Quark Number Susceptibility with Finite Quark Mass in Holographic QCD (original) (raw)

Holographic spectral functions and diffusion constants for fundamental matter


The holographic dual of large-Nc super-Yang-Mills coupled to a small number of flavours of fundamental matter, Nf << Nc, is described by Nf probe D7-branes in the gravitational background of Nc black D3-branes. This system undergoes a first order phase transition characterised by the `melting' of the mesons. We study the high temperature phase in which the D7-branes extend through the black hole horizon. In this phase, we compute the spectral function for vector, scalar and pseudoscalar modes on the D7-brane probe. We also compute the diffusion constant for the flavour currents.

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Holographic spectral functions and diffusion constants for fundamental matter Cover Page

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Thermodynamics of the brane Cover Page

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El impacto de la ayuda internacional en la calidad de las instituciones Cover Page

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Holographic QCD in medium: a bottom up approach Cover Page

Holographic descriptions of large N gauge dynamics


We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to study different aspects of large N dynamics of gauge theories in the strongly coupled regime. We present three models designed to capture some of the physics present in QCD at low energies or QCD-type theories such as walking tecnhicolor. We use the D3/D7 system to study chiral symmetry breaking in two different contexts: In the first model we break chiral symmetry with an arbitrary running coupling which has a pion in its spectrum. We derive integral equations for the quark condensate and pion decay constant by matching our model to a low energy chiral lagrangian and discuss the implications for technicolor theories. In the second model we study the on set of chiral symmetry breaking at the edge of the conformal window in QCD in the Veneziano limit and show a BKT-type transition. Finally, in the context of AdS/QCD we extend the ”hard wall” model to include the tensor operator ¯??^(??)? dual to a two form satisfying a self duality condition and s...

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Holographic descriptions of large N gauge dynamics Cover Page

Magnetic Catalysis of Chiral Symmetry Breaking: A Holographic Prospective

Advances in High Energy Physics, 2010

We review a recent investigation of the effect of magnetic catalysis of mass generation in holographic Yang-Mills theories. We aim at a self-contained and pedagogical form of the review. We provide a brief field theory background and review the basics of holographic flavordynamics. The main part of the paper investigates the influence of external magnetic field to holographic gauge theories dual to the D3/D5- and D3/D7-brane intersections. Among the observed phenomena are the spontaneous breaking of a global internal symmetry, Zeeman splitting of the energy levels, and the existence of pseudo, Goldstone modes. An analytic derivation of the Gell-Mann-Oaks-Renner relation for the D3/D7 set up is reviewed. In the D3/D5 case, the pseudo-Goldstone modes satisfy nonrelativistic dispersion relation. The studies reviewed confirm the universal nature of the magnetic catalysis of mass generation.

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Magnetic Catalysis of Chiral Symmetry Breaking: A Holographic Prospective Cover Page

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Holographic spectral functions in metallic AdS/CFT Cover Page

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Adding flavour to the Polchinski-Strassler background Cover Page

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Vector susceptibility and QCD phase transition in AdS/QCD models Cover Page

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Holographic spectral functions at finite baryon density Cover Page