Effects of quantized motion of a trapped atom on non-linear optical processes (original) (raw)

A moving three-level atom interacting with a two- mode field: some atom-field aspects A moving three-level atom interacting with a two-mode field: some atom-field aspects

Journal of Modern Optics, 2016

In this paper, the interaction of a moving three-level atom and a two-mode quantized electromagnetic cavity field is extended to involve the effects of the atomic motion. Detuning parameters, Kerr nonlinearity, Stark shift contributions and arbitrary forms of intensity-dependent atom-field coupling have been taken into account. The constants of motion and the wave function, when the atom is initially prepared in superposition states and the field is initially prepared in squeezed coherent states, have been obtained. We calculate some statistical aspects such as atomic inversion, purity, Mandel Q-parameter, cross-correlation, momentum increment, momentum diffusion and Husimi Q-function. ARTICLE HISTORY

Two-Photon Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Periodically Trapped Ultracold Atoms in a Cavity

International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2011

We study the transmission spectra of a Bose Einstein condensate (BEC) confined in an optical lattice interacting with two modes of a cavity via nonlinear two-photon transition. In particular, we show that the one-photon and two-photon cavity transmission spectra of a BEC are different. We found that when the BEC is in the Mott state, the usual normal mode splitting present in the one-photon transition is missing in the two-photon interaction. When the BEC is in the superfluid state, the transmission spectrum shows the usual multiple lorentzian structure. However the separation between the lorentzians for the two-photon case is much larger than that for the one-photon case. This study could form the basis for nondestructive high resolution Rydberg spectroscopy of ultracold atoms or two-photon spectroscopy of a gas of ultracold atomic hydrogen.