A cross-sectional analysis of selected psychological variable (self-awareness) of baseball, softball and cricket players (original) (raw)

An analysis of selected psychological parameters among interuniversity baseball, softball and cricket players


The purpose of the study was to find out the differences of Psychological parameters i.e. Empathy, Self-motivation and Emotional stability among female Baseball, Softball and Cricket players. The survey method through the technique of questionnaire of emotional intelligence (Hyde et al. 2001) had been taken to collect the data for this research work. The researcher collected the data on ninety (N=90) Group-A: Baseball (n1=30), Group-B: Softball (n2=30)), Group-C: Cricket (n3=30) female players as subjects between the age group of 18-28 years. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 was used for all analysis. The differences in the mean of each group for selected parameters were tested for the significance of difference by One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). In the analysis, the 5% critical level (p<0.05) was considered to indicate statistical significance. The analysis shows that statistically insignificant differences were found with respect to Empa...

Statistical analysis of selected psychological parameters of different ball game players


The purpose of the study was to find out the differences of Psychological parameters i.e. Managing relations, Integrity, Self-development of female Baseball, Softball and Cricket players. The survey method through the technique of questionnaire of Emotional Intelligence (Hyde et al. 2001) had been taken to collect the data for this research. The researcher collected the data of ninety (N=90) Group-A: Baseball (n1=30), Group-B: Softball (n2=30)), Group-C: Cricket (n3=30) female players as subjects between the age group of 18-28 years. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 was used for all analysis. The differences in the mean of each group for selected parameters were tested for the significance of difference by One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). In the analysis, the 5% critical level (p<0.05) was considered to indicate statistical significance. The analysis shows that statistically insignificant differences were found with respect to Managing rela...

Emotional Intelligence (EI) Among Female Baseball, Softball and Cricket Players: A Cross-Sectional Analysis

International journal of physical education, sports and health, 2016

The purpose of the study was to find out the significant difference of Emotional Intelligence among female Baseball, Softball and Cricket players. The survey method through the technique of questionnaire of emotional intelligence (Hyde et al. 2001) had been adopted to collect the relevant data for this study. The researcher collected the data on ninety (N=90) Group-A: Baseball (n1=30), Group-B: Softball (n2=30)), Group-C: Cricket (n3=30) female Baseball, Softball and Cricket players as subjects between the age group of 18-28 years. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 was used for all analysis. The differences in the mean of each group for selected variable were tested for the significance of difference by One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). For further analysis Post-Hoc Test (LSD Test) was applied. In all the analyses, the 5% critical level (p<0.05) was considered to indicate statistical significance. The result shows that statistically partially...

Comparison of Self-Concept Among Male Cricket Players of Various Levels 1 2

The purpose of the study was to compare self-concept of male cricket players of various levels. The study was delimited to assessment of self-concept by using Self-concept Questionnaire of Dr. Raj Kumar Saraswat. It was hypothesized that there shall be any significant difference between means of Self-Concept of male cricket players of various levels. A total of fifty male cricketers of each level was selected for the study from the state of Uttar Pradesh. The age of the subjects ranged between 15 to 25 years. Total one hundred and fifty subjects from various cities were divided into three group of fifty each based on their age for the study from the state of Uttar Pradesh, those who have represented at least one time the state tournament of Uttar Pradesh state as shown below. Group I-Age group 15-17 years , Group II-Age group 17-19 years , and Group III-Age group 19-25 years. The self-concept scores of the subjects were obtained by using self-concept Questionnaire (SCQ) by Dr. Raj Kumar Saraswat. To compare the Self-concept between male cricket players of each level from the state of Uttar Pradesh Analysis of variance was applied at .05 level of significance. Result: The observed mean and standard deviation of Self-Concept was found to be 171.30 & 9. 86 for Group I, 174.45 &10.46 for Group II and 186.36 &10.88 for Group III respectively. There exists a significant difference among the three group, since the computed value of F (28.88) on cricket players belonging to various levels in relation to self-concept was more than the tabulated of 3.0576, at F (2,147) at .05 level, therefore hypothesis on cricket players belonging to various levels in relation to self-concept was accepted at 0.05 level. There exists significant differences between Group 1 and Group 3, & Group 2 and Group 3. There exists no significant difference between Group 1 and Group 2.


The purpose of the study was to compare self-concept of male cricket players of various levels. The study was delimited to assessment of self-concept by using Self-concept Questionnaire of Dr. Raj Kumar Saraswat. It was hypothesized that there shall be any significant difference between means of Self-Concept of male cricket players of various levels. A total of fifty male cricketers of each level was selected for the study from the state of Uttar Pradesh. The age of the subjects ranged between 15 to 25 years. Total one hundred and fifty subjects from various cities were divided into three group of fifty each based on their age for the study from the state of Uttar Pradesh, those who have represented at least one time the state tournament of Uttar Pradesh state as shown below. Group I-Age group 15-17 years , Group II-Age group 17-19 years , and Group III-Age group 19-25 years. The self-concept scores of the subjects were obtained by using self-concept Questionnaire (SCQ) by Dr. Raj Kumar Saraswat. To compare the Self-concept between male cricket players of each level from the state of Uttar Pradesh Analysis of variance was applied at .05 level of significance. Result: The observed mean and standard deviation of Self-Concept was found to be 171.30 & 9. 86 for Group I, 174.45 &10.46 for Group II and 186.36 &10.88 for Group III respectively. There exists a significant difference among the three group, since the computed value of F (28.88) on cricket players belonging to various levels in relation to self-concept was more than the tabulated of 3.0576, at F (2,147) at .05 level, therefore hypothesis on cricket players belonging to various levels in relation to self-concept was accepted at 0.05 level. There exists significant differences between

A comparative study on coordinative abilities among male softball players and cricketers

International journal of physical education, sports and health, 2016

The aim of this study is to find out the significant difference of coordinative abilities between male Softball players and Cricketers. A group of forty(N=40) male subject aged between 18-25 years, who participated in interuniversity competitions from Jiwaji University volunteered to participate in this study were selected for this study. The purposive sampling technique was used to attain the objectives of the study. All subject, after having been informed objective of the study, gave their consent and volunteered to participate in this study. They were further divided into two groups of 20 each (i.e., N1=20; Cricket players and N2=20; softball players). The independent sample t-test was applied to find out the significant difference of coordinative abilities between male softball players and cricketers. To test the hypotheses, level of significance was set at 0.05. The result reveled significant difference between cricket players and softball players on the sub variables i.e. reaction ability, orientation ability and differentiation ability. However insignificant differences were noticed with regard to the sub-variable i.e. rhythmic ability.

A study on mental skill ability of different age level cricket players


The purpose of this study was to compare the mental-skills ability of the cricket players as per different age level categories. The study sample included 410 cricketers from different division club universities and cricket coaching centers of West Bengal, India. Mental skills ability was assessed by means of the Bull’s Mental Skills Questionnaire (Bull et al., 1996). One-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) indicated that there were significant differences between the cricket players of different age level categories. Significant difference also found in regards of their performance on the various mental-skills subscales. A definite psychological-skills status did come to the front, indicating that senior age category players, regardless of other age category, expressed high proficiencies in Self-Confidence, Anxiety and Worry Management, Relaxation Ability and Motivation. The essential conclusion was that there are significant differences in mental-skills ability between the va...

Emotional intelligence, personality and mental health among sportsperson


The present study was undertaken to investigate differences between emotional intelligence, personality, and mental health among sportspersons and non-sportspersons by Shivani Nishad under the supervision of Dr. Monika Gwalani. Sample of the study 100 sportspersons(50) and non-sportspersons(50). The hypothesis of the study is that there is a statistically significant difference in the measure of emotional intelligence, personality, and mental health among sportspersons and non-sportspersons. Pethe and Hyde’s emotional intelligence test, Neo five-factor inventory, and Jagdish and Srivastava’s mental health inventory used for the study. In order to assess the statistically significant difference between sportspersons and non-sportspersons on the measure of emotional intelligence, personality, and mental health by ‘t’ test. There is a statistically significant difference in the sub-dimensions of measure of emotional intelligence which areself-awareness, self-motivation, emotional stabi...

155-157 A comparative study of self confidence among female university level cricket players from different states of north India


A Total of sixty (N=60) female university level players, twenty (20) from each state i.e. Delhi, Punjab and Haryana (Mean Age 22) were volunteered in this study. Standard Hardy and Nelson (1992) questionnaire for self-confidence was used to measure the self confidence level of the subjects. The test consists of four questions with six levels of responses. The levels of changes from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The respondents were made to encircle the appropriate number, which suited their attitude. The scale was revalidated by administering the questionnaire on 54 active players of North Bengal University. This scoring range of this questionnaire was 4 to 24. The higher score indicate the high level of self-confidence. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to find out the overall mean significance difference of three groups and least significance difference (LSD) post-hoc test was used to measure the paired mean significance difference. The results revealed that Female cricket players from Haryana state possessed higher self-confidence than the Punjab and Delhi players. Introduction Self-confidence has been defined as the belief that you can successfully perform a desired behavior. High levels of self-confidence can enhance positive emotions, concentration, setting more challenging goals, increasing effort and developing effective competitive strategies. Self-confidence is characterized by high expectancy of success. It can help individuals to arouse positive emotions, facilitate concentration, set goals, increase effort, focus their game strategies and maintain momentum. Self confidence is widely believed to be an important aspect of the psychological make-up of the individual athlete. Research studies indicate that the most consistent factor distinguishing highly successful from less successful athletes is confidence. For many athletes, an explanation of the concept of self-confidence is hardly necessary as they know intuitively what it is. Indeed, self-confidence is so palpable in some athletes; one can almost reach out and touch it. Their confidence is reflected in everything they say and do, in what they wear and how they look. A high level of self-confidence is one of the most consistently reported psychological characteristics of elite athletes, and research has shown that self-confidence often distinguishes highly successful athletes from the less successful ones. Understanding the psychological processes that emphasize self-confidence in sports has been of significant importance to the theorists in the field of sport psychology. Research has established a firm connection of self confidence in sports over the years. It also contains three more features of behavior called the stimulating, directing and sustaining the ability. Most sport psychology researchers, applied consultants, coaches, and athletes agree that self-confidence is an essential contributor to optimal sport performance. Research has identified self-confidence as a characteristic that clearly distinguishes between successful and unsuccessful athletes. The self-confidence in sport has been examined as critical things deeply impact on sport performance. Self-confidence is another one of the most important characteristics a player must possess during a match, even the most successful professionals experience fluctuations in their level of self-confidence. Self-confidence is a person's inner belief or conviction in his ability to perform well regardless of the external environment. Self-confidence in sports signifies an