Evaluasie van bestaande seleksiekriteria vir beeste in terme van totale kuddedoeltreffendheid (original) (raw)

N Empiriese Gevallestudie Van Bedritsgroottevoordele in Die Vaalhartsbesproeiingsgebied

Agrekon, 1991

The Act on Subdivision of Agricultural Land (Act 70 of 1970) pronibits the subdivision of agricultural land in South Africa's commercial areas into "uneconomic" units. In a new dispensation optimal, rather than minimum farm sizes should be pursued. The optimal farm size is theoretically not the same for any two farmers. The better manager will have the larger farm over the long run. The above principle was empirically tested in the Vaalharts Irrigation area by means of cross sectional regression equations with gross income as dependent variable. The result confirms the following: i) If management is ignored, constant returns to size is encountered; and ii) when managerial quality is however included in the model as independent variable, increasing returns to scale is found. This result thus supports the theory and a general conclusion is that optimal farm size is a function of management.

Wildheid, mens-dier-figure en ander grensbewoners in Willem Anker se Buys (2014) : die affektiewe uitwerking van die nomadiese subjek op die leser


Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this dissertation, entitled “Wildheid, mens-dier-figure en ander grensbewoners in Willem Anker se Buys (2014): Die affektiewe uitwerking van die nomadiese subjek op die leser”, the focus, on the one hand, is mainly on the nomadic nature and so-called wildness of the main character, Coenraad de Buys, as well as his fellow border dwellers – namely those in the novel who can be classified as the Other, including the Buys-dogs. On the other hand, the effect that both this nomadic character and the novel text as a whole can have on the reader is also explored. In the end, a conclusion is reached regarding the function of a novel such as Buys that relies to a greater extent on the affective response of the reader.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis, getiteld “Wildheid, mens-dier-figure en ander grensbewoners in Willem Anker se Buys (2014): Die affektiewe uitwerking van die nomadiese subjek op die leser”, word daar enersyds...

Beleid Vir Middelmisbruik in Hoërskole

Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 2014

Substance abuse amongst the youth is a growing concern in South Africa. There is also a need for schools to formulate a policy and to design programmes to deal with substance abuse in schools. The aim of this paper is to present some of the perceptions of learners on the relevance of formulating a policy for substance abuse in a school. The rest of the paper is devoted to a problemsolving model which can be used in the process of policy formulation. Recommendations are made that can be used by schools when formulating a policy for substance abuse. Volgens die National Drug Master Plan (1998:11) kan die probleem van middelmisbruik deur opvoeding hanteer word. Indien skole 'n ooreenkoms met leerders, ouers en opvoeders sluit, sal dit http://socialwork.journals.ac.za/

Perspektief in Raka

Literator, 1980

Die verteller in Raka dring op nog ’n manier in die innerlike van sy karakters in, naamlik deur hulle hul ruim te te laat belewe. Die ruim te word beskryf soos die karakter dit ervaar, en daarom kan ’n mens hierdie ruimtebelewing ook beskou as beperking, van die alwetendheid van die verteller. Veral twee stukke ruimtebeskrywing is belangrik in Raka. Dit is die beskrywing van Koki en Raka se swemplekke (p. 13 en p. 21 onderskeidelik).

Die verband tussen beroepsbesluitloosheid, vrees vir gebondenheid en beroepsidentiteit

SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 1997

The relationship between career indecisiveness, fear for commitment and vocational identity. This study examined the correlation between the constructs career indecision, fear of commitment and vocational identity. Ninety-eight under-graduate university students served as research participants and completed the Career Decision Scale (CDS), the Vocational Identity Scale (VIS) and the Fear of Commitment Questionnaire (FOCQ). The results indicated that the scores on the CDS were significantly related (p is smaller than 0,05) to the scores on the VIS and the FOCQ. Support was obtained for the important role of the construct of identity in the explanation of career indecisiveness. Opsomming In die onderhawige studie is die aard van die verband tussen die konstrukte beroepsbesluitloosheid, vrees vir gebondenheid en beroepsidentiteit ondersoek. Ag-en-egentig voorgraadse universiteitstudente is by die studie betrek. Die ondersoekgroep het die Career Decision Scale (CDS), die Vocational Iden...

Sienings van laerskoolopvoeders en-skoolhoofde van leerders wat begaafd is


Deur hierdie tesis elektronies in te lewer, verklaar ek dat die geheel van die werk hierin vervat, my eie, oorspronklike werk is, dat ek die outeursregeienaar daarvan is (behalwe tot die mate uitdruklik anders aangedui) en dat ek dit nie vantevore, in die geheel of gedeeltelik, ter verkryging van enige kwalifikasie aangebied het nie.