Uniformly asymptotic normality of sample quantiles estimator for linearly negative quadrant dependent samples (original) (raw)
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Mathematical Methods of Statistics
We study the limiting behavior of L-statistics with the “delta type” weight sequences, of which the O-statistics and the usual kernel quantile estimators are special cases. Deviations of these statistics from the sample quantiles are shown to have (after proper normalization) Gaussian limit distributions. We evaluate the main term of the asymptotics of the covariance of this deviation with the corresponding sample quantile. This gives also the asymptotic relative deficiency of sample quantiles w.r.t. our L-statistics.
On M -estimators and normal quantiles
The Annals of Statistics, 2003
This paper explores a class of robust estimators of normal quantiles filling the gap between maximum likelihood estimators and empirical quantiles. Our estimators are linear combinations of M-estimators. Their asymptotic variances can be arbitrarily close to variances of the maximum likelihood estimators. Compared with empirical quantiles, the new estimators offer considerable reduction of variance at near normal probability distributions.
Berry-Esséen rate in asymptotic normality for perturbed sample quantiles
Metrika, 1994
In estimating quantiles with a sample of size N obtained from a distribution F, the perturbed sample quantiles based on a kernel function k have been investigated by many authors. It is well known that their behaviour depends on the choices of "window-width", say w N. Under suitable and reasonably mild assumptions on F and k, Ralescu and Sun (1993) have recently proven that lim N ~ N ~/4w N = 0 is the necessary and sufficient condition for the asymptotic normality of the perturbed sample quantiles. In this paper, their rate of convergence is investigated. It turns out that the optimal Berry-Ess6en rate of O(N-~/2) can be achieved by choosing the window-width suitably, say w N = O(N-~/2). The obtained results, in addition to being explicit enough to verify the sufficient condition for the asymptotic normality, improve Ralescu's (1992) result of which the rate is of order (log N)N-U2.
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SummaryIn this paper, we provide a detailed study of a general family of asymmetric densities. In the general framework, we establish expressions for important characteristics of the distributions and discuss estimation of the parameters via method‐of‐moments as well as maximum likelihood estimation. Asymptotic normality results for the estimators are provided. The results under the general framework are then applied to some specific examples of asymmetric densities. The use of the asymmetric densities is illustrated in a real‐data analysis.
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Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
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