Parameters of Thermal and Non-thermal X-ray and Gamma Ray Emission of Solar Flares, Observed onboard CORONAS-F (original) (raw)
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Constraints on energy release in solar flares from RHESSI and GOES X-ray observations
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016
Aims. We constrain energy release and particle acceleration processes in solar flares by means of comprehensively characterizing the physical parameters of both the thermal plasma and the accelerated nonthermal particles using X-ray data. Our aim is to bridge the gap between detailed case studies and large statistical studies. Methods. We obtained time series of spectral fits and images for 24 flares ranging from GOES class C3.4 to X17.2 using RHESSI hard X-ray observations. These data were used to derive basic physical parameters for the thermal plasma (using the isothermal approximation) and the injected nonthermal electrons (assuming the thick-target model). For the thermal component, this was supplemented by GOES soft X-ray data. We derived the ranges and distributions of the various parameters, the scaling with flare importance, and the relation between thermal parameters derived from RHESSI and GOES. Finally, we investigated the relation between thermal and nonthermal parameters. Results. Temperature and emission measure of the thermal plasma are strongly correlated with the peak GOES X-ray flux. Higher emission measures result both from a larger source volume and a higher density, with the latter effect being more important. RHESSI consistently gives higher temperatures and lower emission measures than GOES does, which is a signature of a multithermal plasma. The discrepancy between RHESSI and GOES is particularly pronounced in the early flare phase, when the thermal X-ray sources tend to be large and located higher in the corona. The energy input rate by nonthermal electrons is correlated with temperature and with the increase rate of emission measure and thermal energy. Conclusions. The derived relations between RHESSI-and GOES-derived thermal parameters and the relation between thermal parameters and energy input by nonthermal electrons are consistent with a two-component model of the thermal flare plasma. Both RHESSI and GOES observe a cooler plasma component (≈10−25 MK) that is generated by chromospheric evaporation caused by a nonthermal electron beam. In addition, a hotter component (≥25 MK) is only detected by RHESSI; this component is more consistent with direct in situ heating of coronal plasma. With the exception of the early impulsive phase, RHESSI observes a combination of the evaporated and the directly heated component.
Hot X-ray onsets of solar flares
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020
The study of the localized plasma conditions before the impulsive phase of a solar flare can help us understand the physical processes that occur leading up to the main flare energy release. Here, we present evidence of a hot X-ray ‘onset’ interval of enhanced isothermal plasma temperatures in the range of 10–15 MK over a period of time prior to the flare’s impulsive phase. This ‘hot onset’ interval occurs during the initial soft X-ray increase and definitely before any detectable hard X-ray emission. The isothermal temperatures, estimated by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite X-ray sensor, and confirmed with data from the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager, show no signs of gradual increase, and the ‘hot onset’ phenomenon occurs regardless of flare classification or configuration. In a small sample of four representative flare events, we tentatively identify this early hot onset soft X-ray emission to occur within footpoint and low-lying loop re...
Size dependence of solar X-ray flare properties
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2005
Non-thermal and thermal parameters of 85 solar flares of GOES class B1 to M6 (background subtracted classes A1 to M6) have been compared to each other. The hard X-ray flux has been measured by RHESSI and a spectral fitting provided flux and spectral index of the non-thermal emission, as well as temperature and emission measure of the thermal emission. The soft X-ray flux was taken from GOES measurements. We find a linear correlation in a double logarithmic plot between the nonthermal flux and the spectral index. The higher the acceleration rate of a flare, the harder the non-thermal electron distribution. The relation is similar to the one found by a comparison of the same parameters from several sub-peaks of a single flare. Thus small flares behave like small subpeaks of large flares. Thermal flare properties such as temperature, emission measure and the soft X-ray flux also correlate with peak non-thermal flux. A large non-thermal peak flux entails an enhancement in both thermal parameters. The relation between spectral index and the non-thermal flux is an intrinsic feature of the particle acceleration process, depending on flare size. This property affects the reported frequency distribution of flare energies.