Perilaku Konsumsi Islami Masyarakat Muslim Surabaya yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19 (original) (raw)
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Pola Konsumsi Islami Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 di Kota Mataram
Jurnal Econetica: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Bisnis, 2021
Islamic Consumption Patterns During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Mataram City. The consumption pattern of the community is influenced by several factors including income factors, prices of goods, population, tastes, but another thing that makes people's consumption patterns in the city of Mataram also change is because of the Corona 19 virus outbreak. So the purpose of this study is to determine consumption patterns. Islamic society of the city of Mataram during the pandemic. This research is descriptive and uses a qualitative approach. Method of data collection by interview, observation, documentation. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling the objective sample was the sample was taken based on the purpose of the study. Follow by snowball sampling until the information obtained is considered saturated. Data analysis using qualitative analysis using the validity of the data. The results showed that the consumption pattern of the people in Mataram City during the pandemic experienced a change from the consumption pattern before the pandemic. Consumption patterns during the pandemic are dominated by food consumption. This is because people are trying to increase their body's immunity so they don't get infected by the coronavirus outbreak, although most of it is done online to avoid direct physical contact. Consumption before the pandemic in the city of Mataram was mostly on non-food consumption patterns because the level of community needs in big cities was very diverse beyond basic needs. In addition to the consumption of the right materials, which dominates the consumption activities of the people of Mataram City, is the consumption of other communication services that support work and study activities from home. Due to the Pandemic, Most of the workforce works at home and many school children study from home. This requires communication tools that are always ready at all times during work and study activities carried out. However, in fulfilling the consumption pattern which is a basic need, the people of the city of Mataram are constrained by the budget they have. Because the budget is limited, the consumption pattern also follows the existing budget.
Perilaku Konsumsi Islam DI Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the urgency of consumption in the economy and the implementation of Islamic values in public consumption behavior. The data used was time series data to food consumption on Indonesian from year 2011 to 2014. The analysis was conducted with qualitative method using the analysis techniques library research, are deskriptive analysis. The result shows that consumptive behavior becomes a habit Indonesian society, so the community income mostly just for consumption. Islam provides a solution that balanced consumption behavior that is not tabdjir and not ishraf.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tentang urgensi konsumsi dalam perekonomian dan implementasi nilai Islam pada perilaku konsumsi masyarakat. Data yang digunakan adalah data seri waktu (time series) terhadap konsumsi makanan di Indonesia dari tahun 2011 sampai dengan 2014. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan tekhnik analisis library research yang bersifat deskriptif analis...
Perilaku Konsumen Muslim Indonesia Terhadap Perkembangan Produk Makanan dan Minuman Halal
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kewirausahaan, 2022
The purpose of writing the article is to determine the impact of modernization on lifestyle in some Muslim communities who have a tendency to care less about the parameters of religion (Islam) in terms of consuming a food/beverage product, medicines, and even cosmetics. The research method used is library research using data collection techniques through several literatures, both theoretical and empirical. The results of the analysis say anything consumed in an Islamic perspective has implications for mental health. Halal standardization has also been strengthened by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 33 of 2014 concerning the Guarantee of Halal Products as a whole to all levels of society. In addition, the Government has also formed a body called the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH) which is tasked with organizing halal product guarantees (JPH). This shows that the Government is also very concerned about the needs of its citizens in meeting the consumption of all products with halal standards. Standardization of halal food or beverage products as well as medicines and cosmetics consumed or used by a Muslim is very important, because this will have an impact on mental health for those who consume them. The halal and nutritional content of the products consumed by a Muslim is one part of the Prophet's concern, namely that a Muslim does not eat anything except halal and toyyib.
Analisis Perilaku Konsumtif Masyarakat Muslim Menjelang Idul Fitri DI Kota Pekanbaru
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumtif masyarakat muslim pada saat menjelang Idul Fitri. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumtif masyarakat muslim pada saat menjelang Idul Fitri?. Populasi adalah masyarakat muslim di Kota Pekanbaru. Jumlah sampel adalah sebanyak 100 orang responden. Variable penelitian adalah faktor intenal (X1), faktor eksternal (X2) dan perilaku konsumtif (Y). Teknik analisa data menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Faktor internal dan faktor eksternal berpengaruh secara sigifikan terhadap perilaku konsumtif masyarakat muslim di Kota Pekanbaru. Faktor dominan yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi perilaku konsumtif masyarakat muslim di Kota Pekanbaru adalah faktor internal.
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Islamic boarding school can train a santri’sIndependence and it can be reflected after a santri becomes an alumni, such from economic welfare. This study aims to determine whether the consumption practice of alumni Islamic boarding school is in line with Islamic welfare or not. The research method used is descriptive qualitative approach by using case studyon alumni of Miftachus Sunnah Islamic boarding school. Data collection is done by in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. The validation technique used by source and technique triangulation. The analysis technique used is Miles- Huberman’s.The five areas of maqashid sharia in dharuriyyat level stand as an indicator of Islamic welfare. The results showed that the consumption practice of alumni of Miftachus Sunnah based on the values (justice, responsibility, and guarantee) and basic principles (efficiency, adequacy, freedom, balance, and solidarity) of Islamic economic behavior in the achievement and guarding of maqashi...
Islamisasi Teori Konsumsi Masyarakat Muslim Modern
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman
Materialism and consumerism influence people’s consumption behaviour, considering that the purpose of consumption is not only to fulfil life’s needs but also for mere satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to examine the importance of Islamization of economics, especially the theory of consumption, referring to the theory of Islamization of science of al-Attas and al-Faruqi. The results of this study indicate that the Islamization of economics in consumption theory is very important to liberate society from the secular doctrine of materialism; Islamizing the goods and services concept by limiting it with the term of h}al?lan t}ayyiban; incorporating the element of mas}lah}ah as the main foundation in consumption instead of satisfaction. With the Islamization of economics on consumption theory, it is hoped that it can provide a change and enlightenment, particularly in the consumption behaviour of the Muslim community, and generally for economic development.
Perilaku Konsumsi Masyarakat Dalam Perspektif Islam DI Kelurahan Barombong Kota Makassar
LAA MAISYIR : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 2018
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bagaimana pandangan Islam terhadap perilaku konsumsi Masyarakat di Kelurahan Barombong Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini tergolong penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan studi etnografis dan normatif. Kemudian teknik pengolahan dan analisis yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Perilaku konsumsi masyarakat di Kelurahan Barombong Kota Makassar tingkat ekonomi atas, untuk memenuhi kebutuhanya, sebagian masyarakat masih belum menerapkan perilaku yang sesuai dengan Islam, yaitu berperilaku tabzir (boros). Sedangkan perilaku konsumsi masyarakat di Kelurahan Barombong Kota Makassar tingkat ekonomi menengah dan tingkat ekonomi rendah dalam memenuhi seluruh kebutuhannya sudah sangat baik. Karena telah mengkonsumsi sesuai etika dan prinsip konsumsi dalam Islam.
Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis Islam, 2021
The outbreak of a virus called covid-19, which first appeared in December 2019, shocked the world because of its very rapid spread. In Indonesia, the disease outbreak first appeared in March 2020, with 11,192 positive cases. With a high enough case, the government is trying to suppress the spread of the virus by making a PSBB policy, which has an impact on behavior change in society, one of which is economic activity. During the pandemic Covid-19, people tended to shop online as a safe solution. This study aims to determine the influence of cultural factors, social factors, personal factors, and psychological factors on consumer behavior in online shopping during the pandemic Covid-19. This type of research is quantitative with explanatory method with a review according to the perspective of Islamic economics. The data analysis technique used is partial test (t), simultaneous test (F) and the coefficient of determination (R2). The results of this study indicate that cultural factors...
Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis Islam
During the Covid-19 pandemic, people's habits changed slightly, namely that almost all activities were carried out online including school, work, and shopping. To meet their daily needs, people have switched to using e-commerce and payment systems using digital payments to avoid direct contact with money. This study was conducted to determine the effect of the use of digital payments on the Islamic consumption behavior of the people of Surabaya during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this study using quantitative methods with a Likert scale measuring instrument with data analysis techniques using simple linear regression using SPSS 25.0. The results in this study indicate that the use of digital payments has a positive and significant effect on Islamic consumption behavior.
This study aims to determine the effect of subjective norms on the buying intentions of non-Muslim consumers on halal food products in Surabaya. This study uses a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques are by distributing online questionnaires to 75 respondents who are non-Muslim domiciled in Surabaya and are at least 17 years old. The analysis technique used is Regression. The sampling method is conducted using a purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that subjective norms have a significant positive relationship with purchase intention. Keywords: Halal Food, Subjective Norms, Behavioral Control, Purchase Intention