Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Digital Education and Digital School (original) (raw)

Digital Education as a Future Sustainable Development Goal

Journal of Sustainable Development Studies, 2023

The rise of digital technologies has impacted all aspects of society, from business to education. To meet the difficulties of the digital transformation, our younger generation's ability to learn and make decisions based on such interpretations is becoming increasingly critical. Therefore, future generations of students will need to be prepared with the required digital skills to meet the challenges of a digital society. In higher education, digital transformation refers to how digital tools deliver value and drive change. This paper will look at the importance of digital education as a future goal of sustainable educational development.

Digital Learning Challenges and Innovations for Sustainable Education in Developing Countries: Issues of Policy and Practice


Social lnnovation (SI) as well as digitally developed SI are playing a critical role globally in solving complex contemporary social challenges and are gaining popularity in developing countries. This study defines SI as the development and delivery of new ideas and solutions (products, services, models, markets, processes) at different socio-structural levels that intentionally seek to change power relations and improve human capabilities as well as the processes by which these solutions are executed. SI has become influential in practice, scholarship and policy as the conceptual basis for organisations, from grassroots movements to Social Development Goals (SDGs) and the European Union strategy. In developing countries such as Kenya, SI come in many guises, at the core of which lies the application of digital solutions to resolve emerging social problems. The application of digitised solutions requires the development of ICT literacy in the form of e-learning so as to enable the development of 21st century skills. Discourses on ICT integrating in development has been going on for over 30 years and with this comes the need for applicable and sustainable elearning targeted at various groups. Using archival data, this paper considers new contemporary challenges and the need to develop 21st century competencies. It will investigate digital learning challenges and innovations in developing countries in general but with a focus on Kenya. It will examine policies that facllitate and implement best practice.

BRICS Sustainable Digital Education Policies under the UN SDG


The purpose of this study is to examine the understanding of contexts for a sustainable Education in BRICs. The lines of analysis of this research were oriented according to the following research questions: RQ1) What types of policies were defined by the BRICs to potentiate a sustainable Education? RQ2) Which learning contexts can potentiate a sustainable Education? A policy and a literature analysis were conducted to investigate this topic. The results are the learning contexts that can contribute for a more sustainable education in BRICS, and the presentation of a proposal for learning analytics for those contexts. The policy and literature analysis allow us to define the guidelines to build recommendation for policy regarding the BRICs region. It will also help to create understanding considering the educational implications in society.

Integrating Education, Technology, and SDG’s: a three-pronged collaboration

Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education, 2019

Social and technological evolutions are forcing changes in education worldwide. An important guide for such changes are the sustainable development goals (SDG's) adopted by the United Nations. SDG 17 calls for partnerships built on shared vision and goals. In this study, statistics reveal the need, in adult education, for more strategic transversal skills, such as communication, interaction, networking, global international communication, and social participation skills, rather than formal instruction. A case study is presented illustrating a real example of how a tripartite collaboration between schools, institutions, and enterprises can work to engage students around the SDGs. The project was a virtual reality exploration of the planet Mars, in which young adult students at risk of exclusion were engaged to collaborate, solve problems, and work toward gender equality. The authors correlate the case study activities to several learning taxonomies, and propose the basis of an action-oriented framework for developing a smart pedagogy of digital transformation.

Development of digital learning evaluation In realizing Suistainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Jurnal Bidang Pendidikan Dasar

This research is motivated by one of the goals of the SDGs, namely realizing quality learning and handling environmental change. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility and practicality of evaluating digital learning in realizing the SDGs for elementary school students. This research is a development research with the ADDIE model (Analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation). The test subjects in this study were class VI students at SDN 02 Putatkidul Gondanglegi. The data collection instrument uses a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques use quantitative data. Digital Study Evaluation created using the Kahoot! based on the results of the material validation, a score of 93.75% was obtained in the very feasible category, the results of the language validation were 95% (very feasible), the results of the teacher's practicality validation were 88.8% (very practical) , the students' practicality results were 94% (very practical)

Book Review of Reimagining Digital Learning for Sustainable Development

Open Praxis, 2022

“Reimagining Digital Learning For Sustainable Development: How Upskilling, Data Analytics, and Educational Technologies Close the Skills Gap” brings to prominence the essential predicament of the century. The book opens with an acknowledgement of disruptive digital technologies. While it cites the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the contours of the educational landscape seem to be the central concern of the book. It seems promising with the mention of strategies and systems to make education more sustainable and safe as well. And of course, the global perspectives and experiences from India, China, Ghana, Nigeria, Malaysia, South Pacific and Latin America and the US offer an appealing reading. The SDGs, as listed by the UN, and the market-driven demands of the educational arena have confirmed the everlasting significance of Upskilling, Data Analytics, and Educational Technologies. As we know the path to sustainability can be conquered by bridging the terrible skill gap, this collection can strengthen our preparations. There is an objective stated in the book – design an integrated educational approach, evaluate global cases and good practices and adapt these to local contexts. A sincere intervention in terms of facilitating mindset change for educational leaders and stakeholders is the first thing to launch any such change.


Open Access Publications Ltda., 2023

Objective: One of the important vectors of the strategic development of the EAEU countries (Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union) is the construction of a digital economy and digital education - the formation of a common market for educational services with norms that level the competitiveness of countries in the field of education, aimed at improving the quality of human capital. It should be noted that education was not included in the service sectors for which the EAEU common market is being formed. Only in relation to the common labor market, the EAEU countries agreed on the mutual recognition of documents on education without going through the procedure for recognizing diplomas (with the exception of papers on education in pedagogical, legal, medical, and pharmaceutical profiles), as well as on the right to receive education by children from families working in the country (Articles 97 and 98 of the Treaty on the EAEU). But five years before the creation of the EAEU, on December 11, 2009, the EAEU countries signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of education, according to which the parties «carry out coordinated measures to consistently expand the EAEU aimed at creating a common educational space». Research in the field of concerted action of the member countries of the EAEU, as a rule, is located in the area of higher education, and we do not find research in the field of general education in the public domain. Theoretical framework: This study aims to identify the main directions of sustainable development in education in modern conditions. The choice of the topic is due to the importance of understanding the differences in the potential for digitalization of school education in the post-Soviet republics within the framework of the Eurasian Union and the hypothetical request of the Azerbaijani and Russian education systems to develop a resource matrix for the digital educational environment, as signaled by the roadmaps of the National Projects of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation in the field of education and economy in general. Method: To compare the preparedness of schools in different countries for the digitalization of education for subsequent testing in the educational system of Azerbaijan, an analysis of the state of affairs was carried out according to the criteria: (1) material and technical equipment; (2) preparedness of teaching staff; (3) opportunities for the formation of a digital educational environment and an analysis of digital practices in the projects of schools in the EAEU member countries. The logic of the empirical part includes identifying the respondents' ideas about the possibilities of digitalizing school education in the EAEU countries. The result of the practical part will be the formed matrix of the «potential of school digitalization» in the context of the EAEU countries. Results: The effect of the global digitalization of general education, triggered by the pandemic (COVID 19), is the reason for the emergence of research interest in the problem in the EAEU countries and the comparison of approaches and processes that accompany the phenomenon of digitalization of education. Moreover, advanced practices in digitalizing education have been identified among these countries, which can become the basis for further sustainable development. Originality/value: The digitalization of education is a multifaceted phenomenon covering all human activity spheres. A phenomenon that needs to be comprehended, developed, and actively applied in practice is its consequences and advanced learning technologies to fit into the new, emerging digital world system. With a broad interpretation of the concept of «digitalization of education», it can be noted that the authors are unanimous that digitalization forms an educational environment that ensures the «delivery» of information to participants in the educational process using digital technologies and tools (software + multimedia equipment).


The increasing rate of information and communication technologies (ICTs) development and their widespread implementation across all sectors of the economic and social life brings about radical changes in the way we work, think, learn and communicate. There is not, however, a universally accepted definition of ICTs due to the fact that concepts, methods and applications related to ICT are constantly evolving and can be contextually interpreted and applied. A broad definition of ICT is concerned with the distinction between " old or traditional technologies " (radio, television, video, DVD, telephone, computers) and " new or modern technologies " (video conferencing, e-mail, cellular telephones, weblogs, Web 2.0, and other social networking software). No matter what technology development is, the educational system, worldwide, face the challenge of preparing citizens who need to be equipped with the necessary skills and competencies to transform current unsustainable practices. In this context, teachers are increasingly called upon to switch from roles of being knowledge transmitters to towards taking more active roles as curriculum developers, knowledge constructors and transformative learning agents. Three of the major forces shaping and driving the 21st century education are: 1) the development and diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs); 2) the increasing demand for new educational approaches and pedagogies that foster transformative and lifelong learning 3) the reorientation of educational curricula to address sustainable development. Communication Technologies can thus be a context for Education for Sustainable Development as well as Education for Sustainable Development can be a context for Information and Communication Technologies. More specifically: • Education for Sustainable Development themes integrated into the school curricula could provide a worthwhile context for ICTs in education. For example, social, economic and environmental issues can provide meaningful and challenging contexts for developing a wide range of ICT skills. • Education for Sustainable Development methods are conducive with constructivist and transformative learning theories, which can provide a context and rationale for using ICT-based learning tools such as concept mapping, modeling, social networking. • When considering areas such as cultural diversity and intercultural understanding, health, HIV/AIDS, governance, natural resources, climate change, rural development, sustainable urbanization, poverty alleviation, corporate responsibility and accountability, there is potential to assess the impact of ICTs in these key sustainable development areas. Teachers have an opportunity to develop skills in problem definition and problem solving, to reflect on their students learning, knowledge and practices, and develop a deep understanding of the way students think and act on social and environmental issues. The notion of Sustainable Development can be traced back to 1713 when Von Carlowitz spoke about unsustainable usage of wood. From this moment the notion of sustainability gradually was winning more and more recognition and popularity. In 1968 the Club of Rome was founded and its activities have significantly contributed to the understanding of the term sustainability in the modern way. In 1992, United Nations organized a conference on Environment and Development (UNCED, so called 'Rio'). As one of the results of the