Electron Spin Resonance of the Interacting Spinon Liquid (original) (raw)
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Spinon Magnetic Resonance of Quantum Spin Liquids
Physical Review Letters
We describe electron spin resonance in a quantum spin liquid with significant spin-orbit coupling. We find that the resonance directly probes spinon continuum which makes it an efficient and informative probe of exotic excitations of the spin liquid. Specifically, we consider spinon resonance of three different spinon mean-field Hamiltonians, obtained with the help of projective symmetry group analysis, which model a putative quantum spin liquid state of the triangular rare-earth antiferromagnet YbMgGaO4. The band of absorption is found to be very broad and exhibit strong van Hove singularities of single spinon spectrum as well as pronounced polarization dependence.
Probing Spinon Nodal Structures in Three-Dimensional Kitaev Spin Liquids
Physical Review Letters, 2017
We propose that resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) is an effective probe of the fractionalized excitations in three-dimensional (3D) Kitaev spin liquids. While the non-spin-conserving RIXS responses are dominated by the gauge-flux excitations and reproduce the inelastic-neutron-scattering response, the spin-conserving (SC) RIXS response picks up the Majorana-fermion excitations and detects whether they are gapless at Weyl points, nodal lines, or Fermi surfaces. As a signature of symmetry fractionalization, the SC RIXS response is suppressed around the Γ point. On a technical level, we calculate the exact SC RIXS responses of the Kitaev models on the hyperhoneycomb, stripyhoneycomb, hyperhexagon, and hyperoctagon lattices, arguing that our main results also apply to generic 3D Kitaev spin liquids beyond these exactly solvable models.
Physical review letters, 2015
A Fermi liquid with spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is expected to support a new set of collective modes: oscillations of magnetization in the absence of the magnetic field. We show that these modes are damped by the electron-electron interaction even in the limit of an infinitely long wavelength (q=0). The linewidth of the collective mode is on the order of Δ¯2/E(F), where Δ¯ is a characteristic spin-orbit energy splitting and E(F) is the Fermi energy. Such damping is in stark contrast to known damping mechanisms of both charge and spin collective modes in the absence of SOC, all of which disappear at q=0, and arises because none of the components of total spin is conserved in the presence of SOC.
A one-dimensional liquid of fermions with tunable spin
Nature Physics, 2014
Correlations in systems with spin degree of freedom are at the heart of fundamental phenomena, ranging from magnetism to superconductivity. The effects of correlations depend strongly on dimensionality, a striking example being onedimensional (1D) electronic systems, extensively studied theoretically over the past fifty years . However, the experimental investigation of the role of spin multiplicity in 1D fermionsand especially for more than two spin components -is still lacking. Here we report on the realization of 1D, strongly-correlated liquids of ultracold fermions interacting repulsively within SU(N ) symmetry, with a tunable number N of spin components. We observe that static and dynamic properties of the system deviate from those of ideal fermions and, for N > 2, from those of a spin-1/2 Luttinger liquid. In the large-N limit, the system exhibits properties of a bosonic spinless liquid. Our results provide a testing ground for many-body theories and may lead to the observation of fundamental 1D effects .
Dynamical Signatures of Quasiparticle Interactions in Quantum Spin Chains
Physical Review Letters, 2020
We study the transverse dynamical susceptibility of an antiferromagnetic spin−1/2 chain in presence of a longitudinal Zeeman field. In the low magnetization regime in the gapless phase, we show that the marginally irrelevant backscattering interaction between the spinons creates a non-zero gap between two branches of excitations at small momentum. We further demonstrate how this gap varies upon introducing a second neighbor antiferromagnetic interaction, vanishing in the limit of a non-interacting "spinon gas". In the high magnetization regime, as the Zeeman field approaches the saturation value, we uncover the appearance of two-magnon bound states in the transverse susceptibility. This bound state feature generalizes the one arising from string states in the Bethe ansatz solution of the integrable case. Our results are based on numerically accurate, unbiased matrix-product-state techniques as well as analytic approximations.
Elementary excitation in the spin-stripe phase in quantum chains
npj Quantum Materials, 2019
Elementary excitations in condensed matter capture the complex many-body dynamics of interacting basic entities in a simple quasiparticle picture. In magnetic systems the most established quasiparticles are magnons, collective excitations that reside in ordered spin structures, and spinons, their fractional counterparts that emerge in disordered, yet correlated spin states. Here we report on the discovery of elementary excitation inherent to spin-stripe order that represents a bound state of two phason quasiparticles, resulting in a wiggling-like motion of the magnetic moments. We observe these excitations, which we dub “wigglons”, in the frustrated zigzag spin-1/2 chain compound β-TeVO4, where they give rise to unusual low-frequency spin dynamics in the spin-stripe phase. This result provides insights into the stripe physics of strongly-correlated electron systems.
Spinons in a Crossed-Chains Model of a 2D Spin Liquid
Physical Review Letters, 2002
Using Random Phase Approximation, we show that a crossed-chains model of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg spins, with frustrated interchain couplings, has a non-dimerized spin-liquid ground state in 2D, with deconfined spinons as the elementary excitations. The results are confirmed by a bosonization study, which shows that the system is an example of a 'sliding Luttinger liquid'. In an external field, the system develops an incommensurate field-induced long range order with a finite transition temperature.
Resonating Valence Bond Wave Function for the Two-Dimensional Fractional Spin Liquid
Physical Review Letters, 2004
The unconventional low-lying spin excitations, recently observed in neutron scattering experiments on Cs2CuCl4, are explained with a spin liquid wave function. The dispersion relation as well as the wave vector of the incommensurate spin correlations are well reproduced within a projected BCS wave function with gapless and fractionalized spin-1/2 excitations around the nodes of the BCS gap function. The proposed wave function is shown to be very accurate for one-dimensional spin-1/2 systems, and remains similarly accurate in the two-dimensional model corresponding to Cs2CuCl4, thus representing a good ansatz for describing spin fractionalization in two dimensions.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008
We consider the ground state and the elementary excitations of an array of spin-Peierls chains coupled by elastic and magnetic interactions. It is expected that the effect of the magnetic interchain coupling will be to reduce the dimerization amplitude and that of the elastic coupling will be to confine the spin one-half solitons corresponding to each isolated chain. We show that this is the case when these interactions are not frustrated. On the other hand, in the frustrated case we show that the amplitude of dimerization in the ground state is independent of the strength of the interchain magnetic interaction in a broad range of values of this parameter. We also show that free solitons could be the elementary excitations when only nearest neighbour interactions are considered. The case of an elastic interchain coupling is analyzed on a general energetic consideration. To study the effect of the magnetic interchain interaction the problem is simplified to a two-leg ladder which is solved using density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations. We show that the deconfinement mechanism is effective even with a significantly strong antiferromagnetic interchain coupling. PACS numbers: 75.10.Jm, 75.10.Pq, 75.40.Mg