English for Tourism at students of English Language Education Study Program, Khairun University. The method used in this research was descriptive analytic with qualitative approach. Research subjects were one lecturer model, 2 observers and 38 students of English Language Education Study Program. Technique of collecting data used were observation, interview, documentation study and assessment test (Pre and post-test). The implementation of this research was conducted in three stages utilizing the Guidelines of Action Research. The stages consist of Plan, do, see and reflection. Beside observation result, the assessment test result showed that there is an increasing of students’ pre-test result from 43.61score to 74.76 in post-test (the gain score is...

Writing-up Classroom-based Action Researches: The INNOTeach Way

European Modern Studies Journal

INNOTeach is a joint extension project between the University of Southeastern Philippines and the Department of Education-Davao City. This paper aimed to disclose the INNOTeach way of writing-up classroom-based action researches by the teachers. It discussed the progress and highlights of the project while revealing the behavioral impressions of the teacher participants. It is anchored on Kurt Lewin’s theory emphasizing that action researches are made to solve social problems. Narrative-qualitative research was employed in this paper. Remarkably, the INNOTEach way of writing-up an action research is simply a reflective writing exercise using customized worksheets and templates. This revealed further that the series of trainings produced organics trainers and research proposals approved by the office of the Schools Division Superintendent of Davao City. One implemented research became an entry of DepEd-Region XI to the national paper contest; while the project itself has already been...

Assistance of Scientific Article Writing Based on Classroom Action Research with Clinical Coaching Approach


This community service activity aims to improve the professional competence of teachers through mentoring activities for writing scientific articles based on classroom action research with a clinical coaching approach. The method used in this activity is a workshop and assistance in writing scientific articles based on the results of classroom action research. Workshop activities are carried out for article writing, while assistance is carried out for individual consultations in the preparation of articles based on the results of classroom action research. This activity was carried out at the Model State Elementary School (SDN) of Malang City with a total of 40 teachers. To measure the level of success of the activity used descriptive analysis by examining the results of article writing. The results of the activity showed that 75% or 30 of the 40 teachers were successful in writing scientific articles based on the results of classroom action research, and 66.6% or 20 teachers were successful in uploading articles in national journals. Thus, it can be concluded that community service activities are in the successful category.


DepEd, 2021

The purpose of the study was to help teacher-participants of Kakiduguen National High School in enhancing their research skills in the preparation of action research proposal through the conduct of learning action cell sessions and peer teaching activities. The modified research questionnaire was used to gather data on the self-assessed performance levels of the teacher-participants before and after the study. Sets of rubric were developed to assess and evaluate the teacher-participants’ outputs. The teacher-participants assessed themselves as proficient in all the essential components of action research prior and after the study. On the other hand, teacher-participants’ performance level based on their outputs before the study shows that they are on average or beginners in preparing action research proposal. While the teacher-participants’ outputs overall performance after the study shows that they greatly improved with a performance level of highly proficient on articulating research titles and formulating research questions. The activities, that enhanced the teacher-participants’ research skills and performance in formulating a research question and articulating a research title, were the conducted learning action cell sessions, numerous peer teaching, the inclusion of open forum in the learning action cell session, entertaining and answering queries or questions about the rudiments of research as well the regular follow-up, extending technical assistance, motivation, and giving of feedback on their outputs on the part of the school head-researcher. Institutionalized learning action cell and peer teaching; keep honing and equipping oneself on the rudiments of research including the school head; provide samples of action researches/studies from the different learning areas; craft a reference guide on the five most important parts of action research; and conduct learning action cell on time management to help teachers managing their time in conducting research. Keywords: self-assessment, written outputs, performance level, technical assistance

Classroom Action Research in Action

The 7th International Conference on Teaching English as Foreign Language (COTEFL), 2015

In English study program of Faculty of Educational Sciences,Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Indonesia, the students are prepared to becomeEnglish teachers in secondary levels. One of compulsory subjects offered to the students is classroom action research. This subject can be taken by the students after they have passed educational research methodology subject. In her preliminary study, the writer found that almost all students were confused to understand this kind of small research. In light of this,the main objective of this study is to explore students’ understanding of classroom action research discussion through classroom action research studies of others. An action study was conducted in order to see how effective these paper reports in helping students to get the main ideas of what classroom action research is. Total number of 11 students registered in the third semester of this bachelor degree participated in this study. The data were collected through two cycles in which in each cycle each student was asked to present other’s classroom actionresearch paper and focused on its background, research method and research findings. The results showed an awesome impacts in which on the first cycle, 50% of the students wearable to explain the whole concepts of what classroom action research is and on the second cycle, 85% students were excellent in explaining the details. In addition, since the students totally presented two different papers of others, they were also able to compare and explain the weaknesses and the strengths of any paper presented in an interesting discussion. In sum,the result of this action research exceeded the target of the writer to improve the students’ achievement in this subject up to 80%.

Action Research Writing Ability Among Secondary School Teachers


This study focused on the action research writing ability of secondary school teachers in Tabuk City Division, Philippines, as affected by their socio-demographic profile. There were 15 secondary schools in the division; however, only 7 schools were participating in research. This was planned as a basis in giving technical assistance to improve teachers' action research writing ability. The study involved 41 chosen teachers who have conducted action researches. It was a quantitative study and employed descriptive research design. The data on respondents' socio-demographic profile was presented in percentage. Furthermore, Chi-square test was used to determine the association of the action research writing ability of the teachers with their socio-demographic profile. Results showed that most of the respondents were in the field of English, followed by Science, Math and Filipino. Majority were 36-50 (70.70%) years old, female (78%), master's degree holders (75.6%), in the service for ten years and below (53.7%), with three or more trainings on research writing (65.9%), and with one action research conducted. Almost half (46.3%) hold Teacher III positions and the rest hold either a Master Teacher or Teacher II position. Results further showed that the overall action research writing ability of the respondents is at moderate level. Furthermore, Chi-square test revealed that the action research writing ability of the teachers does not have significant association with their educational attainment, teaching position, and length of service but have significant association with their field of specialization, age, gender, number of trainings attended and number of action research conducted.