Strong Lensing Modeling in Galaxy Clusters as a Promising Method to Test Cosmography. I. Parametric Dark Energy Models (original) (raw)

Galaxy cluster strong lensing cosmography

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2022

Cluster strong lensing cosmography is a promising probe of the background geometry of the Universe and several studies have emerged thanks to the increased quality of observations using space- and ground-based telescopes. For the first time, we used a sample of five cluster strong lenses to measure the values of cosmological parameters and combine them with those from classical probes. In order to assess the degeneracies and the effectiveness of strong-lensing cosmography in constraining the background geometry of the Universe, we adopted four cosmological scenarios. We found good constraining power on the total matter density of the Universe (Ωm) and the equation of state of the dark energy parameter w. For a flat wCDM cosmology, we found Ωm = 0.30−0.11+0.09 and w = −1.12−0.32+0.17 from strong lensing only. Interestingly, we show that the constraints from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are improved by factors of 2.5 and 4.0 on Ωm and w, respectively, when combined with our p...

A Magnified Glance Into the Dark Sector: Probing Cosmological Models with Strong Lensing in A1689

The Astrophysical Journal, 2015

In this paper we constrain four alternative models to the late cosmic acceleration in the Universe: Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL), interacting dark energy (IDE), Ricci holographic dark energy (HDE), and modified polytropic Cardassian (MPC). Strong lensing (SL) images of background galaxies produced by the galaxy cluster Abell 1689 are used to test these models. To perform this analysis we modify the LENSTOOL lens modeling code. The value added by this probe is compared with other complementary probes: Type Ia supernovae (SNIa), baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), and cosmic microwave background (CMB). We found that the CPL constraints obtained of the SL data are consistent with those estimated using the other probes. The IDE constraints are consistent with the complementary bounds only if large errors in the SL measurements are considered. The Ricci HDE and MPC constraints are weak but they are similar to the BAO, SNIa and CMB estimations. We also compute the figure-of-merit as a tool to quantify the goodness of fit of the data. Our results suggest that the SL method provides statistically significant constraints on the CPL parameters but weak for those of the other models. Finally, we show that the use of the SL measurements in galaxy clusters is a promising and powerful technique to constrain cosmological models. The advantage of this method is that cosmological parameters are estimated by modelling the SL features for each underlying cosmology. These estimations could be further improved by SL constraints coming from other galaxy clusters.

Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and weak lensing

Physical Review D

The cosmological information extracted from photometric surveys is most robust when multiple probes of the large scale structure of the universe are used. Two of the most sensitive probes are the clustering of galaxies and the tangential shear of background galaxy shapes produced by those foreground galaxies, so-called galaxy-galaxy lensing. Combining the measurements of these two two-point functions leads to cosmological constraints that are independent of the way galaxies trace matter (the galaxy bias factor). The optimal choice of foreground, or lens, galaxies is governed by the joint, but conflicting requirements to obtain accurate redshift information and large statistics. We present cosmological results from the full 5000 deg 2 of the Dark Energy Survey first three years of observations (Y3) combining those two-point functions, using for the first time a magnitude-limited lens sample (MAGLIM) of 11 million galaxies especially selected to optimize such combination, and 100 million background shapes. We consider two cosmological models, flat ΛCDM and wCDM, and marginalized over 25 astrophysical and systematic nuisance parameters. In ΛCDM we obtain for the matter density Ωm = 0.320 +0.041 −0.034 and for the clustering amplitude S8 ≡ σ8(Ωm/0.3) 0.5 = 0.778 +0.037 −0.031 , at 68% C.L. The latter is only 1σ smaller than the prediction in this model informed by measurements of the cosmic microwave background by the Planck satellite. In wCDM we find Ωm = 0.32 +0.044 −0.046 , S8 = 0.777 +0.049 −0.051 , and dark energy equation of state w = −1.031 +0.218 −0.379. We find that including smaller scales while marginalizing over non-linear galaxy bias improves the constraining power in the Ωm − S8 plane by 31% and in the Ωm − w plane by 41% while yielding consistent cosmological parameters from those in the linear bias case. These results are combined with those from cosmic shear in a companion paper to present full DES-Y3 constraints from the three two-point functions (3 × 2pt).

Cosmology from large-scale galaxy clustering and galaxy–galaxy lensing with Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

We present cosmological constraints from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) using a combined analysis of angular clustering of red galaxies and their cross-correlation with weak gravitational lensing of background galaxies. We use a 139 deg 2 contiguous patch of DES data from the Science Verification (SV) period of observations. Using large-scale measurements, we constrain the matter density of the Universe as m = 0.31 ± 0.09 and the clustering amplitude of the matter power spectrum as σ 8 = 0.74 ± 0.13 after marginalizing over seven nuisance parameters and three additional cosmological parameters. This translates into S 8 ≡ σ 8 (m /0.3) 0.16 = 0.74 ± 0.12 for our fiducial lens redshift bin at 0.35 < z < 0.5, while S 8 = 0.78 ± 0.09 using two bins over the range 0.2 < z < 0.5. We study the robustness of the results under changes in the data vectors, modelling and systematics treatment, including photometric redshift and shear calibration uncertainties, and find consistency in the derived cosmological parameters. We show that our results are consistent with previous cosmological analyses from DES and other data sets and conclude with a joint analysis of DES angular clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing with Planck Cosmic Microwave Background data, baryon accoustic oscillations and Supernova Type Ia measurements.

Testing dark energy models with a new sample of strong-lensing systems

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020

Inspired by a new compilation of strong-lensing systems, which consist of 204 points in the redshift range 0.0625 < zl < 0.958 for the lens and 0.196 < zs < 3.595 for the source, we constrain three models that generate a late cosmic acceleration: the ω-cold dark matter model, the Chevallier–Polarski–Linder, and the Jassal–Bagla–Padmanabhan parametrizations. Our compilation contains only those systems with early-type galaxies acting as lenses, with spectroscopically measured stellar velocity dispersions, estimated Einstein radius, and both the lens and source redshifts. We assume an axially symmetric mass distribution in the lens equation, using a correction to alleviate differences between the measured velocity dispersion (σ) and the dark matter halo velocity dispersion (σDM) as well as other systematic errors that may affect the measurements. We have considered different subsamples to constrain the cosmological parameters of each model. Additionally, we generate a mock ...

Galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing: a promising union to constrain cosmological parameters

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2009

Galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing probe the connection between galaxies and their dark matter haloes in complementary ways. Since the clustering of dark matter haloes depends on cosmology, the halo occupation statistics inferred from the observed clustering properties of galaxies are degenerate with the adopted cosmology. Consequently, different cosmologies imply different mass-to-light ratios for dark matter haloes. Galaxy-galaxy lensing, which yields direct constraints on the actual mass-tolight ratios, can therefore be used to break this degeneracy, and thus to constrain cosmological parameters. In this paper we establish the link between galaxy luminosity and dark matter halo mass using the conditional luminosity function (CLF), Φ(L|M )dL, which gives the number of galaxies with luminosities in the range L±dL/2 that reside in a halo of mass M . We constrain the CLF parameters using the galaxy luminosity function and the luminosity dependence of the correlation lengths of galaxies. The resulting CLF models are used to predict the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal. For a cosmology that agrees with constraints from the cosmic microwave background, i.e. (Ω m , σ 8 ) = (0.238, 0.734), the model accurately fits the galaxy-galaxy lensing data obtained from the SDSS. For a comparison cosmology with (Ω m , σ 8 ) = (0.3, 0.9), however, we can accurately fit the luminosity function and clustering properties of the galaxy population, but the model predicts mass-to-light ratios that are too high, resulting in a strong overprediction of the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal. We conclude that the combination of galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing is a powerful probe of the galaxy-dark matter connection, with the potential to yield tight constraints on cosmological parameters. Since this method mainly probes the mass distribution on relatively small (non-linear) scales, it is complementary to constraints obtained from the galaxy power-spectrum, which mainly probes the large-scale (linear) matter distribution.

Cosmography with cluster strong lenses: the influence of substructure and line-of-sight haloes

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010

We explore the use of strong lensing by galaxy clusters to constrain the dark energy equation of state and its possible time variation. The cores of massive clusters often contain several multiply imaged systems of background galaxies at different redshifts. The locations of lensed images can be used to constrain cosmological parameters due to their dependence on the ratio of angular diameter distances. We employ Monte Carlo simulations of cluster lenses, including the contribution from substructures, to assess the feasibility of this potentially powerful technique. At the present, parametric lens models use well-motivated scaling relations between mass and light to incorporate cluster member galaxies and do not explicitly model line-of-sight structure. Here, we quantify modelling errors due to scatter in the cluster-galaxy scaling relations and unmodelled line-of-sight haloes. These errors are of the order of a few arcseconds on average for clusters located at typical redshifts (z ∼ 0.2-0.3). Using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques, we show that the inclusion of these modelling errors is critical to deriving unbiased constraints on dark energy. However, when the uncertainties are properly quantified, we show that constraints competitive with other methods may be obtained by combining results from a sample of just 10 simulated clusters with 20 families each. Cosmography with a set of well-studied cluster lenses may provide a powerful complementary probe of the dark energy equation of state. Our simulations provide a convenient method of quantifying modelling errors and assessing future strong lensing survey strategies.

Quantifying the Impact of Cosmological Parameter Uncertainties on Strong-Lensing Models with an Eye Toward the Frontier Fields

The Astrophysical Journal, 2015

We test the effects of varying the cosmological parameter values used in the strong lens modeling process for the six Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF) galaxy clusters. The standard procedure for generating high fidelity strong lens models includes careful consideration of uncertainties in the output models that result from varying model parameters within the bounds of available data constraints. It is not, however, common practice to account for the effects of cosmological parameter value uncertainties. The convention is to instead use a single fiducial "concordance cosmology" and generate lens models assuming zero uncertainty in cosmological parameter values. We find that the magnification maps of the individual HFF clusters vary significantly when lens models are computed using different cosmological parameter values taken from recent literature constraints from space-and ground-based experiments. Specifically, the magnification maps have variances across the best fit models computed using different cosmologies that are comparable in magnitude to -and sometimes even ∼ 3× larger than -the model fitting uncertainties in each best fit model. We also find that estimates of the masses of the lensing clusters themselves vary by as much as ∼10% as different input cosmological parameters are used. We conclude that cosmological parameter uncertainty is a non-negligible source of uncertainty in lens model products for the HFF clusters, and that it is important that current and future work which relies on precision strong lensing models take care to account for this additional source of uncertainty.

CLASH-VLT: A highly precise strong lensing model of the galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7−4431 (Abell S1063) and prospects for cosmography

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016

Aims. We perform a comprehensive study of the total mass distribution of the galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7−4431 (z = 0.348) with a set of highprecision strong lensing models, which take advantage of extensive spectroscopic information on many multiply lensed systems. In the effort to understand and quantify inherent systematics in parametric strong lensing modelling, we explore a collection of 22 models in which we use different samples of multiple image families, different parametrizations of the mass distribution and cosmological parameters. Methods. As input information for the strong lensing models, we use the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH) imaging data and spectroscopic follow-up observations, with the VIsible Multi-Object Spectrograph (VIMOS) and Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) on the Very Large Telescope (VLT), to identify and characterize bona fide multiple image families and measure their redshifts down to m F814W 26. A total of 16 background sources, over the redshift range 1.0−6.1, are multiply lensed into 47 images, 24 of which are spectroscopically confirmed and belong to ten individual sources. These also include a multiply lensed Lyman-α blob at z = 3.118. The cluster total mass distribution and underlying cosmology in the models are optimized by matching the observed positions of the multiple images on the lens plane. Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques are used to quantify errors and covariances of the best-fit parameters. Results. We show that with a careful selection of a large sample of spectroscopically confirmed multiple images, the best-fit model can reproduce their observed positions with a rms scatter of 0. 3 in a fixed flat ΛCDM cosmology, whereas the lack of spectroscopic information or the use of inaccurate photometric redshifts can lead to biases in the values of the model parameters. We find that the best-fit parametrization for the cluster total mass distribution is composed of an elliptical pseudo-isothermal mass distribution with a significant core for the overall cluster halo and truncated pseudo-isothermal mass profiles for the cluster galaxies. We show that by adding bona fide photometric-selected multiple images to the sample of spectroscopic families, one can slightly improve constraints on the model parameters. In particular, we find that the degeneracy between the lens total mass distribution and the underlying geometry of the Universe, which is probed via angular diameter distance ratios between the lens and sources and the observer and sources, can be partially removed. Allowing cosmological parameters to vary together with the cluster parameters, we find (at 68% confidence level) Ω m = 0.25 +0.13 −0.16 and w = −1.07 +0.16 −0.42 for a flat ΛCDM model, and Ω m = 0.31 +0.12 −0.13 and Ω Λ = 0.38 +0.38 −0.27 for a Universe with w = −1 and free curvature. Finally, using toy models mimicking the overall configuration of multiple images and cluster total mass distribution, we estimate the impact of the line-of-sight mass structure on the positional rms to be 0. 3 ± 0. 1. We argue that the apparent sensitivity of our lensing model to cosmography is due to the combination of the regular potential shape of RXC J2248, a large number of bona fide multiple images out to z = 6.1, and a relatively modest presence of intervening large-scale structure, as revealed by our spectroscopic survey.

Cosmological parameters from strong gravitational lensing and stellar dynamics in elliptical galaxies

Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2008

Context. Observations of the cosmic microwave background, light element abundances, large-scale distribution of galaxies, and distant supernovae are the primary tools for determining the cosmological parameters that define the global structure of the Universe. Aims. Here we illustrate how the combination of observations related to strong gravitational lensing and stellar dynamics in elliptical galaxies offers a simple and promising way to measure the cosmological matter and dark-energy density parameters. Methods. A gravitational lensing estimate of the mass enclosed inside the Einstein circle can be obtained by measuring the Einstein angle, once the critical density of the system is known. A model-dependent dynamical estimate of this mass can also be obtained by measuring the central velocity dispersion of the stellar component. By assuming the well-tested homologous 1/r 2 (isothermal) profile for the total (luminous+dark) density distribution in elliptical galaxies acting as lenses, these two mass measurements can be properly compared. Thus, a relation between the Einstein angle and the central stellar velocity dispersion is derived, and the cosmological matter and the dark-energy density parameters can be estimated from this. Results. We determined the accuracy of the cosmological parameter estimates by means of simulations that include realistic measurement uncertainties on the relevant quantities. Interestingly, the expected constraints on the cosmological parameter plane are complementary to those coming from other observational techniques. Then, we applied the method to the recent data sets of the Sloan Lens ACS (SLACS) and the Lenses Structure and Dynamics (LSD) Surveys, and showed that the concordance value between 0.7 and 0.8 for the dark-energy density parameter is included in our 99% confidence regions.