Quantum teleportation using entangled 3-qubit states and the ‘magic bases (original) (raw)

Controlled bidirectional remote state preparation in noisy environment: a generalized view

It is shown that a realistic controlled bidirectional remote state preparation is possible using a large class of entangled quantum states having a particular structure. Existing protocols of probabilistic, deterministic and joint remote state preparation are generalized to obtain the corresponding protocols of controlled bidirectional remote state preparation (CBRSP). A general way of incorporating the effects of two well-known noise processes, the amplitude-damping and phase-damping noise, on the probabilistic CBRSP process is studied in detail by considering that noise only affects the travel qubits of the quantum channel used for the probabilistic CBRSP process. Also indicated is how to account for the effect of these noise channels on deterministic and joint remote state CBRSP protocols.

Generation of perfect W-state and demonstration of its application to quantum information splitting

arXiv: Quantum Physics, 2020

We report the first experimental realization of perfect W-state in a superconducting qubit based system. In contrast to maximally entangled state, the perfect W state is different in weights and phases of the terms contained in the maximally entangled W-state. The prefect W state finds important applications in quantum information processing tasks such as perfect teleportation, superdense coding, secret sharing etc. The efficiency of generation is quantified by fidelity which is calculated by performing full quantum state tomography. To verify the presence of genuine nonlocality in the generated state, we experimentally perform Mermin's inequality tests. Further, we have also demonstrated splitting and sharing of quantum information using the experimentally generated state.

Multipartite entangled magnon states as quantum communication channels


We explicate conditions under which, the two magnon state becomes highly entangled and is useful for several quantum communication protocols. This state, which is experimentally realizable in quantum dots using Heisenberg exchange interaction, is found to be suitable for carrying out deterministic teleportation of an arbitrary two qubit composite system. Further, conditions for which the channel capacity reaches “Holevo bound”, allowing maximal amount of classical information to be encoded, are derived. Later, an explicit protocol for the splitting and sharing of a two qubit entangled state among two parties, using this state as an entangled resource, is demonstrated. PACS numbers: Keywords: Entanglement, an entirely quantum mechanical phenomenon, has been a subject of intense research, since the days of Schrödinger [1] and Einstein [2]. In recent times, it has received renewed attention with the advent of quantum information processing [3]. The amalgamation of the principles of qua...

Experimental Demonstration of Non-local Controlled-Unitary Quantum Gates Using a Five-qubit Quantum Computer

Quantum Information Processing

Local implementation of non-local quantum gates is necessary in a distributed quantum computer. Here, we demonstrate the non-local implementation of controlled-unitary quantum gates proposed by Eisert et al. [Phys. Rev. A 62, 052317 (2000)] using the five-qubit IBM quantum computer. Further, we analyze the same quantum task in the presence of a controller using a GHZ-like state as the quantum channel. Finally, we verify the fidelity and accuracy of the implementation through the techniques of quantum state and process tomographies.

Generation and Application of Nested Entanglement in Matryoshka Quantum Resource-States

Multipartite entanglement is a resource for application in disparate protocols, of computing, communication and cryptography. Nested entanglement provides resource-states for quantum information processing. In this paper, Matryoshka quantum resource-states, which contain nested entanglement patterns, has been studied. A novel scheme for the generation of such quantum states has been proposed using an anisotropic XY spin-spin interaction-based model. The application of the Matryoshka GHZ-Bell states for n-qubit teleportation is reviewed and an extension to more general Matryoshka ExhS-Bell states is posited. An example of Matryoshka ExhS-Bell states is given in the form of the genuinely entangled seven-qubit Xin-Wei Zha state. Generation, characterisation and application of this seven-qubit resource state in theoretical schemes for quantum teleportation of arbitrary one, two and three qubits states, bidirectional teleportation of arbitrary two qubit states and probabilistic circular ...