Mlýn jako krajinotvorný prvek v barokní době (original) (raw)

Petr Brandl - mistr barokní malby

Petr Brandl - mistr barokní malby, 2013

The painter Peter Brandl (1668 Prague – 1735 Kutná Hora) belongs among the foremost representatives of Czech Baroque art, along with the sculptor Matthias Bernhard Braun and the architect Giovanni Santini-Aichel. This trio of artists all exerted a formative influence on cultural developments in Bohemia at the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries, and all are justly regarded as an integral part of the broader European artistic production of extremely high merit of the time. The aim of the present publication is not to provide an exhausting survey of Brandl’s life and his oeuvre, but rather a brief analysis of selected major aspects of his work. Therefore greater space has been deliberately dedicated to reproductions of Brandl’s paintings that are most representative of his unique qualities as an artist, his style, brushwork and technique.

Antrakologická analýza raně středověkých objektů z lokality Turnov-Maškovy zahrady Anthracological analysis of early medieval features from the site of Turnov-Maškovy zahrady

Anthracological analysis of samples originating from early medieval features at the settlement, which is located in the floodplain of a former branch of the Jizera River (for more details see Profantová – Prostředník 2014), established the presence of 13 tree species. Oak was represented most frequently, followed by Scots pine, common hornbeam, maple, beech and ash. The analyzed assemblage is characterized by three different types of samples/features. The first type of feature is remarkable by an abundant representation of charcoal and a relatively rich species composition. The second type is characterized by a limited species composition and a small amount of charcoal. The third type of sample contained very little charcoal or even no charcoal at all, but some kind of porous material resembling slag was represented there as well. The species-rich samples most probably represent non-selectively gathered firewood. Such firewood more or less points to the presence of oak-hornbeam fore...

Architektura hornických sídlišť na sklonku přemyslovské doby

Archaeologia historica, 2019

The main subject of this article is whether there existed specific building culture associated with mining. At the urbanist level, differences from towns and villages are obvious. Geophysical survey plays an important part in the study of the urbanist forms of these dwellings. In contrast, the presumption that mining settlements typically consisted of residential sunken features was not confirmed by material evidence. The latest research in the Staré Hory settlement, Jihlava brought detail information about the construction of sunken features. In general terms, the main reason for the differences in buildings situated in mining environments is not their provisional character. On the other hand, the authors believe there was little need for individual cool storage spaces. As illustrated by a similar situation in villages, cellars might have been adopted from contemporary towns regardless of necessity, as part of the colonization type of house. There were also large communal cellars, as demonstrated by an example from Kremsiger in the Krušné hory mountains.

Geoarcheologický výzkum raně středověké kovárny z Modřic u Brna

Živá archeologie, 2013

Kováøské zpracování železa pøedstavovalo v raném støedovìku zdroj základního sortimentu nástrojù pro zemìdìlskou výrobu, a tedy dùležitý prvek nutný pro pøežití vesnických komunit. Pøesto jsou dosud poznatky o podobì a organizaci výroby znaènì útržkovité, èasto se zamìøením pøedevším na centrální aglomerace kolem hradišś. Objekt z Modøic, rámcovì datovaný do 11. století, pøedstavuje zajímavý pøíklad vesnické kovárny. Pøestože výplò objektu nezahrnovala kováøské výrobky, odpad, který se zde nalezl, dokládá samotnou kováøskou výrobu a díky výskytu globulárních okují spolehlivì i kováøské svaøování. Konkrétní podoba kovárny je vzhledem ke zpùsobu zániku jen obtížnì rekonstruovatelná, pøesto lze na základì informací získaných metodou mikromorfologie z podlahových horizontù spolehlivì doložit funkci a získat zajímavé informace o úpravách interiéru.

Viola Bohuslava Martinů


This dissertation is titled " The Viola of Bohuslav Martinů". The author deals with personality and Bohuslav Martinu´s works for viola. Large space dedicated analyzes the pieces using the viola. The final chapter briefly addresses the fundamental problems of interpretation of works by Bohuslav Martinu.

Tismice jako produkční a nadregionální centrum Čech 8. a 9. století Tismice as a Production and Supra-Regional Centre of Bohemia in the 8th and 9th Centuries

Památky archeologické, 2020

The central Bohemian hillfort-type site in Tismice is one of the largest (20–22 ha) in Bohemia from the Early to Middle Hillfort period (8th–9th century) and has been studied for years using non-destructive methods. The study, which presents the results of the complete geophysical survey of the site as well as the results of small-scale trenching from 2013, is focussed on an analysis of non-ferrous metal ornaments (c. 170 pcs., mostly belt and horse harness decorations) and analyses of evidence of craft production – jewellerymaking, metalsmithing and metal casting (ingots, blanks). It presents the earliest evidence of work with gold in early medieval Bohemia (2018 excavation) as well as natural science radiocarbon and magnetic absolute dates, which supplement dating on the basis of Carolingian coin and imports. The internally divided hillfort was an elite residence (gilded ornaments, spurs, coin) and for a short time served as a supra-regional centre that not only received and redis...