Acknowledgement to the Reviewers (original) (raw)

Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Standards in 2022

Standards, 2023

High-quality academic publishing is built on rigorous peer review. Symmetry was able to uphold its high standards for published papers due to the outstanding efforts of our reviewers. Thanks to the efforts of our reviewers in 2022, the median time to first decision was 14 days and the median time to publication was 36 days. Regardless of whether the articles they examined were ultimately published, the editors would like to express their appreciation and thank the following reviewers for the time and dedication that they have shown Symmetry:

Ucapan Terima Kasih Kepada Para Reviewer (Mitra Bebestari) Pada Terbitan Ini


mengundang para sarjana dan pakar dalam bidang kajian keushuluddinan, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan fokus dan skop Jurnal Ushuluddin. 2. Artikel yang dikirim merupakan karya asli, belum pernah diterbitkan, dan tidak sedang direview oleh Jurnal lain. Naskah artikel bukan merupakan plagiat. 3. Naskah diketik dalam format Microsoft Word, huruf Times New Roman, font 12 pts, satu setengah spasi, ukuran kertas A4, dan panjang tulisan berkisar 15 hingga 20 halaman. Naskah dapat dikirimkan melalui email

List of Reviewers

Provides a listing of current committee members and society officers.

Reviewers list 2016–2017

Pharmaceutical Development and Technology

The editorial board and Editor-In-Chief of Pharmaceutical Development and Technology are grateful to the ongoing support they receive from reviewers all over the globe. Below is a list of those that have dedicated time and effort to review manuscripts that have been submitted to Pharmaceutical Development and Technology; a big THANK YOU to all of them.

Reviewer 1

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