K-Nearest Neighbor Estimation of Functional Nonparametric Regression Model under NA Samples (original) (raw)

K-Nearest Neighbor Method with Principal Component Analysis for Functional Nonparametric Regression

Baghdad Science Journal

This paper proposed a new method to study functional non-parametric regression data analysis with conditional expectation in the case that the covariates are functional and the Principal Component Analysis was utilized to de-correlate the multivariate response variables. It utilized the formula of the Nadaraya Watson estimator (K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN)) for prediction with different types of the semi-metrics, (which are based on Second Derivative and Functional Principal Component Analysis (FPCA)) for measureing the closeness between curves. Root Mean Square Errors is used for the implementation of this model which is then compared to the independent response method. R program is used for analysing data. Then, when the covariates are functional and the Principal Component Analysis was utilized to de-correlate the multivariate response variables model, results are more preferable than the independent response method. The models are demonstrated by both a simulation data and ...

The k Nearest Neighbors Estimator of the M-Regression in Functional Statistics

Computers, Materials & Continua, 2020

It is well known that the nonparametric estimation of the regression function is highly sensitive to the presence of even a small proportion of outliers in the data. To solve the problem of typical observations when the covariates of the nonparametric component are functional, the robust estimates for the regression parameter and regression operator are introduced. The main propose of the paper is to consider data-driven methods of selecting the number of neighbors in order to make the proposed processes fully automatic. We use the Nearest Neighbors procedure (kNN) to construct the kernel estimator of the proposed robust model. Under some regularity conditions, we state consistency results for kNN functional estimators, which are uniform in the number of neighbors (UINN). Furthermore, a simulation study and an empirical application to a real data analysis of octane gasoline predictions are carried out to illustrate the higher predictive performances and the usefulness of the kNN approach.

Uniform consistency rate of kNN regression estimation for functional time series data

Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2019

In this paper, we investigate the k-nearest neighbours (kNN) estimation of nonparametric regression model for strong mixing functional time series data. More precisely, we establish the uniform almost complete convergence rate of the kNN estimator under some mild conditions. Furthermore, a simulation study and an empirical application to the real data analysis of sea surface temperature (SST) are carried out to illustrate the finite sample performances and the usefulness of the kNN approach.

The combination of spline and kernel estimator for nonparametric regression and its properties

Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2015

Consider additive nonparametric regression model with two predictor variables components. In the first predictor component, the regression curve is approached using Spline regression, and in the second predictor component, the regression curve is approached using Kernel regression. Random error of regression model is assumed to have independent normal distribution with zero mean and the same variance. This article provides an estimator of Spline regression curve, estimator of Kernel regression curve, and an estimator of a combination of Spline and Kernel regressions. The produced estimators are biased estimators, but all estimators are classified as linear estimators in observation. Estimator of a combination of Spline and Kernel regression depended on knot points and bandwith parameter. The best estimator of a combination of Spline and Kernel regression is found by minimizing Generalized Cross Validation (GCV) function.

Nonparametric regression for functional data: Automatic smoothing parameter selection

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2007

We study regression estimation when the explanatory variable is functional. Nonparametric estimates of the regression operator have been recently introduced. They depend on a smoothing factor which controls its behavior, and the aim of our work is to construct some data-driven criterion for choosing this smoothing parameter. The criterion can be formulated in terms of a functional version of cross-validation ideas. Under mild assumptions on the unknown regression operator, it is seen that this rule is asymptotically optimal. As by-products of this result, we state some asymptotic equivalences for several measures of accuracy for nonparametric estimate of the regression operator. We also present general inequalities for bounding moments of random sums involving functional variables. Finally, a short simulation study is carried out to illustrate the behavior of our method for finite samples.

A Note on the -Nearest Neighbors Rule for Spatial Functional Data in Regression Model with Surrogate Scalar Response

Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, 2024

In this note, we are concerned with the problem of nonparametric classification by k-nearest neighbors rule for spatial functional covariate in nonparametric regression model with surrogate scalar response. We establish a finite sample bound for variance of estimator of the regression function. Then under mild conditions, we derive the consistence of k-nearest neighbors rule for spatial functional data belonging to a general metric space.

A Comparison of the Nonparametric Regression Models using Smoothing Spline and Kernel Regression

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology , 2007

This paper study about using of nonparametric models for Gross National Product data in Turkey and Stanford heart transplant data. It is discussed two nonparametric techniques called smoothing spline and kernel regression. The main goal is to compare the techniques used for prediction of the nonparametric regression models. According to the results of numerical studies, it is concluded that smoothing spline regression estimators are better than those of the kernel regression.

Comparative Analysis of Predictive Performance in Nonparametric Functional Regression: A Case Study of Spectrometric Fat Content Prediction

International journal of statistics in medical research, 2023

Objective: This research aims to compare two nonparametric functional regression models, the Kernel Model and the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Model, with a focus on predicting scalar responses from functional covariates. Two semi-metrics, one based on second derivatives and the other on Functional Principle Component Analysis, are employed for prediction. The study assesses the accuracy of these models by computing Mean Square Errors (MSE) and provides practical applications for illustration. Method: The study delves into the realm of nonparametric functional regression, where the response variable (Y) is scalar, and the covariate variable (x) is a function. The Kernel Model, known as funopare.kernel.cv, and the KNN Model, termed funopare.knn.gcv, are used for prediction. The Kernel Model employs automatic bandwidth selection via Cross-Validation, while the KNN Model employs a global smoothing parameter. The performance of both models is evaluated using MSE, considering two different semi-metrics. Results: The results indicate that the KNN Model outperforms the Kernel Model in terms of prediction accuracy, as supported by the computed MSE. The choice of semi-metric, whether based on second derivatives or Functional Principle Component Analysis, impacts the model's performance. Two real-world applications, Spectrometric Data for predicting fat content and Canadian Weather Station data for predicting precipitation, demonstrate the practicality and utility of the models. Conclusion: This research provides valuable insights into nonparametric functional regression methods for predicting scalar responses from functional covariates. The KNN Model, when compared to the Kernel Model, offers superior predictive performance. The selection of an appropriate semi-metric is essential for model accuracy. Future research may explore the extension of these models to cases involving multivariate responses and consider interactions between response components.

Support vector regression methods for functional data

Progress in Pattern Recognition, …, 2008

Many regression tasks in practice dispose in low gear instance of digitized functions as predictor variables. This has motivated the development of regression methods for functional data. In particular, Naradaya-Watson Kernel (NWK) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) estimators have been recently extended to functional nonparametric regression models. However, these methods do not allow for dimensionality reduction. For this purpose, we introduce Support Vector Regression (SVR) methods for functional data. These are formulated in the framework of approximation in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. On this general basis, some of its properties are investigated, emphasizing the construction of nonnegative definite kernels on functional spaces. Furthermore, the performance of SVR for functional variables is shown on a real world benchmark spectrometric data set, as well as comparisons with NWK and RBF methods. Good predictions were obtained by these three approaches, but SVR achieved in addition about 20% reduction of dimensionality.