Analysis of Learning Independence in the Field of Economic Studies (original) (raw)
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Motivation, Creativity, and Self-Confidence as Forming Factors of Economic Learning Autonomy
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The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between discipline and responsibility with student learning independence at An-Nizam Private High School Medan. This research is a quantitative study with a population of 140 students at An-Nizam Private High School Medan. Data collection techniques use three scales, including the scale of discipline, scale of responsibility, scale of learning independence. The results of the study show the first hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between discipline and student learning independence. The second hypothesis is known that there is a positive relationship between responsibility and learning independence seen and the third hypothesis there is a significant relationship between discipline and responsibility and learning independence. It is known from the coefficient Freg = 166.326 with p <0.05, and the correlation coefficient r = 0.880 with p <0.05 and R^2 = 0.774, it is concluded that discipline and responsibi...
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Universities are required to be able to adjust to existing education with the current state of the Indonesian industry. Merdeka Learning Merdeka Campus (MBKM) is a policy of the Minister of Education and Culture which encourages students to master various knowledge as subjects before entering the world of business and industry. The purpose of this study was to analyze the obstacles faced by economics education majors in implementing the independent campus learning curriculum (MBKM). This type of research is quantitative. The data collection technique in this study was carried out by identifying discourse from MBKM documents, scientific articles in national and international journals, Ministerial Regulations and Legislation, as well as other online literature. The stages of the research included data collection, data analysis, and obtained the results and conclusions of the obstacles faced in the implementation of MBKM in the Department of Economic Education Reputable.
JIP (Jurnal Ilmiah PGMI), 2022
This study examines the concept of independent learning from the perspective of progressivism educational philosophy. The method used in this research is library research. The researcher reviewed various works of literature and then analyzed related to the Concept of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum in Elementary Schools from the Viewpoint of Educational Philosophy. Data collection techniques are conducted by including eligibility, screening, identification, and analysis from various sources such as books, articles, and relevant research results. The search for research data resulted in 5 electronic books and 36 articles from scholars. The texts studied included educational philosophy books and independent curriculum guides specific to elementary schools. In contrast, there are several selected articles. Articles found in the Sholer and Mendeley databases, using the search terms "Independent Curriculum in elementary schools, Educational Philosophy, Progressivism" in the title and keywords only selected articles which are continued in the discussion and the papers used are the last five years published in national journals (Sinta 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and several in international journals. Library materials from various sources, both in print and electronic form, go through the stages of eligibility, screening, identification, and analysis as needed to obtain proportions and ideas. The results of this study indicate the concept of independent learning with the flow of progressivism believes that education must be progressive, innovative, flexible, open, rational, and scientific according to the times. The concept of an independent learning curriculum in elementary schools from the point of view of the philosophy of progressivism education has similarities to progress and independence in educational practice. The relationship between the concept of independent learning in elementary schools from a progressivism point of view can be seen from the impact of its implementation: 1) for educators, the administrative burden will be reduced because the RPP tools are simplified; teachers have free time to improve competence through various platforms; Educators have the freedom to innovate and be creative. 2) Students can experience knowledge in their environment as character strengthening, learning themes, or critical issues related to sustainable lifestyles, culture, entrepreneurship, and technology. So that students can take real action in answering these issues according to the stages of learning and their needs.
Independence and Responsibility of the Students Through Online Learning
Building character was the educational function that must be achieved through the learning process both offline and online. Cooperation and good communication were needed between students, teachers and parents to overcome the kinds of obstacles. The competent teachers in providing learning experiences and methods were needed to make students enjoy learning. Parents' companionship and support were expected to have an impact on the development of independent and responsible character for their children. Various efforts in building independence and responsibility of students in online learning had answered in qualitative research conducted at SMAN 1 Tumijajar. The data was obtained by distributing questionnaires to parents, students and teachers through the WhatsApp group. Online interviews were conducted with students. The result showed that students' independence and responsibility had been developed trough the online learning.