The Contributions Allocations And The Village Fund To Improve The Economic Growth Of The Village Community In The District Of Ledo (original) (raw)

Poverty Reduction Public Policy: A Study on the Implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program in Konawe District


This article reviews the public policy of the Smart Indonesia Program. Qualitative research approach with descriptive method. The data were processed by in-depth interviews, observations and document review. The data were analyzed descriptively with a phenemological case study. The results of the study show that as a public policy, the Smart Indonesia program is able to alleviate poverty in the field of education for the poor with the cooperation of related parties and equalization of education for students in Konawe Regency. The implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program was analyzed in terms of the dimensions of communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. Program effectiveness needs to be determined by the program monitoring team. The school continues to proactively carry out monitoring, evaluation and guidance as well as to parents and recipient students so that the program funds used are targeted and effective in assisting student education.

Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Program Desa/Kelurahan Tangguh Bencana di Kelurahan Kota Karang

Administrativa: Jurnal Birokrasi, Kebijakan dan Pelayanan Publik, 2021

About disaster management can result in many fatalities. One aspect in minimizing disaster impacts is disaster mitigation. Disaster mitigation as a way to increase community participation in reducing disaster risk. Therefore, BPBD established a disaster management program, namely the Tangguh Bencana Village program. Karang City is one of the villages that received assistance from the Tangguh Bencana Village program. This research aims to identify forms of community participation and the level of community participation in the Tangguh Bencana Village program. The method used in this research is descriptive research type with qualitative approach. Data collection is conducted using interviews, and documentation. The results of this study showed that the participation of the community of Kota Karang Village in the Tangguh Bencana Village program is quite good, because the community provides participation in the form of energy, and social. Furthermore, the level of community participati...

Indonesia Long-Term Generasi Qualitative Study


In 2007, the government of Indonesia (GoI) introduced PNPM Generasi (National Community Empowerment Program—Healthy and Smart Generation, Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat—Generasi Sehat dan Cerdas) to address key policy priorities and the Millennium Development Goals—reducing poverty, maternal mortality, and child mortality, as well as ensuring universal coverage of basic education. Generasi provides over 5,400 villages with an annual block grant, which each village can allocate to any activity that supports one of 12 indicators of health and education service delivery. Each village’s success in meeting these 12 targets helps determine the size of the next year’s grant. Trained facilitators recruited from within the communities help implement the program. To facilitate a rigorous evaluation of the program, GoI (working with the World Bank and the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab) randomly assigned Generasi locations for the pilot phase (2007–09). A randomized evaluation of two different versions of the program (with and without performance bonuses) was conducted in three rounds (Wave I at baseline, Wave II 18 months after implementation, and Wave III 30 months after implementation). In 2016/17, the impact evaluation (IE) team fielded a follow-up survey in the same subdistricts as the first three waves. A separate report analyzes the quantitative findings of this final survey. During the final survey round, the IE team also collected qualitative data in geographically distinct treatment and control communities to explore two questions. First, are Generasi’s three components—facilitation, community participation, and the target and performance bonus system—functioning as intended? Second, what is the program’s long-term impact on village governance and service delivery, and how can it influence Village Law implementation?

Development and Impact Evaluation of Community Development and Empowerment Program by PT Adaro Indonesia's in South Kalimantan


The responsibility of the company towards the social and environment around its working area becomes something that is mandatory. This responsibility is implemented in the form of a community development and empowerment program (PPM program). PT Adaro Indonesia is a company that operates coal mining in the Tabalong and Balangan regencies, South Kalimantan Province. In order for the PPM program to run well, it is necessary to evaluate the progress and impact of PT Adaro Indonesia's PPM program. The purpose of this study is to determine the development and impact of PT Adaro Indonesia's PPM program for the communities around the mining area. -----------------------------------------------------------------------* Corresponding author. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2020) Volume 54, No 4, pp 350-358 351 The research was conducted in August to September 2020, in the Tabalong and Balangan regencies. The research method used is descriptive ...

The Effectiveness of The Smart Indonesia Program in Sosa District

Journal of educational sciences, 2021

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program in Sosa District. This study used an evaluation research model, namely the Evaluation Countenance Stake model with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all 153 students who received the Smart Indonesia Program for Senior High Schools in Sosa District, and the sample was taken using Isaac Michael's table totaling 105 people with an error rate of 5%. The data were obtained using questionnaires and interviews, then analyzed descriptively by statistical means. The results of this study indicate that in general the implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program in Sosa sub-district has been carried out well. Furthermore, when viewed from several aspects related to the implementation of this program, the antecedent aspect is in the very good category, the Transaction aspect is in the good category, and the output aspect is in the good category. Thus, it can be stated that the implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program in Sosa sub-district has been carried out effectively, however, to be even more effective in implementing this program, it is hoped that the program implementers involved will be more selective in the process of submitting prospective recipients of the Smart Indonesia program, providing socialization to students and parents regarding the distribution of the Indonesia Pinta Program, and forming a monitoring team on the use of funds for the Smart Indonesia Program.

Implementation of the Policy of Poverty Alleviation Acceleration Program in Bokat District, Buol Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

International Journal of Arts and Humanities Studies, 2021

The purpose of this study is to explore the implementation of the poverty alleviation acceleration program policy through the regional government's leading programs, especially maize commodity, in Bokat District, Buol Regency. It relied on a qualitative descriptive approach by revealing the phenomenon encountered by the farmers who received assistance in several villages, Bokat District. Data collection techniques involved interviews with several informants, continuous observations, and documents related to the poverty alleviation policy in Buol Regency. Further, data analysis was performed by data reduction and presentation, along with conclusion drawing. The results show that the policy has been implemented according to the predetermined stages through Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2015, including community outreach, business capital strengthening, empowerment, monitoring, and evaluation. However, it is found out that the policy is yet to be optimal. The community outreach ...

The Village Kalesang Program As A Poverty Alleviation Community


The village Kalesang Program is a government business of Buru Regency to improve the lives of the village community with part icipatory planning patterns that come from the government and society. The Kalesang village includes the planning and implementation of Village development conducted jointly between the Government and the village community. This research is a qualitative study aimed at describing the implementation of the village's Kalesang program as a poverty alleviation instrument in rural communities. The research location focuses on Lala, Namlea and Marloso with the consideration of different social economic characters with other villages in Namlea subdistrict. The number of informant interviewed was 45 people divided into communities, village apparatus and community leaders. Analytical techniques used to follow the concept of Miles and Huberman where activities in the analysis of qualitative data are conducted interactively and continuously. The results showed that ...

Poverty Reduction Policy Evaluation: A Study of Independent Village Development Movement (Gerakan Pembangunan Desa Mandiri, Gerbang Dema) in Respen Tubu Village of Malinau Regency - East Kalimantan Province of Indonesia

Public Policy and Administration Research, 2014

In order to reduce poverty and to develop local area, Malinau Government implemented a program, so called, the model of Independent Village Development Movement (Gerakan Pembangunan Desa Mandiri, Gerbang Dema). Malinau Local Government had set Malinau Poverty Reduction Strategic Plan and had established a Coordinating Team for Poverty Reduction. In organizing the development, the model focused on 3 (three) things: (1) infrastructural development; (2) human resources development, and (3) agricultural development in terms of economic development. Development programs and activities implemented by the Malinau Local Government to address the various problems shows the developmental progress, but on the other hand the poverty rate is still quite high. In the process of public policy, the evaluation stage is as an integral part of other stages. Evaluation of public policy on poverty reduction policy in Malinau Regency played an important role. The evaluation was conducted to obtain information about the achievement of policy objectives, to provide useful information on the implemented policies as well as to set a useful, more effective and efficient tool for future policy-making.

Menjaga Stabilitas Perusahaan Bandeng Juwana Elrina melalui Perencanaan Program Community Relations Petani Tambak Wonoagung

Jurnal Ilmiah Media, Public Relations, dan Komunikasi (IMPRESI), 2021

The increasing number and development of companies and UMKM resulted in intense competition in the business world. To obtain support from various parties to maintain the survival of the company or UMKM, it is necessary to have Community Relations activities to maintain the stability of the activities of the company or UMKM. These activities are not limited to just looking for profit but also pay attention to the benefit of the surroundings or the target of Community Relations itself. This research is aimed at Milkfish Juwana Elrina with several proposed activity programs for the target, namely pond farmers in Wonoagung Village, Demak Regency with several programs such as training, empowerment, and the provision of other facilities. The purpose of this research is to create a relationship with the target audience, provide a new product for Milkfish Juwana Elrina and improve the welfare of the people of Wonoagung Village, Demak Regency. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. Descriptive research is to describes the quality of a symptom to make the reader know what is happening in the related research.

The Effective Implementation of National Program to Empowerment Urban Independent Community (Case Study in Desa Kertasada Kecamatan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep)


In the efforts of poverty alleviation, the Government has issued various poverty programs, one of which is PNPM MP. However, this program only describes the program that has been implemented and will not be able to reveal its effectiveness in overcoming poverty. The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of implementation of PNPM Mandiri Urban in Desa Kertasada village, Kecamatan Kalianget, SUMENEP and the factors affecting the implementation of PNPM MP.This research uses qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques using observations, interviews and supported by secondary data. Research results show the implementation of PNPM Mandiri Urban in the village of Kertasada is effective. Four indicators of five indicators meet the effectiveness of the implementation of PNPM Mandiri Urban in Kertasada village. Factors that support the program is the socialization of the program, human resources as the perpetrator Mandiri urban, and community involvement of th...