Fresh Water Cyanophycean Algae from Yelderi Dam Parbhani District (M. S.), India (original) (raw)

Cyanophycean Algae from Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India

Ecoprint: An International Journal of Ecology, 2009

In the present paper 10 Cyanophycean algae belonging 10 genera have been described from eastern U.P. The genera described are: Chroococcus, Microcystis, Aphanothece, Arthrospira, Spirulina, Lyngbya, Anabaena, Rivularia, and Gloeotrichia. All these forms are being reported for the first time from eastern U.P., India.doi: 10.3126/eco.v13i0.1627Key words: Cyanophycean algaeEcoprint (An International Journal of Ecology) Vol. 13, No. 1, 2006 Page: 35-39

A taxonomic investigation on cyanobacteria from Supaul district of north Bihar, India

Present study deals with morphotaxonomic study of 9 taxa belonging to the class Cyanophyceae (Bluegreen algae). These taxa were collected from different freshwater habitats of Supaul district of North Bihar. Of these, two taxa viz. Anabaena orientalis S.C. Dixit. and Phormidium rubroterricola Gardner are being recorded for the first time from Bihar.

Cyanophycean Flora 0f Southern Himanchal Pradesh, India

Ecoprint: An International Journal of Ecology, 2009

The present paper deals with 37 taxa, 18 genera, 32 species, 4 varieties and 1 forma explored from southern Himanchal Pradesh of India. These taxa are represented by Microcystis, Chroococcus, Aphanocapsa, Aphanothece, Merismopedia, Coelosphaerium, Gomphosphaeria, Stichosiphon, Oscillatoria, Lyngbya, Pseudanabaena, Cylindrospermum, Anabaena, Nostoc, Nodularia, Fortiea, Calothrix, Anabaenopsis. Out of 37 taxa, 27 are first report from the study area. Key words: Fresh-water, blue-green algae, systematics, southern Himanchal Pradesh, India. doi: 10.3126/eco.v15i0.1939 ECOPRINT 15: 29-36, 2008

Diversity of Cyanophyceae in the Mirik Lake of Darjeeling Himalaya, India


The present investigation was carried out for two years from October, 2010 to September, 2012 to study the Cyanophycean diversity in Mirik Lake of Darjeeling Himalaya, West Bengal, India. During the whole study period a total of eleven genera of Cyanophyceae were recorded, of which Spirulina sp., Arthrospira sp. and Anacystis sp. were found to be most frequent. The density varied from 33 to 1844/ml and the highest diversity was recorded at the point where waste water entering into the lake mainly from the market area.

Biodiversity of Microalgae and Cyanobacteria from freshwater bodies of Jodhpur, Rajasthan (India)


Biodiversity of microalgae and cyanobacteria from different freshwater bodies of Jodhpur, Rajasthan (India) was studied and compared their variations in terms of physicochemical and diversity indices . In all eighty four forms were observed in just twenty five samples that were collected from 7 water bodies. There were 26 green algae belonging to 16 genera, 9 morphotypes of diatoms and 48 morphotypes of 13 cyanobacterial genera. Indicating that generic diversity was high in green algae but morphotypic diversity in cyanobacteria. Shannon and Weaver's Biodiversity Index (H') varied from 0.655 to 1.189.

Cyanophycean Algae from the Foothills of Indo-Western Himalaya

Ecoprint: An International Journal of Ecology, 2010

Twenty six cyanophycean taxa were collected from Pilibheet, Nainital foothills of western Himalayas, belong to 8 genera viz. Chroococcus, Aphanocapsa, Merismopedia, Oscillatoria, Lyngbya, Anabaena, Aulosira and Anabaenopsis. These taxa are represented by 22 species, 3 varieties and 1 forma. All these taxa from Pilibheet are the first report. Key words: Cyanophycean algae, Pilibheet, Nainital. DOI: 10.3126/eco.v16i0.3475ECOPRINT 16: 65-73, 2009

Some New and Interesting Cyanobacteria from Baghjhoda Pond, Eastern Nepal

Himalayan Journal of Science and Technology , 2017

s Cyanobacteria of BaghJhoda pond in three different seasons hav been studied. A total of 8 cyanophycean algae under 6 genera viz Anabaena Aphanocapsa Chroococcus Oscillatoria Phormidium Spirulina Anabaena, Oscillatoria ., , , , , and were recorded. and were dominant genera and occurred in all three seasons All the 8 taxa were new for the study area and Phormidium. Anabaena affinis Anabaena subcylindrica and were new records for Nepal.

Cyanobacterial diversity in different sites and seasons of Gossaigaon Subdivision, Assam, India

Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2022 The present study was carried out of cyanobacterial distribution in three different selected sites of Gossaigaon subdivision, BTR, Assam, India, during June 2015-July 2016 covering four different seasons only in aquatic environment. Altogether 92 species, belonging to 34 genera and 10 families were found. The maximum number of species was recorded from the family Nostocaceae with 25 species. Among these 42 were simple non-heterocystous, 50 were heterocystous filamentous. Among non-heterocystous forms 36 species were unicellular colonial forms. Studies say habitats have distinct cyanobacterial microflora, but the different sites in different geographical regions evidently fluctuate in their diversity as well as in local climatic conditions. Cyanobacteria can be used for practical purposes in different ways. Even in many countries, cyanobacteria are harvested locally from lake, pond and river to use in different purposes.

Cyanobacteria of Nepal: A Checklist with Distribution

Our Nature , 2010

This compilation work presents an up-to-date list of the cyanophycean algae reported by various workers in past from Nepal. It comprises a total 274 taxa belonging to 61 genera under 12 families.