New literacies: technologies and values (original) (raw)

Handbook of research on new literacies


Situated at the intersection of two of the most important areas in educational research today–literacy and technology–this handbook draws on the potential of each while carving out important new territory. It provides leadership for this newly emerging field, directing scholars to the major issues, theoretical perspectives, and interdisciplinary research on new literacies.

Special themed issue: Beyond ‘new’literacies

As I write this editorial, I am amazed at the world in which it is located–a place and space that is constantly changing with the development of new technologies and the concurrent rise of complimentary new language and literacy practices. Ten years ago the term “new literacies” was only used by those prescient researchers who perceived that new technologies were going to shape language and literacies, such as Lankshear and Knobel's (1997) early work on literacies and texts in an electronic age. Others, such as the New ...

Chapter 1: Central Issues in New Literacies and New Literacies Research (from Handbook of New Literacies Research, 2008)

The handbook of research in new literacies explores an increasingly urgent question for educational research: How do the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) alter the nature of literacy? The answers are likely to provide some of the most important insights about our literacy lives that we may acquire during this century. The answers will also be some of the hardest to obtain, largely because we currently lack adequate theories , constructs, and methods to match the complexity of the question. This volume begins the important work required to integrate the many insights found in multiple lines of research so that we might explore this question in all of the richness and complexity that it deserves. We seek to advance the study of new literacies by bringing together, for the first time, research taking place around the world in widely diverse disciplines , with even more diverse theoretical frameworks and still more diverse ER56528_Book.indb 1 1/18/08 10:37:48 AM

Shaping New Literacies Research: Extrapolations From a Review of the Handbook of Research on New Literacies

Reading Research Quarterly, 2009

T he Handbook of Research on New Literacies was published with some very ambitious goals. In the preface to the volume, the editors suggest that they expect the volume to capture the emergence of this new area of research, to inform others, and to begin the construction of an important new area of inquiry…to provide the central leadership for this newly emerging field, directing scholars to the major issues, theoretical perspectives, and interdisciplinary research on new literacies. The Handbook helps us to begin the bold new thinking required to reconceptualize literacy research.