Empirical Investigation of the Motivation and Perception of Tourists Visiting the Apuseni Nature Park (Romania) and the Relationship of Tourism and Natural Resources (original) (raw)
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Attitudes of local people towards Apuseni Nature Park, Romania
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin
Nature parks are protected natural areas whose purposes are the protection and conservation of landscapes in which the interaction of human activities with nature over time has created a distinct area, with significant landscape and/or cultural value, often with great biological diversity. This is the case of Apuseni Nature Park, which includes a significant karst terrain and is a very important tourist destination. In this article, we examine the attitude of local people towards the protected area with the help of a questionnaire composed of 32 questions. After the general questions, the economic situation was examined first. Then the respondents had to evaluate the values and the difficulties of their region and their relation to tourism. The answers reveal that they are aware of the importance of tourism, which may represent a serious complementary income for them. The most intriguing questions were some open-ended questions, which focused on the relationship of locals to Apuseni...
Acta Carsologica
National parks (NPs) are the flagships of protected areas, which primarily serve the protection of nature, but are also important sites for tourism. While karst areas are generally disadvantageous in terms of traditional farming, tourism can provide new livelihoods for those who live there. Therefore, it does matter how the local people relate to the NP and tourism, and the opinion of tourists is also an important factor. In this article, we present the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in the Aggtelek National Park (ANP) and the Slovak Karst National Park (SKNP). Our results show that for locals, the forest is the most important natural resource often visited by them, while for tourists, caves are the first choice. Conflicts between locals and tourists are negligible, and all actors agree to further increase tourism. In both ANP and SKNP, the majority of tourists and locals alike have a rather positive view of the NP. However, there is still a significant group of local r...
Attitudes and preferences of visitors of Krka National Park, Croatia
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin
The primary function of national parks (NPs) is nature conservation, but for the majority of them, tourism also plays an important role. Tourism generates significant incomes, but the benefits are often unequally distributed in space, as are the disadvantages. The karst regions are generally less developed terrains in terms of traditional livelihoods, but due to their special morphology, tourism offers great opportunities. Nonetheless, mass tourism can also pose increased environmental risks. In this article, we examine the above questions on the example of Krka NP, especially from the perspective of tourists, as we conducted a questionnaire survey with visitors. The results confirmed that there is a high degree of spatial inequality both in the awareness of attractions and the distribution of tourist accommodation. This fact has already been recognised by the management of the NP, and serious steps have already been taken to reduce inequality, but their impact is not yet significan...
The alpine landscape of the Tatra National Park has changed significantly over the past few decades, especially as a result of the development of tourism (i.e. hotels, ski slopes) which are likely to impede the effective management of nature conservation. This study presents the results of a survey to ascertain the preferences and the perception of visitors to the Tatra National Park and its landscape. Scenarios of tourism development and landscape changes were presented to respondents verbally and by means of manipulated photos in order to visualize potential threats to the current appearance of the landscape. The data that this survey revealed and the statements made by the respondents with regard to the frequency of their trips to the National Park were combined to assess the effects of landscape changes on the recreation benefits of visitors. Furthermore, the willingness-to-pay, in terms of a hypothetical admission fee to prevent a further degradation of the ecological quality, was also ascertained. The results show that the frequency of trips is significantly reduced if one of the scenarios were to become a fact. Annual recreation benefits (measured by the consumer surplus) currently amount to approximately EUR 1,040 per person, while the loss of recreation benefits, as a consequence of further changes to the landscape considered to be unfavourable by the respondents, would amount to EUR 329 to 475 per person. In addition, visitors stated an annual willingness to pay from EUR 23 to EUR 26 to prevent further negative developments. The conclusions that were drawn refer especially to the effectiveness of management in the Tatra National Park, to the combination of revealed and stated behaviour data, and the willingness-to-pay of the visitors.
The possibilities for development of tourism in Natural Parks
Protected areas can represent a strategic laboratory for the realisation of initiatives capable of promoting sustainable economic development models at a local level. One of the duties of national parks is to provide value and promote, even for tourism purposes, natural, historical and cultural resources subject to restrictions in the territory. This contribution describes the research process activated for the definition of a tourism development strategy in the youngest Italian national parks, the Appennino Lucano Val d'Agri Lagonegrese located in Basilicata. This is a protected area which has not yet been developed from a tourism point of view and it has an "eclectic" naturalist value characterised by flora on one hand and significant fauna on the other, as well as a subsoil rich in hydrocarbons (the largest deposit on continental Europe). In light of this typicality for the area, research favoured a participative type qualitative-quantitative approach, involving both local stakeholders, for exploration of the area's potential and definition of possible tourism development scenarios, and actual or potential users interested in the area, for assessment of the proposed alternatives. The information and data collected allowed, on one hand, the identification of major critical areas which currently make tourism in the area an activity that is still economically marginal with respect to the local structured economic system, and on the other hand, identification of some themes around which to build a competitive tourism product in line with market demands in observance of sustainability. Through a contingent assessment exercise it was possible to understand what the preferences are with respect to different hypotheses of the tourism offer in the area for current and potential tourists involved in the survey and, at the same time, to identify some elements to examine in order to improve attractiveness.
As a country, Romania tries to communicate abroad its authenticity, intact nature and unique cultural heritage. This message matches perfectly the main attributes associated to Rodna Mountains National Park, as it is the second national park in Romanian. The aim of the research is to identify and analyze the prospects for sustainable development of rural tourism in the area of Rodna Mountains National Park, taking into account its impact on the social and economic life of the inhabitants of the Rodna commune, but also factors that may positively or negatively influence the whole process. From a methodological perspective, quantitative methods were used; a survey-based research was carried out among Romanian mountain tourists, aiming at identifying and analyzing their opinions and suggestions regarding tourism in protected areas in Romania, as well as the impact of the tourist flows generated by the Park upon the surrounding communities. Rodna Mountains National Park seems to be amon...
Geographica Pannonica, 2021
In the Deliblatska Peščara Special Nature Reserve (SNR) there are a large number of natural and social factors that affect the development of tourism. Such are: rare and endangered endemic flora and fauna that are important in the procedures of species protection, ecosystem, wetlands, socio-cultural heritage, the possibility of developing specific forms of tourism and other factors. The SNR has a relief that is present only in this protected area-dunes. This type of sand has influenced the specific flora and fauna that cannot be found in other areas. There are 18 settlements in the reserve that have significant cultural, monumental and archaeological heritage. The research aims to determine the satisfaction of residents with the function of the SNR in sustainable tourism development using a quantitative methodology and SPSS software. The responses from 510 residents indicate their satisfaction with the development of sustainable tourism in the SNR through ecological, economic and in...
Social assessment of national parks through the example of the Aggtelek National Park
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin
Karst areas, which are less involved in productive activities are often declared protected areas that can have a positive impact on the lives of the local communities. To verify this hypothesis, we examine karst areas, where national parks have been established to preserve mostly geological but also biological values. According to the threefold system of objectives in national parks, not only protection and conservation, but also the presentation of the natural values to the outside world is important. Thus, tourism and related services are essential and often exclusive economic activities in these protected areas. Our questions are how national parks appear in the daily lives of the local communities and how much locals perceive the beneficial effects of national parks. The selected area of our study is the Gömör-Torna / Gemer-Turňa Karst on the Hungarian-Slovak border, where national parks have been established on both side of the border (Aggtelek National Park in Hungary and Slov...
Adventure Tourism: Insight from Experienced Visitors of Romanian National and Natural Parks
The rapid growth of adventure tourism is remarked all over the world, being considered as a modern form of tourism. This study attempted to investigate the preferences of experienced visitors of Romanian national and natural parks with the main focus on understanding what motives describe the three elements that define adventure tourism: physical activity, natural environment and cultural immersion, and what is the level of satisfaction regarding the quality of facilities and services. An online survey was filled in by 137 members of adventure tourism groups, being further grouped based on their experiences. Results indicate that experienced participants better appreciated the opportunity to be engaged in physical activity and to explore the natural environment. Cultural experience was perceived as similar by both groups. The level of satisfaction about facilities and services provided by the national and natural parks and adjacent rural communities was similar among groups, except ...