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Review of: Slovnik «Uriankhaisko-tuvinskoi entsiklopedii» [Glossary of the Uriankhai-Tuva Encyclopedia] (2019). TROO «Mir tuvintsev». Kyzyl, 2019. 388 p. (In Russ.). The review provides information on the history of the project, the support it received from the Presidential foundation, and the presentation of the book on March 1, 2019, held with support of the government of the republic. The book is an significant contribution into the fields of research and popularization. Also provided are the general characteristic of the encyclopedia project. Tuvan intelligentsia put high hopes on the project. The publication of the glossary has made it possible to ask a number of questions on its structure and to point at mistakes and shortcomings which must be corrected before the encyclopedia goes into print.
This is a first ever study of the notion of ‘Tuvan time’ (Tyva үе) – the way Tuvans reckon time in their everyday lives. This idea is examined as an integral part of Tuvan culture, being most directly linked to practices of economic culture. This vision of time can be seen as a version of ‘steppe time’, also typical for the peoples of Mongolia and other Central Asian regions of nomadic culture. People of the steppes have been found to possess a specific cultural time, a certain pace of lifestyle which has been classified within the Oriental type of understanding time. To reckon and understand the notion of time, Tuvans have traditionally used the strategies of objectification, matching time to specific action and mentioning the place of action. The article studies Tuvan terms signifying time, with a focus on the conclusions scholars of language and culture have made in their studies of how Tuvans find their way in space and time by observing the daily motion of the Sun and stars. Special attention is given in the article to the link between ‘Tuvan time’ and their economic culture. This way of understanding time appeared in the economic lifestyle of extensive animal farming that most Tuvans in the past and present were involved in. Correspondingly, their economic activity almost wholly depended on natural cycles, weather changes, climatic rhythms and conditions. This determined the strategy of adapting to both the environment in general and to its elements, such as the flow of events and of time in this environment. People had only to watch the slow grazing of their cattle and only at times intervene to regulate the process. This made unhurriedness one of the most important temporal features of Tuvan culture. The article analyzes the cultural views of the Tuvans on planning and punctuality. In the post-Soviet years, ‘Tyva үе’ has come to mean the right to be imprecise and is determined by several circumstances, such as a change in weather, climate lore, the need to follow important routines or directions. All of these factors are seen as bigger and more important than people, control their intentions and regulate the length of events and actions. Unhurriedness is most marked among the rural populations, but is also quite conspicuous in urban areas since internal migration from the countryside to towns remains significant. Foundations of traditional culture remain strong, too, since those who feel bound to it have managed to “write it into” their contemporary lives. The factor of ‘Tuvan time’ is an important one to reckon for visitors to the region, residents of Tuva, local authorities, business people. It is an important element of contemporary economic culture and a powerful precondition for strategic planning.
Развитие музейного дела в Республике Тыва: история и современность 90-летний юбилей Национального музея им. Алдан-Маадыр Республики Тыва-повод под-вести определенные итоги в области музейного дела Тувы. Музей сегодня является культур-ным и научным центром республики, играет важную роль в сохранении культуры, в развитии воспитания и пр. В статье анализируется история развития музейного дела в Туве, форму-лируются современные проблемы и новые вызовы на фоне глобальных трендов, которые про-исходят с музеями мира. Даны количественные характеристики на сегодня: число сотрудников музея (в том числе по разным категориям), показатели фондов музея. Имеется 7 филиалов. Отмечено, что ту-винский музей по фондам является одним из самых богатых в Южной Сибири. Проанализи-рованы виды и показатели научно-исследовательской деятельности коллектива. Отмечены организационные проблемы. Перспективным направлением работы названо археологическое в сотрудничестве с другими научными учреждениями. Представлены формы работы с посетителями. Возможности расширения и улучшения ра-боты показаны на примере филиала-музея истории политических репрессий. Сформулиро-вана задача полной реэкспозиции в залах до 2021 года, которая рассматривается как творче-ская. Насущная задача-использование современных технологий, которая сейчас решается, но в минимальном виде. Важно соблюсти баланс с привычными формами работы и сохранить статус ведущего культурного и просветительского учреждения Тувы. Международное сотрудничество музея сегодня развивается в двух основных направлениях: обмен выставками с зарубежными музеями и предоставление своей площади для междуна-родных мероприятий. Ключевые слова: Национальный музей Республики Тыва; Тува; тувинская культура; куль-турное наследие; музееведение Каадыр-оол А. Бичелдей, Солангы Ю. Чыргалан, Оттук Ю. Игрит Национальный музей им. Алдан-Маадыр Республики Тыва, Российская Федерация,
Xiongnu Archaeology. Chronology Issues , 2024
Kilunovskaya, M., Leus P. Chronology of the Xiongnu period in Tuva // Xiongnu Archaeology. Chronology Issues. Ulaanbaatar, 2024. (English and Mongolian)
The article deals with the issues of preserving the unique Tuvan throat singing tradition, Khѳѳmei, which is seen as part of Tuva’s intangible cultural heritage. Correspondingly, our article is based on the UN recommendations on how to deal with challenges to this type of heritage. There is a lot of information, including research, on Khѳѳmei available now. It has been collected primarily by two state institutions of Tuva whose task is to study and develop the throat singing tradition – Khѳѳmei International Research Center and the Center for Developing Traditional Tuvan Culture and Crafts. Although a number of publications have come out, there is still no dedicated catalogue of works on Khѳѳmei, nor of Khѳѳmei singers. Another set of challenges yet unmatched is to collect audio and video recordings of Khѳѳmei performances and provide access to it to all those interested. So far it has been in the hands of enthusiasts, including Khѳѳmei aficionados from outside Russia. A most important task to preserve the authentic, true form of Khѳѳmei as intangible heritage is augmented by the fact that orally transmitted traditions are by nature “nimble” and changeable. The art of Khѳѳmei now exists both in its original form and – transformed – within contemporary musical forms where it is fused with various genres of pop, jazz, rock and avant-garde music. It has also entered the domain of what now is known as “world music”. This success has had an impact on Tuva’s international cultural ties and on the rise of ethnocultural tourism, and thus Khѳѳmei may and should be seen as a brand of contemporary Tuvan culture, as well as a factor of ethnic mobilization. In 2011, the job of a throat singer has been officially recognized in Russia, and Khѳѳmeizhi now can enjoy the right for job benefits. This can be seen as an organizational victory. However, Khѳѳmei itself, as every form of art, needs legal protection. There is a global trend to see it as analogous to the so-called European mechanism of sound production (two-voice texture). Although Khѳѳmei can be entered on national and global registers as an asset of Tuvan ethnic culture, it is much more important to accept the correct methodology of teaching Khѳѳmei to students at educational institutions of art. Future progress of Khѳѳmei also requires international cooperation in the fields of both research and practice.
The article presents a historiographic review of studies of mindset (understood as an array of beliefs, directives, views and tempers) of Tuvans since late 19th century to present day. We single out three groups of studies and analyze them in terms of: social conditions, evolution of science, and subjectivity of researchers. The first group comprises the works written by foreign researchers in late 19th – early 20th centuries. They had been studying Tuvans during the Russian settlement in Uriankhai region. Ethnographers and geographers had been defining the ethnic mindset of terms of “temper” and “moral everyday life” which were believed to be endemic to ethnos and could be revealed by external observation and interpretation. The article quotes D. Carruthers and refers to his controversy with G.G. Grumm-Grzhimaylo regarding the temper of Uriankhs (Tuvans). Also cited are the observations made by D.A. Klements, E.K. Yakovlev, A.V. Adrianov and A.M. Afrikanov. All of these works contain a significant number of inaccurate and superficial ideas of Tuvan mores. The second group includes works by Soviet ethnographers of mid- and the latter half of 20th century (S.I. Vainshtein, L.P. Potapov, E.D. Prokofieva, N.A. Serdobov, etc.). Written under political commission of the Soviet government, they treated specific details of Tuvan life as merely a form of culture. Their ethnographic works on traditional way of living in Tuva still preserve their value, but for these authors the ethnic mindset never was an objective in itself, and is only mentioned in passim. Finally, the third group brings together contemporary studies that have appeared since 1990s. This time, the social commission comes from the regional authorities and is linked with the process of national revival, which determined the scholar’ interest in studying the culture of a dominant ethnic group. The mindset of Tuvans, as well as the entire Tuvan culture, is recognized as valuable per se, and as such becomes the focus of many studies. The main bulk of studies of Tuvan mindset and immaterial culture is done by the ethnic Tuvan scholars (A.K. Kuzhuget, V.Yu. Suzukey, M.V. Mongush, O.M. Khomushku, M.B. Kenin-Lopsan, etc.). In their works, Tuvan mindset appears as both an object of study and a complex historical phenomenon, in full diversity of its many aspects, including what was lost in the 20th century. Native speakers of Tuvan also analyzed the cultural concepts which reflect the features of mindset. An increasing number of tuvinologists who are ethnic Tuvans helps intensify the trend towards subjectivity in academic knowledge. A good example can be found, e.g., in applying Indigenous methodology to the studies of Tuvan culture and mindset of Tuvans.
The aim of the paper is to overview the process of integrating spatial and tourism planning and development in Austria. To this end, the role of tourism for the spatial development policy of the three main vertical governance levels is explained through several case-studies. The signifi cance of and the reasons for the development of tourism are also consistently explored. The paper takes into account, on one hand, the federal government of Austria with the differences in the legislation and the nature of the planning documents between the provinces and, on the other, the constitutionally-established principle of self-government of the municipalities. Therefore, only one province (Lower Austria) and several municipalities are considered in the analysis of the regional and local levels. The main task is to derive and summarize the Austrian experience, which after certain adaptations can be used by other countries with similar size and population, uneven spatial development and strong reliance on tourism as a means of prosperity.
Вестник СПбГУ, 2016
Abstract: The article is devoted to the examination of the historical event which took place in Derbent in the 10th century during the reign of Yusuf b. Divdad, the Abbasid governor in the Eastern Caucasus in the Arabic historical source «Tuhfat al-Umara fi Tarikh fl-Vuzara» by Khilal al-Sabi (d.1056). He was a Muslim historian, expert in Arabic literature and famous secretary to the Buid viziers: Bahau al-Dawla (989-1012) and Sultan al-Dawla (1012-1021). The article is based on the content analysis of the most popular written work in the Arabic literary genre, known as biography. The author highlights the creative activity of Yusuf b. Divdad who was the first among the rulers of Derbent undertook to repair the underwater part of the defensive wall that collapsed was in his time. The article provides a thorough description of the Arabic manuscript, conducts into a scientific circle the formerly unstudied historical work of the classical Arabic author in Russian Oriental studies, analyses its thematic content. Keywords: Khilal al-Sabi, Derbent wall, Yusuf b. Divdad, mirwaha, Arabic manuscript, Abbasids.
Целью статьи является обзор архивных аудиоматериалов Тувинского института гуманитарных и прикладных социально-экономических исследований, а также Института филологии СО РАН, представляющих собой источниковую базу для этномузыковедческого исследования песенной традиции тувинцев Бай-Тайгинского района Республики Тува. Актуальность появления данной статьи обусловлена тем, что она основана на анализе архивных реестров и материалов, которые ранее не получали освещения в научной литературе. Этномузыковедческое исследование песенной традиции тувинцев Бай-Тайгинского района находится в русле диалектно-локальных исследований музыкальной культуры тувинцев. Формирование источниковой базы является начальным этапом работы для проведения такого исследования. Наиболее ранние звукозаписи, содержащиеся в архиве ТИГПИ, относятся к 1969 году. В 1970-е и 1980-е годы записи производились регулярно, но песенный жанр не так представителен - имеется менее полутора сотен записанных образцов за два десятилетия. Провальными с точки зрения собирательской деятельности являются 1990-е годы. Первое десятилетие XXI века отмечено как минимум двумя крупными коллекциями песенного фольклора 2001 и 2008 годов, включающими более 120 песенных образцов. Автор приходит к выводу о реальной возможности проведения этномузыковедческого исследования локальной песенной традиции тувинцев Бай-Тайги на описанной в статье базе источников. Собирателями обследованы все основные населенные пункты района. Записано более ста носителей традиции, родившихся на протяжении XX века: с 1900-х до 1980-х годов. Образцы народных песен записаны от разных людей, повторных записей от одного исполнителя имеется крайне мало, что свидетельствует об особенностях собирательской работы, а также о том, что песенный жанр является наиболее массовым, охватывает все половозрастные группы социума. The article's purpose is the review of archive audiomaterials of Tuva Institute of the Humanities and Applied Social and Economic Researches and Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, which are the source base for the ethnomusicological research of song tradition of the Tuvans of Bai-Taiga area of the Republic of Tuva. The topicality of this article is caused by the fact that it is based on the analysis of archive registers and materials which did not sufficient attention in scientific literature earlier. The ethnomusicological research of song tradition of the Tuvans of Bai-Taiga area is in line with the local-dialect research of Tuvan musical culture. The developing of the source base is the initial stage for carrying out such research. The earliest archive recordings of TIGPI belong to 1969. In 1970s and 1980s, the records were made regularly but they do not represent the song genre. There are less than 150 written-down samples in two decades. The 1990s are failure from the point of view of collecting the songs. The first decade of the 21st century is marked by at least two large collections of song folklore of 2001 and 2008 including more than 120 song samples. The author concludes about a real possibility of carrying out the ethnomusicological research of local song tradition of the Tuvans of Bai-Taiga based on sources described in the article. Collectors inspected all main settlements of the region. The samples from more than hundred performers of tradition, which were born throughout the 20th century, are recorded: from 1900 to 1980. Samples of folk songs are recorded from different people, repeated records from one performer are not enough that testifies to features of collecting operation, and also that the song genre is the most popular and embraces all gender and age social groups.