Profil Kesehatan Kerja Nelayan Tangkap di Desa Papela Kecamatan Rote Timur Kabupaten Rote Ndao (original) (raw)
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Epigram, 2020
This study aims to determine the marketing margins of demersal fish in Laotongan Village. Laotongan Village, or another name for Tehang Island, is one of the islands in District of Tabukan Selatan, Regency of Sangihe Archipelago. The method used is qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods are methods that look at phenomena from non-material aspects, beyond what they appear to be, with the study of meaning as something holistic. Meanwhile, the quantitative method is a method that looks at the phenomenon from the material aspect, which is visible, the impact study, the factors that affect it as a variable. In general, fisher who catch fish in Laotongan Village use hand line, in the local language it is called Kakintu. Also, the type boat used is pumpboat. The fisher in Laotongan Village are fisher with low income, and most of the fisher have an elementary education level. Marketing margin of Demersal fish is Rp. 15,000., And the efficiency of the portion received by f...
AKULTURASI (Jurnal Ilmiah Agrobisnis Perikanan), 2014
The study was conducted aim to analyze the socio-economic condition of soma giop fishermen who’s Living in Leleoto fishing community, South Tobelo District, North Halmahera Regency, North Moluccas Province. Data was collected based in census method that is gathering data from all 5 owners of soma giop fishing gear. The result of study indicated that averagely the ages of fishermen are 31 years old with 35 to 40 years experiences working on this kind of livelihood. The study also found still there are mutual works among community members however, there are also bad custom to drink alcoholic beverages. The reset of study also found the maximum catch are 7,403.33 kg while minimum catch is 33.33 kg. The distribution system of catch is 50% for owners and 50% for vessel crews. Keywords: socio-economic, soma giop, fishermen, livelihood, distribution system of catch Abstrak Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang keadaan sosial ekonomi nelayan pemilik alat tangkap soma giop di desa leleoto, Kecam...
AKULTURASI (Jurnal Ilmiah Agrobisnis Perikanan)
The purpose of this research was to reveal and study the socio-economic condition of using Tonda fishing rods (100%).The research method used descriptive with the census basic. The analytical method used is quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis.In general, the education of the respondents was graduated from elementary and junior high school with a percentage of 30%, most of the dependents family were 3 people. The condition of fisherman Tonda housing that is as much as 50% has permanent, 10% semi-permanent and 40% non-permanent.The average production of each fishing Tonda fisherman is 684 kg per month. The income is IDR 102,600,000 per month, while other business income is IDR 5,300,000 with total revenue is IDR 107,900,000 per month. Expenditure is IDR 56,535,000 per month. The final income is IDR. 51,365,000 per month with the average is IDR. 5,136,500 each month.Key words : Socio economic, trolling fisheries AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan dan ...
ETNOREFLIKA: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya, 2020
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AKULTURASI (Jurnal Ilmiah Agrobisnis Perikanan)
The purpose of this study was to reveal and assess the socio-economic conditions of fishing communities in Tateli Dua Village, Mandolang District.The method used in this study is descriptive method, sampling using random sampling technique. There were 20 respondents who worked as fishermen.The social conditions of the fishermen of Tateli Dua Village in terms of education are mostly elementary school education, there are 2 respondent religions, namely Islam and Protestant Christianity, the age of fishermen is in the productive age range of 7 people, most respondents have experienced pain with medical treatment and use traditional medicine family dependents ranged between 2-7 and from housing owned by most (50%) respondents had semi-permanent housing types.The economic conditions of the fishermen in Tateli Dua Village are from business capital, almost all (95%) of respondents use their own capital. Most of the marketing places for the catch are in the market with the highest income of...
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia, 2022
Warga pesisir yang tinggal di Desa Hila sebagian besar bergantung pada laut. Sebagian besar bekerja sebagai nelayan dan sebagian lainnya bekerja sebagai petani. Desa Hila Kabupaten Maluku Tengah para nelayannya sering mengalami kecelakaan saat bekerja di laut. Terdapat banyak potensi rsiko yang dapat terjadi seperti kapal bocor, terluka saat menarik jala, kelebihan muatan, dan tenggelam. Oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan pelatihan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja untuk memberikan pemahaman dan mendorong kesadaran para nelayan di Kawasan Pesisir Desa Hila Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Untuk tata tertib para nelayan bisa lebih memperhatikan keselamatannya. Selain memberikan pelatihan, kegiatan ini juga dibarengi dengan pembentukan kader kesehatan nelayan. Hasil hasil pre test manunjukkan bahwa para peserta sebelum diberikan informasi atau penjelasan menunjukkan 42 orang dari peserta (100%) memperoleh nilai mayoritas peserta memiliki nilai 40 sejumlah 23 orang (61%). Pada post test terdapat 19...
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Penyuluhan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja pada Nelayan Surabaya Timur
Sewagati, 2024
Fish Safety Foundation (FSF) mengidentifikasi beberapa faktor penyebab kematian nelayan. Faktor-faktor tersebut mencakup kemiskinan, konflik geopolitik, penangkapan ikan berlebihan (overfishing), penangkapan ikan yang ilegal, tidak dilaporkan, dan tidak diatur (illegal, unreported and unregulated/IUU fishing), serta perubahan iklim. Penangkapan ikan yang ilegal, tidak dilaporkan, dan tidak diatur adalah
Identifikasi Bahaya Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja pada Penangkapan Ikan Nelayan Muroami
Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 2012
Kelautan Kepulauan Seribu pada tahun 2009 terdapat 1.722 penduduk berprofesi sebagai nelayan. Sebanyak 299 orang berprofesi nelayan muroami yang menghadapi bahaya keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja tinggi dan hingga saat ini mereka belum mengetahui bahaya pekerjaan tersebut.Penelitian deskriptif dengan analisis kualitatif ini, bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran bahaya kegiatan penangkapan ikan nelayan muroami di Kelurahan Pulau Panggang, Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu. Penelitian ini hanya mengamati para penyelam kompresor sebagai subjek penelitian dengan mengunakan metode identifikasi bahaya yaitu Job Hazard Analysis. Bahaya keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja pada tahapan aktivitas penangkapan ikan terdiri atas tahapan persiapan, tahapan penyelaman, dan tahapan penanganan hasil penangkapan. Bahaya yang dihadapi dikelompokkanmenjadi bahaya bagi keselamatan dan bahaya kesehatan, bahaya bagi keselamatan pekerja meliputi ombak, lantai licin, duri ikan, terjepit, bahan bakar mesin kompresor, selang a...