2023, Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi
Depending on the differences between languages, translation differences occur in meaning and perception. The most distinctive differences between languages appear in culture-spesic items to their own cultures. Cultural transference thus requires a manifold approach: it is not merely a matter of language. It is primarily concerned with the authorial relationship to his/her subject matter: narrative technique, metaphorical dimensions and point of view. It is also concerned with author's relationship to his/her reader. And these two relationships of the original work are almost invariably reected in a good translation. In this study, The Bhagavadgītā, which has been attributed to Indian culture and is considered as one of the most valuable works of Classical Sanskrit Literature, was analyzed comparatively with its original Sanskrit language and its Armenian, English and Turkish translations. Likewise, the translations have been evaluated in regard to translation studies. In this context, the Sanskrit original of Bhagavadgītā was used as the source text. Within the scope of our study, one Armenian, one English and two different Turkish translations were used and four different translations were examined in terms of translation and cultural relationships. Sanskrit original text of Bhagavadgītā, Armenian translation by H. Acharian, English translation by Trida i Bhik u Śrīpād Ak ayānanda Mahārāja, Turkish translations by K. Kaya and S. Çalışkan were used in this regard. As a result, the effects of culture on the translated text, through the translation strategies followed by the translators, were revealed through the translations of the Bhagavadgītā text. The relevant theoretical background on the translation-culture relationship in the literature was mentioned by making interpretations within the framework of the discipline of translation studies by the help of the Armenian, English and Turkish translations of the text, originally was Sanskrit. Diller arasındaki değişkenlere bağlı olarak anlam ve algıda birtakım çeviri farklılıkları ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Çeviribilimsel perspektiften diller arasındaki en belirgin farklılıklar, özellikle kültüre özgü ögelerde kendisini göstermektedir. Bu nedenle de kültürel aktarım süreci çeviride, çok yönlü bir yaklaşım yetisi gerektirmektedir. Söz konusu çeviri işlemi yalnızca bir dil meselesi değildir. Çeviri öncelikle yazarın işlediği konuya karşı tutumu, kullandığı anlatı tekniği, metaforik unsurlar ve bakış açısıyla da ilgilidir. Aynı zamanda yazarın okuyucusu ile olan ilişkisi ile de bağlantılıdır. Kanaatimizce orijinal eserdeki bu eşgüdümlü ve ahenkli ikili ilişki, neredeyse her zaman, iyi bir çeviride kendisini göstermektedir.