The Remake of Judita (original) (raw)

Marko Marulić's Croatian Poetry in English in the Light of Umberto Eco's Theory of Translation

Colloquia Maruliana, 2007

Although there is evidence that interest in Croatian literature in the Englishspeaking world is on the rise (primarily in newer Croatian literature), the fortune of Marko MaruliÊ in English translation is modest. To date, only Judita has been translated fully into English, while the Split master’s other worthy Croatian works remain only partially translated and mostly untranslated. This is both unfortunate and ironic: unfortunate because an important body of work of one of Europe’s leading Humanist/Renaissance writers remains relatively unknown in the Englishspeaking world; ironic because MaruliÊ was well-known in England, as well as in other parts of Europe through his Latin works during his own lifetime. Moreover, English boasts of a rich tradition of producing new translations of past literary masters practically with each successive generation (e.g. in the last 10 years two new translations of Homer’s The Odyssey and one of Iliad appeared, one new translation of the Persian clas...

A Translation of a Short Story from the Italian Language to the English Language and a Comparison with the Traslation from the Italian Language to the Croatian Language


In this thesis, with the topic being the short story “La mummia”, written by Stefano Benni and published as a part of the collection of stories called Cari mostri, the main goal is to point out some of the major problems related to the translations of the short story into the Croatian language and into the English language. After the short overview of the author’s life and the important information about the short story and the book Cari mostri, follows the main body which comprises the source text and both translations, into Croatian and into English. This is followed by the analyses of both translations, underlying some of the problems encountered in the process of translation. After the analyses, there is the comparison of two translations with focus on syntax, grammar, vocabulary and style


Literary and Cultural Interconnections between Serbian and Anglophone Literature, 2022

The paper analyses the translation of the first two out of the three sections of Radoslav Petković's novel Destiny, Annotated, rendered into English by Terence McEneny. Since they are set in early 19 th-century Trieste and present a kaleidoscope of events, characters, diplomatic and naval activities, they prove to be challenging to the translator at several levels: transliterational, morphological, onomastic, etymological, lexical and generalhistorical. The main methodological framework is found in Gideon Toury's target-oriented model of translation study, which regards translations as facts of the target culture and focuses on the various sorts of effect the target language text has on the recipients rather than on the formal equivalence and accuracy of conveying source language structures or vocabulary in the target language. The analysed registers include: seamanship, architecture and the arts, history, theology, archaic lexical items, euphemisms and poetic expressions, foreign words and phrases, and names in general. For the most part, the translator created a natural-sounding text in English with functional-relational concepts that suit the native English reader, with all the polyphony of a metafictional historiographic narrative, but he inexplicably divided some longer sentences into two or three, and ocassionally omitted certain constructions altogether.

Translation of Four Short Texts of Different Genres from Croatian into English


The main body of this B.A. thesis consists of four translations from Croatian into English. The texts are of different genres. In the introduction I focused on the brief history of translation and some of the aspects that were important during its development. The introduction is followed by four translations. Each text has an introduction in which I explained where I found the text and its subject. Also, each translation is followed by an analysis of the problems that I have encountered while producing them. These translations are followed by a conclusion where I focused on the overall translation and its outcome. At the very end of this thesis is a bibliography, i.e. the sources that I have used and the appendices containing the original texts that I have translated. 1.2.Translation Current migrations in Europe SUMMARY After a brief historical review of migrations in Europe, the paper focuses on current migration trends and their consequences. At the end of the 1950's, countries in Western Europe began to recruit labour from several Mediterranean countries-Italy, Spain, Portugal and former Yugoslavia, and later from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Turkey. Some countries, such as France, Great Britain and the Netherlands, also recruited workers from their former colonies. In 1970 Germany had the highest absolute number of foreigners (3 million), followed by France, and then Switzerland and Belgium. The total number of immigrants in

Medieval Croatian Written Culture (syllabus) [Vilnius University, Faculty of Philology]

Note: The course was not aimed at prospective Croatian philologists, and I had to mainly rely on anglophone scholarship. As a result, in many cases the choice of reading materials is far from being ideal. The course is an interdisciplinary survey of multilingual and multialphabetical Croatian medieval written culture, with an emphasis on the social history of languages (Latin, Croatian Church Slavonic, Old Croatian), scripts (Latin, Glagolitic and Cyrillic) and various types of writing, from literature to pragmatic literacy. By the end of the course, students will gain a nuanced understanding of medieval Croatian culture in a broader European context. They will also be familiarized with the current interdisciplinary research trends in the studies of medieval communication.

L. Sels, J. Fuchsbauer, V. Tomelleri, I. De Vos (eds), Editing Mediaeval Texts from a Different Angle: Slavonic and Multilingual Traditions, Together With Francis J. Thomson’s Bibliography and Checklist of Slavonic Translations.

OLA 276 / Bibliothèque de Byzantion 19, 2018

The volume consists of three sections: (1) Honorary section for Prof. Francis J. Thomson on the occasion of his 80th birthday, containing his academic bibliography and his "Checklist of Slavonic translations". (2) Proceedings of the ATTEMT Workshop held at King’s College London, 19-20 December 2013 (org. Ilse De Vos, Olga Grinchenko & Lara Sels) (3) Proceedings of the ATTEST Workshop held at the University of Regensburg, 11-12 December 2015 (org. Jürgen Fuchsbauer, Lara Sels & Vittorio Tomelleri)

The Literary Heritage of Marko Bruerević in Four Languages

Anali Zavoda za Povijesne Znanosti Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti u Dubrovniku, 2000

Marc Bruere Desrivaux stands out as one of the most prominent poets of the Croatian literature at the close of the eighteenth century. Having in mind his contribution to the development of the contemporary literary plurilingualism, this interesting poetic figure may well be studied from diverse aspects: the polyglot manuscript collections of his poems offer ground for discussion on BruereviE the translator, his talent for versifying and metrical translations, etc. 1 Poslaniza Marka Bruerevichja, pisana is Trawnika svomu Priateglju Andru Altesti u Dubrovnik and Andrii Altestichju Marka Bruerevichja Piesan, autographs, National and University Library in Zagreb, Collection of Manuscripts (hereafter cited as: NSB), R 3787 and R 3767. This article has already been published in Croatian under the following title: ≈PjesniEka ostavπtina Marka BruereviEa na Eetiri jezika.« Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku 38 (2000): pp. 185-199. Translated by Vesna BaEe. A Frenchman among...

Bibliographie der slowenischen Translationswissenschaften / Bibliography of Slovenian Translation Studies / Bibliografija slovenskega prevodoslovja


Die Bibliographie entstand im Rahmen des internationalen Projekts "TransStar Europa" (2013)(2014)(2015), das mittel-und osteuropäische Sprachen, Literaturen und Kulturen in den Mittelpunkt rückte und jungen Übersetzern und Übersetzerinnen aus Deutschland, Polen, Tschechien, Kroatien, Slowenien und der Ukraine die Möglichkeit gab, sich in das literarische Übersetzen und in die Grundlagen des europäischen Kulturmanagements einzuarbeiten. Autor / author / avtor Jahr / year / leto Titel / title / naslov Publikation / publication / publikacija Publikationsform / type of publication / vrsta publikacije Bereich / field / področje Schlüsselwörter / keywords / ključne besede ACCETTO, Matej. 2008 Pravno prevajanje, trdi skloni in desni odgovori. IUS-INFO : pravni informacijski sistem ISSN: 1581-0968 (16. apr. 2008). Artikel / article / članek Fachübersetzung / professional translation / strokovno prevajanje pravo / prevajanje ACCETTO, Matej. 2009 Pravno prevajanje in večjezična ureditev : med verodostojnostjo besedila in avtoriteto prevajalca. Terminologija in sodobna terminografija.-Str. 291-300. Beitrag in einer Monografie / chapter in a monograph / poglavje v monografiji Fachübersetzung / professional translation / strokovno prevajanje pravo / prevajanje / pravno prevajanje / Evropska unija / večjezičnost / sodbe Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti / law / legal translation / European Union / multilingualism / judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Communities ADAM, Frane. 1993 Der Einfluß der Übersetzungen von (deutschen) soziologischen Theoretikern auf die Entwicklung und Profilierung der Soziologie in Slowenien. Übersetzen, verstehen, Brücken bauen : geisteswissenschaftliches und literarisches Übersetzen im internationalen Kulturaustausch.-str. 777-782. Beitrag in einer Monografie / chapter in a monograph / poglavje v monografiji Literarische Übersetzung / literary translation / literarno prevajanje prevajanje / teoretiki / sociološka literatura AGREŽ, Maruška. 2015 Prevodoslovni in funkcijski vidik besede pa v slovenskih pogovorih in dramatiki 18. in 19. stoletja. Zbornik radova .-Str. 191-207. Veröffentlichter Konferenzbeitrag / published conference paper / objavljeni prispevek na konferenci Fachübersetzung / professional translation / strokovno prevajanje slovenščina / nemščina / členek / prevajanje / 18.-19. st. / primerjalne študije AHAČIČ, Kozma. 2000 Prevajanje termina ratio pri Varonu in Kvintilijanu. Keria, ISSN 1580-0261. [Tiskana izd.], 2000, letn. 2, št. 2, str. 57-63. Veröffentlichter Konferenzbeitrag / published conference paper / objavljeni prispevek na konferenci Literarische Übersetzung / literary translation / literarno prevajanje ratio / prevajanje / rimska književnost / latinska književnost / slovenščina / slovenski prevodi / translating / Roman literature / Latin literature / Slovene language / Slovene translations AHAČIČ, Kozma. 2007 Oče slovenske književnosti : ob petstoletnici Primoža Trubarja (1508-1586). Mohorjev koledar ..., ISSN 1318-5462, 2007, str. 163-166. Artikel / article / članek Literarische Übersetzung / literary translation / literarno prevajanje slovenščina / knjižni jezik / / protestantski pisci / svetopisemska besedila / Sveto pismo / Nova zaveza / prevajanje / protestantizem / Slovene language / literary language / 16th cent. / Protestant writers / biblical texts / translating AHAČIČ, Kozma. 2007 Slovenski protestantski pisci 16. stoletja in prevajanje = Slovene Protestant writers in the 16th century and translation. VOGRINC JAVORŠEK, Urša (ur.), KOCIJANČIČ-POKORN, Nike (ur.). Vta Slouenski jesig preobernen : vloga prevoda v razvoju slovenskega jezika in književnosti = the role of translation in the development of Slovene language and literature : [Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, 4. september do 4. oktober 2007]. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za prevajalstvo, 2007, str. 10-13. Beitrag in einer Monografie / chapter in a monograph / poglavje v monografiji Literarische Übersetzung / literary translation / literarno prevajanje protestantski pisci / / slovenščina / prevajanje / Protestant writers / 16th cent. / Slovene language / translating AHAČIČ, Kozma. 2007 Viri za prevod svetopisemskih besedil pri slovenskih protestantskih piscih 16.stoletja in nekatere tehnike prevajanja. Slavistična revija, ISSN 0350-6894. [Tiskana izd.], 2007, letn. 55, št. 3, str. 505-529. Artikel / article / članek Literarische Übersetzung / literary translation / literarno prevajanje slovenščina / knjižni jezik / 16. st. / protestantski pisci / svetopisemska besedila / Sveto pismo / Nova zaveza / psalm / prevajanje / protestantizem / Slovene language / literary language / 16th cent. / Protestant writers / biblical texts / translating AHAČIČ, Kozma. 2007 Zgodovina misli o jeziku in književnosti na Slovenskem : protestantizem, (Zbirka Linguistica et philologica, 18). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2007. 416 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-254-018-0. Monografie / monograph / monografija Literarische Übersetzung / literary translation / literarno prevajanje zgodovina jezikoslovja / zgodovinska sociolingvistika / slovnice / slovenska književnost / protestantizem / retorika / terminologija / prevajanje / vplivi / humanizem / Slovene language / 16th cent. / history of linguistics / historical sociolinguistics / grammars / Slovene literature / Protestantism / rhetoric / terminology / translating / influences / Humanism AHAČIČ, Kozma. 2008 Primož Trubar (1508-1586) : ob poltisočletnici očeta slovenske književnosti. Koledar Mohorjeve družbe v Celovcu , ISSN 1024-1493, 2008, str. 85-88. Artikel / article / članek Literarische Übersetzung / literary translation / literarno prevajanje slovenski protestanti / slovenščina / knjižni jezik / / protestantski pisci / svetopisemska besedila / Sveto pismo / Nova zaveza / prevajanje / protestantizem / Slovene language / literary language / 16th cent. / Protestant writers / biblical texts / translating AHAČIČ, Kozma. 2009 Musculus, Gwalther, Luther, Erasmus. Primus Truber as the first Slovenian translator of scriptural texts. Zwingliana , ISSN 0254-4407, 2009, letn. 36, str. 115-135. Artikel / article / članek Literarische Übersetzung / literary translation / literarno prevajanje slovenščina / prevajanje / protestantizem / / svetopisemska besedila / Slovene language / translating / literary language / Protestantism / 16th cent. / biblical texts ALT, Andreja. 2000 Homofonijska zmešnjava. Makedonsko-slovenečki naučen sobir : jazičnite literaturnite i kulturnite relacii megu Makedonija i Slovenija, Ohrid, 22-23 avgust 1997.-Str. 13-19. Veröffentlichter Konferenzbeitrag / published conference paper / objavljeni prispevek na konferenci Fachübersetzung / professional translation / strokovno prevajanje makedonščina / slovenščina / primerjalne študije / homofonija / prevajanje ANŽELJ, Stana. 2008 Pomenski in slogovni odmiki pri prevajanju Bartolovega Alamuta iz slovenščine prek francoščine v nemščino. Hieronymus : revija o prevajalstvu ISSN: 1855-4857.-Letn. 2, št. 1/2 (2008), str. 121-137. Artikel / article / članek Literarische Übersetzung / literary translation / literarno prevajanje posredno prevajanje / slovenska književnost / prevodi v nemščino / prevodi v francoščino / literarno prevajanje ANŽELJ, Stana. 2013 Razpetost prevajalca med potujitvenim in podomačitvenim pristopom : na primeru prevajanja zamonijskega fantazijskega romana Mesto sanjajoćih knjig Walterja Moersa. Otrok in knjiga : revija za vprašanja mladinske književnosti, književne vzgoje in s knjigo povezanih medijev ISSN: 0351-5141.-Letn. 40, št. 86 (2013), str. 18-34.