The Perceptions of Head's Room and Team Leader About Workload and Nurse Planning for Every Shift in Tasikmalaya City Hospital (original) (raw)

Enfluence of Workplace Conflicts, Role Overload to Physical Decline, Psychological and Nurse Performance in Muhammadiyah Hospitals at Kebumen District Central Java

Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Keperawatan, 2019

Work conflict can lead to physical and psychological decline of employees. The demands of these various roles produce tension that is overload. role overload has a negative effect on performance. On the other hand work conflict does not affect performance. This becomes interesting whether work conflict, overload and decreased physical and psychological affect performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work conflict on the decreasing physical and psychological abilities of nurses, the influence of the excess role of nurses in decreasing the physical and psychological impairment of nurses, the effect of decreasing nurses' physical and psychological abilities on performance, the influence of nurse-work family conflict on performance, and the influence of the excess role of nurses on performance.The method in this study is a survey by distributing questionnaires to nurses in the inpatient room in 4 Muhammadiyah hospitals in Kebumen Regency, out of 350 resp...

Persepsi Kepala Ruang Tentang Pelaksanaan Fungsi Manajerial Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pandanarang Boyolali


Manajemen merupakan serangkaian aktivitas (termasuk perencanaan,pengambilan keputusan, pengorganisasian, kepemimpinan dan pengendalian)yang diarahkan pada sumber-sumber daya organisasi (manusia, financial, fisik dan informasi) dengan maksud mencapai tujuan organisasi secara efisien dan efektif.Dalam menjalankan fungsi manajerial, kepala ruang di RSUD Pandanarang Boyolali belum melaksanakan secara normatif. Hal ini terlihat pada fungsi perencanaan seperti belum melakukan pre conference, post conference, kebutuhan tenaga staf keperawatan, pada fungsi pengendalian kepala ruang RSUD Pandanarang tidak melakukan survey kepuasan pelanggan, dalam fungsi kepemimpinan kepala ruang tidak melakukan pemeriksaan dokumen asuhan keperawatan dan tidak melakukan pemeriksaan daftar hadir anggota staf. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi kepala ruang tentang pelaksanaan fungsi menejerial di RSUD Pandanarang Boyolali. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan me...

The Differences of Burnout of The Nurses in Inpatient ’ s Room with 2 Shift / Day and 3 Shift / Day in Baladhika Husada Hospital and Kalisat Regional Hospital in Jember Regency )


e-Jurnal Pustaka Kesehatan, vol.4 (no.2), Mei, 2016 280 Burnout was combination of the physical, psychological, and emotional exhaustion. The differences of job schedules arrangement make each nurses has different duration when giving services. The differences had various effects on their condition of burnout. The goal of this study was analyzed the various burnout of nurses in inpatient room with 2 shift/day and 3 shift/day in Baladhika Husada Hospital and Kalisat Regional Hospital in Jember Regency. The differences of job schedule arrangement causes the duration of nurses’ shift were different. The differences of the duration could leads various burnout happens to nurses. This study was non experimental study with cross sectional study design. Researchers used comparative analysis to compare two groups of independent variables.This study used 60 samples of nurse which used consecutive sampling. The results of Mann Whitney showed p value = 0,683 (p value > α) so, it concluded th...

Analysis on the Influence of Nurses Perception in Nursing Management and Working Environment on Nurses Job Satisfaction at Inpatient Unit of Tugurejo General Hospital, Semarang

Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Indonesia, 2014

Manajemen keperawatan merupakan proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengawasan untuk mencapai tujuan keperawatan. Kepuasan kerja adalah berbagai persepsi perawat terhadap lingkungan pekerjaannya. Kenyataan pelaksanaannya belum sesuai dengan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengawasan, serta perlu lingkungan kerja yang baik. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui hubungan dan pengaruh persepsi perawat pelaksana dalam perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengawasan manajemen keperawatan serta lingkungan kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja perawat di ruang rawat inap RSUD Tugurejo Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Responden penelitian adalah 114 orang perawat pelaksana. Analisis data dengan analisis univariat, analisis bivariat dan analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi manajemen keperawatan berhubungan dengan kepuasan kerja perawat pelaksana adalah perencanaan (p value = 0,0001), pengorganisasian (p value= 0,0001), pengarahan (p value = 0,0001) dan pengawasan (p value= 0,0001), serta didapatkan lingkungan kerja baik (p value = 0,0001). Persepsi manajemen keperawatan yang berpengaruh bersama-sama terhadap kepuasan kinerja perawat pelaksana adalah perencanaan (exp B=27,631), pengorganisasian (exp B=7,549) dan pengawasan (exp B=17,166). Rekomendasi penelitian untuk manajer keperawatan perlu menyusun kembali perencanaan strategis, uraian tugas, tanggung jawab dan wewenang perawat pelaksana, mengoptimalkan pendelegasian wewenang kepada kepala ruang, memberi arahan dan penjelasan kembali kepada perawat pelaksana tentang prosedur pelayanan keperawatan serta memberikan perhatian serta motivasi dalam pengembangan profesional perawat, menjadi mediator yang baik dalam penyelesaian masalah dan melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi berkala program keperawatan di RSUD Tugurejo Semarang.

Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruangan Terhadap Kinerja Perawat Pelaksana DI Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Bekasi


ABSTRACT: STYLE OF LEADER S HIP TO THE PERFORMANCE OF NURSES IN THE INPATIEN WARD OF THE GENERAL HOSPITAL IN THE CITY OF BEKASI Backround: Leadership is the ability to influence people by setting goals for direction/command and motivation to work. The activities of leaders will show the pattern of leadership style applied in an organization can create a positive work effectiveness for members. Various kinds of leadership style of the head of the room is devided into 3 the leadership, authoritarian, democracy and laisez faire, the style of leadership applied will affect the performance of nurses. Methods: This research uses analytic survey research design using cressectional approach. Population of 67 repondents with a sample of 60 respondents. Sampling technique using simple random sampling. Univariate and bivariate data analysis. Result: Univariate based research result, showed that leadership style of the majority of the head of democratic leadership style as much as 47 (78,3%) r...

The Relation Between The Workload Of Nurse Executor And Work Stress In The Hospital Ward Of RSUD Sleman

Journal of Health, 2018

Background: Job stress on nurses can be caused by various factors, one of which is the workload of nurses. Nurse is a benchmark that determines the quality of hospital health services, especially in inpatient wards. Objective: To find out the relation between the workload of nurse executor and work stress in the hospital ward of RSUD Sleman. Method: The type of the research is an analytic descriptive with a cross sectional approach. Sampling technique: accidental sampling. Population 91 people. Data were taken using questionnaires. Results: The results showed that nurse workload in the hospital ward of Sleman Hospital was in the light category, 40 people (59,7%) and nurse job stress were mostly in high category work stress as many as 39 people (58,2%). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between workload of nurse executor with work stress in the hospital ward of RSUD Sleman.

Analysis on the Effect of Management of Room Coordinator to the Accomplishment of Nursing Care in the Inward Room of Sunan Kalijaga District General Hospital of Demak District


Hasil pelaksanaan penerapan Standar Asuhan Keperawatan (SAK) di RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabupaten Demak tahun 2011 sebesar 62,49% dan 2012 sebesar 69,49%, kondisi ini masih dibawah target SAK RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabupaten Demak yaitu 86% yang diharapkan pada tahun 2015 pencapaian pelaksanaan SAK 100%, hal ini menunjukkan terdapat kesenjangan pencapaian standar asuhan keperawatan, yang diduga belum optimalnya manajemen kepala ruang terhadap pencapaian asuhan keperawatan.Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh manajemen kepala ruang terhadap pencapaian asuhan keperawata n di ruang rawat inap RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabupaten Demak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur dan checklist observasi terhadap kegiatan asuhan keperawatan. Jumlah sampel 62 perawat pelaksana yang tersebar di 14 ruang rawat inap RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabu...

Gambaran kinerja kepala ruangan dan ketua tim di Ruang Model Praktik Keperawatan Profesional (MPKP) Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Provinsi Jambi

MAHESA : Malahayati Health Student Journal

ABSTRACT: DESCRIPTION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE HEAD OF THE ROOM AND TEAM HEAD IN THE MODEL ROOM OF PROFESSIONAL NURSING PRACTICE (MPKP) A REGIONAL MENTAL HOSPITAL OF JAMBI PROVINCE Background The Model of Professional Nursing Practice (MPKP) has been implemented in several countries, including in various Indonesian asylums. Jambi Provincial Mental Hospital has implemented a Model of Professional Nursing Practice (MPKP), but its implementation has not been implemented in its entirety. The role and function of the head of the room and the head of the team is critical to the development of the performance of the implementing nurses in the space that has implemented the MPKP. This research aims to find out the picture of the performance of the head of the room and the team leader in the Model Room of Professional Nursing Practice (MPKP) of Jambi Provincial Psychiatric Hospital year 2020.Method This research is quantitative research. This research was conducted in the MPKP room of Jamb...

Analisis Fungsi Kepala Ruang Menurut Perspektif Staf Keperawatan Di Rsjdsurakarta


Head Office directly responsible ensuring activities within the organization. In institutes of nursing services, each manager on duty to ensure that entire intended purpose by the nursing can be realized through a series of management activities, both functionally and operationally. Management functions divided into four functions such as ning,organizing, aiming and monitoring. Purpose of research to determine function of Head Office according the perspective of nursing staff. Research include descriptive. Population of research include nursing staff at RSJD Surakarta district with sample of 68 respondents. Variables of research are the function of Head Office. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution and standard deviation. Results showed that according to nursing staff in RSJD, Head Office has operate properly. So expect to Head Office stay operate properly in accordance with a job description and operational standards. Keywords: Function Of Head Office , Nursing Staff

The Correlation between Shift Work and Work Fatigue on Nurses in Inpatient Installation Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek of Bandar Lampung General Hospital


Work fatigue is a process which led to the decline in well -being, capacity or performance as a work activity. Work fatigue can be caused due to shift work. Nurses who experienced work fatigue then its performance will not be maximum and will lower the productivity of nurses in providing service. This research aims to knowing the correlation between shift work and work fatigue on nurses in Inpatient Installation RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Bandar Lamp ung. This study was observational analytic study with crosssectional approach and was done in November-Desember 2013, samples were 153 people with purposive sampling method. Inclusion criterias was nurses no preg nant or breast-feeding. The statistical used Chi-Square test (α=0,05). The result showed that work fatigue experienced by nurses were very tired 8,5%, tired 75,8%, and less tired 15,7% and there was a correlation between shift work and work fatigue (p=0,001) on nurses in Inpatient Installation of Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Bandar Lamp...