Summary Report Finding Means UNRWA's Financial Situation and the Living Conditions of Palestinian Refugees (original) (raw)
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This report is one of the final outcomes of a research process that began in 2005 and which aimed at providing information on the socioeconomic living conditions of the Palestine refugees registered with UNRWA, and the services provided to them by the Agency in its five fields of operation (the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, Jordan, the Syrian Arab Republic, and Lebanon).
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Palestinian Refugee Satisfaction about UNRWA Services: A Case of Gaza Strip
International journal of history and cultural studies, 2022
This study aims at achiving the following objectives: How satisfied are the Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip with the services provided by UNRWA? The following questions are derived from the main question: Abstract: UNRWA provides several services for Palestinian refugees in Gaza strip, who represent about 70% from the population. Due to the huge number of the beneficiaries of services, the important of UNRWA's services that they get and depend on it, and the lack of such studies; The importance of this study emerged. However, the study aims to measure the extent of the refugees' satisfaction in Gaza strip about UNRWA services. The researcher follows the descriptive analytical approach, also the researcher uses the questionnaire to achieve the purpose, that consisted of 22 statements addresses the several services sector provided by UNRWA. Thus, the questionnaire was distributed on 1050 people within random, and stratified sample, 938 of them were retrieved. The research consists of introduction and three chapters, the first chapter addresses the population, the second addresses the questionnaire's sections; which are six sections that involves: Health services, Relief and supplying services, Education, Recruitment, Development, and Economic situations. In the conclusion, the researcher addresses the essential results and recommendation. Thus, the results show a low level of relative satisfaction towards number of UNRWA's services, also they show new needs for refugees do not provide by UNRWA.
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Quality of life in the Palestinian context: An inquiry in war-like conditions
Health Policy, 2007
This study aims to elucidate the concept of quality of life (QOL) in a unique environment characterized by protracted and ongoing conflict, beginning with the utilization of the WHOQOL-Bref as a starting point for discussion. It works to determine important health-related quality of life domains and items within each domain, and evaluate issues pertinent to the Palestinian population's understanding of life quality in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.