Morphoagronomic Evaluation of the Genetic Diversity of Local Maize Varieties in La Palma (original) (raw)
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Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo, 2020
Maize landraces are important genetic resources for maize breeding. Many of these landrace varieties have not yet been properly studied in order to be distinguished from the others. In this study, multivariate statistical methods were used, beyond the analysis of variance, for estimating genetic dissimilarity among 27 maize landrace accessions. Principal component analysis and clustering analysis were performed using 16 evaluated quantitative characters. The ANOVA results reported the existence of significant differences among the tested accessions for 14 evaluated characters. Two principal components almost explained 49% of found experimental variance. Four different clusters were formed by the used clustering analysis, whose results were plotted into a dendrogram. The graphical integration of this dendrogram with the PCA allowed to conclude that the variation found may be due to the genotypic distinctions existing among the four groups of accesses determined in this study.
Estimation of Genetic Diversity in Seven Races of Native Maize from the Highlands of Mexico
Characterizing the genetic diversity of maize (Zea mays L.) populations by their morphological and molecular attributes makes it possible to place populations into specific groups; thus, facilitating the design of procedures for their optimum and sustainable use. In this study, data from two lines of evidence were analyzed simultaneously to robustly classify maize populations and to determine their genetic relationships. Seven maize races of the central high plateau of Mexico were characterized using a combined analysis of 13 morphological traits and 31 microsatellite loci. The germplasm assessed included samples of 119 accessions held at Mexican germplasm banks. Cluster and principal component analyses were performed. Also, genetic and geographic relationships among the accessions were determined. Principal component analysis separated the different accessions into well-defined groups using first three principal components. The accessions of Arrocillo Amarillo and Elotes Cónicos ra...
Assessing genetic diversity of maize genotypes for agronomic traits
Research on Agriculture Livestock Fisheries, 2015
Maize is one of the most important cereals globally and a promising cereal supplement in Bangladesh. The current study was undertaken to assess genetic diversity among nine maize genotypes. Data were recorded on seven morphological traits viz. plant height (cm), ear height (cm), ear length (cm), ear diameter (cm), number of kernels/ear, 1000-kernel weight (g) and yield/plant (g). Statistical analysis showed significant variation among maize genotypes. Considering plant height, ear length, ear diameter, ear height, number of kernels/ear and yield/plant BHM-7 was observed as the best one. Among all the traits higher phenotypic coefficient of variation and genotypic coefficient of variation were observed for yield/plant. Genetic advance was highest for 1000-kernel weight followed by number of kernels/ear. The correlation study revealed only two positive significant associations: plant height with yield/plant and ear diameter with ear length. Nine genotypes were grouped into three clusters. These all clearly indicated the presence of ample genetic diversity among maize genotypes which can be exploited in future breeding program for better utilization of maize germplasm.
El patrimonio fitogenético tiene un importante valor cultural y económico en maíz (Zea mayz L.) por su propósito estratégico alimentario. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer antecedentes de manejo y caracterizar poblaciones nativas de maíces criollos. La metodología de trabajo fue realizar un concurso de maíces criollos blancos, basándose en criterios de productores locales de seis poblados de Tecoanapa, Guerrero. Esta primera etapa permitió conocer su diversidad, caracterizar sus mazorcas y seleccionar productores. En mayo de 2006 fueron seleccionados 29 agricultores y 42 parcelas con base en materiales que concursaron como “criollos locales”. Se realizaron encuestas sobre sus semillas, uso y manejo de criollos. Los resultados reportan el uso de 11 criollos. Palmeño y Olotillo fueron las de mayor uso y se caracterizaron con 24 variables. El análisis comparativo entre Palmeño y Olotillo muestra diferencias significativas entre la mayoría de variables. Para Olotillo se ejemplific...
Scientia Agricola, 2010
Knowledge of the association between characters is very important in the genetic breeding programs, but there is limited information about correlations between traits in maize landraces in the current literature. The objectives of this study were to estimate phenotypic, additive genetic and environment correlations among traits in maize landraces, which were cultivated in family farm systems, in order to guide the participatory breeding on maize landraces. Between 294 and 400 half-sib progenies from the six populations were evaluated, subdivided in triple 7X7 and 10X10 lattice design, respectively, with single row plots of 4 m long and spaced 1.00 × 0.20 m. Estimates of correlation coefficients are reported for nine traits: grain yield (GY), relation grain weight per ear weight (GE), ears per plant (EP), days to flower (DF), plant height (PH), ear height (EH), percentage of root loding (%L), percentage of stalk loding (%BS) and percentage of damaged ears (%DE). A high number of addi...
Characterization of dissimilarity among varieties in Brazilian maize germplasm
Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2016
There is an increasing and important demand for broader qualitative and quantitative traits of agronomic characters in Brazilian maize germplasm. Nine landraces plus four commercial maize varieties and fifteen characters of agronomic importance were studied with the goal of characterizing the yield potential and genetic variability, using multivariate techniques. In fact, we aimed to identify promising sources of variability for genetic improvement. A random block design with six replications was adopted, compising of maize genotypes as treatment. Canonical discriminant analysis and Tocher's optimization clustering method, using the overall distance of Mahalanobis (D 2) as a measure of dissimilarity, were employed. Genetic dissimilarity was detected among the nine landraces and four commercial maize varieties. The characters with higher importance were: leaf angle, ear insertion height, height, grain yield, number of rows in the ear and mass of 100 grains. The hybrid AS1551, BRSPlanalto, AS3466, CD308 and the landraces populations Amarelão, Branco Roxo Índio, Caiano Rajado and Criolão presented high grain yield, indicating the importance of such varieties for maize breeding programs and/or indication of these for small farmers.
Int. J. Exp. Res. Rev., 2017
Fourteen genotypes along with one standard check of maize were evaluated in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Observations were taken for days to 50% germination, 50% tasselling, silking, tasselling silking interval, plant height, ear height, number of tassel branches, tassel length, leaves below cob, leaves above cob, ear length, ear girth with kernels, number of rows per ear, number of grains per row, thousand kernel weight and grain yield. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis were done on the observed data. Four principal components governing 83.3% of the variance and four distinct clusters having five, two, four and three genotypes in the respective clusters were identified. The genotypes of second cluster, COMPOZ-NIPB and SO3TEY/LN, represented the genotypes showing highest number of tassel branch, ear diameter, ear length, leaf below ear, leaf above ear, grain rows per ear, grains per row, thousand kernel weight and grain yield.The selection of genotypes from the second cluster, characterised by high value of traits like grain row per column, number of grains per row, thousand kernel weight and grain yield, could lead to a fruitful selection of better performing genotypes for future breeding activities and can be selected as promising parents for hybridization
Variability, Association and Selection of Promising Characters for Breeding Creole Maize
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International
Genetic variability is the main characteristic when seeking to select promising genotypes for plant breeding. Thus, the objective of this work was to investigate the genetic variability in agronomic and morphological characteristics of traditional varieties of maize, in addition to determining the degree of association and the selection of variety and promising characters to be explored in programs of genetic breeding of Creole maize. The experiment was conducted at the Federal University of Acre (UFAC), Rio Branco - Acre, in the 2017/2018 harvest period. A randomized block design was used, with five replications. The treatments were four varieties of Creole maize (V1, V2, V3 and V4) from the Vale do Juruá region and another hybrid cultivar LG 3040 (HI). The morpho-agronomic characteristics were evaluated in the useful area of the plots: days to silking (DS), days to anthesis (DA), plant height (PH) and height ear insertion (HEI), stem diameter (SD), mass of ear (ME), length ear (LE...