Policy Implications for Diabetes Prevention and Control: An Experience from Iran (original) (raw)
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Policies and Programs for Prevention and Control of Diabetes in Iran: A Document Analysis
Global journal of health science, 2015
Trend analysis in 2005 to 2011 showed high growth in diabetes prevalence in Iran. Considering the high prevalence of diabetes in the country and likely to increase its prevalence in the future, the analysis of diabetes-related policies and programs is very important and effective in the prevention and control of diabetes. Therefore, the aim of the study was an analysis of policies and programs related to prevention and control of diabetes in Iran in 2014. This study was a policy analysis using deductive thematic content analysis of key documents. The health policy triangle framework was used in the data analysis. PubMed and ScienceDirect databases were searched to find relevant studies and documents. Also, hand searching was conducted among references of the identified studies. MAXQDA 10 software was used to organize and analyze data. The main reasons to take into consideration diabetes in Iran can be World Health Organization (WHO) report in 1989, and high prevalence of diabetes in...
The diabetes prevention and control programme of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 2003
Diabetes mellitus has become a monumental problem and a major health concern throughout the world. We report on the programme developed by the Islamic Republic of Iran for control and management of diabetes, which involves screening for type 2 diabetes in adults at risk and a systematic approach for delivery of health care to people with diabetes
Quality of diabetes care and its consequences in Northern Iran
Clinical Diabetology, 2021
background. Diabetes is an important public health problem. this study aimed to investigate the quality of care in patients with diabetes type 2 and its consequences in rural areas at Golestan province, North of Iran, in comparison to standards of the Ministry of Health and Education of Iran and the American Diabetes Association. Methods. this was a cross-sectional study based on data from 308 patients with diabetes type 2 in rural areas at Golestan province, which was conducted through a two-stage classified sampling method and random selection. Data of this research was gathered through a questionnaire (fulfilled by the interviewer), assessment blood sugar, and information obtained from patients' files. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and sPss version19. results. the mean age of patients was 57 years and 88 patients (29%) were male. Only 35% of patients were visited seasonally by a family physician. In addition, only 24% of patients were visited at least once a year by an ophthalmologist, and 31% of patients underwent a glycated hemoglobin test at least twice a year. Influenza and hepatitis vaccines were given to 1.6% and 9.4% of patients, respectively. 85% of patients were evaluated once a year for lipid profile and 61% for creatine and albumin. Only 31% of patients received nutrition counseling at least once a year. controlled glycated hemoglobin (HbA 1c) was 27% and most patients were in the range of overweight and obesity (> 75%). Conclusion. The findings of this study showed that the quality of diabetes care and its consequences in patients is not desirable and is far from the standards provided by the Iran's Ministry of Health and the American Diabetes Association and requires revision in the current program of diabetes control. (clin Diabetol
Diabetes management challenges in Iran: A qualitative content analysis
Journal of Nursing Management, 2019
Aim:To explore and analyze diabetes management challenges in the patients visiting a diabetes unit in Iran. Background:Managing a chronic disease like diabetes needs the patients' follow-up and coherent care delivery system.In fact, it requires a systematic and organized care delivery system with skillful and specialist team. Methods: This qualitative research was conducted at a specialized poly-clinic of Isfahan insurance organization in 2016.The research participants were the members of clinic diabetes unit (physician, nurse, secretary, clinic director) and 21 type 2 diabetic patients of the clinic who were selected using purposeful sampling method.Data were collected by semi-structured interviews and analysed using content analysis. Results:The qualitative findings of this research were obtained in two main categories including: 1) weak care delivery system and 2) Defective diabetes self-care. Conclusions:The results of this research have demonstrated that there are system-centered and patient-centered challenges in diabetes management and they can affect the patients' health outcomes. Implications for nursing management:Since diabetes is one of the health system priorities, the findings of this study can be a warning for managers and policy makers to plan seriously to reform diabetes management system infrastructures.
Related factors to disparity of diabetes care in Iran
Med Sci Monit, 2009
Related factors to disparity of diabetes care in Iran ... Ali Mirzazadeh1ADEF, Hamid R. Baradaran2CDE, Ali A. Haghdoost3ADE, Pooria Salari4DE ... 1 Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Physiology Research Centre, Kerman, Iran 2 Iran University of Medical Sciences, Institute of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Tehran, Iran 3 Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Physiology Research Centre, Kerman, Iran 4 Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran ... Source of support: Iran Ministry of Health & Medical Education, Center for Disease Control (CDC)
The status of diabetes control in Kurdistan province, west of Iran
Journal of research in health sciences, 2013
BACKGROUND Based on some estimation more than two million peoples in Iran are affected by Type 2 diabetes. The present study was designed to evaluate the status of diabetes control among Type 2 diabetes patients in Kurdistan, west of Iran and its associated factors. METHODS In our cross sectional study conducted in 2010, 411 Type 2 diabetes patients were randomly recruited from Sanandaj, Capital of Kurdistan. Chi square test was used in univariate analysis to address the association between HgAlc and FBS status and other variables. The significant results from Univariate analysis were entered in multivariate analysis and multinomial logistic regression model. RESULTS In 38% of patients, FBS was in normal range (70-130) and in 47% HgA1c was <7% which is normal range for HgA1c. In univariate analysis, FBS level was associated with educational levels (P=0.001), referral style (P=0.001), referral time (P=0.009), and insulin injection (P=0.016). In addition, HgA1c had a relationship w...
An Analysis of Health Policies Designed to Control and Prevent Diabetes in Saudi Arabia
Global Journal of Health Science, 2016
A trend analysis of the prevalence of diabetes in Saudi Arabia revealed a steep increase in diagnosis rates for the disease between the years 1989 and 2009. Between these years, the percentage of the population suffering from diabetes rose from 10.6% to 32.1% of the adult population, and the diagnosis rate is likely to increase in the future. The controlling and prevention of diabetes in the future, therefore, would potentially benefit from a scholarly review of current policies and programmes designed to contain the disease. The current study examines such policies and programmes, specifically those existing in Saudi Arabia and which are currently in operation in 2016. It employs the thematic-content-analysis technique to review key literature, and also uses Walt and Gibson's policy triangle framework to facilitate the analysis. Searches of PubMed and Medline databases were conducted to locate sources and sources were manually screened by the authors before inclusion in the study. The study concludes that prime obstacles to the successful implementation of diabetes programmes are: insufficient training of practitioners for the treatment of diabetes; lack of remuneration for the work of diabetes educators and no existing evaluation of their outputs; and a lack of training and appropriate modes of qualifying professionally for diabetes educators. The authors recommend that the Saudi government award a greater proportion of resources to programmes designed to treat diabetes sufferers, as well as educational programmes related to disease for the wider public.
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, 2017
Backgrounds: Diabetes is one of the most common metabolic disorders worldwide. This study aim was to provide detail analysis of diabetes research output and its trend in Iran as well as in the world and compare them. Methods: Data was retrieved from PubMed database using a suitable search strategy and application of proper operator "AND", "OR" and "NOT". All English documents published from 2008 to 2012 were included. Meeting abstract, letter to the editor, guidelines, consensus and reviews were excluded. Obtained documents for Iran and world were categorized in eleven groups including diabetes management, education, paediatrics, nutrition, epidemiology, diabetes complications, stem cells, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), psychiatrics, genetics and prevention and were compared. Results: Total number of DM publications was 59513 for world and 648 for Iran. Trend of DM publications was increasing during the 5 years with a growth rate of 22.5% for world and 23.4% for Iran. Contribution of Iran in the world diabetes output reached 1.08 in 2012. The most and the least number of DM documents were related to complications and preventions, respectively both in Iran and the world. Three leading countries with highest proportion of RCTs (randomized clinical trial) to their total DM publications were Italy, Germany and Iran. Conclusion: The most number of diabetes research was in the field of diabetes complication, management and genetics in the world as well as in Iran. During the 5-year period, despite of the world sanctions against Iran, diabetes research trend was increasing in Iran relatively parallel to the world research and sanction had no significant effect on Iran.