Production and nutrition of irrigated Tanzania guinea grass in response to nitrogen fertilization (original) (raw)
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Efecto de la fertilización nitrogenada sobre el rendimiento y calidad de semilla de pasto guinea
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 2009
The objective of the present study was to assess the effect of nitrogen fertilization on Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) cv. Tanzania seed yield and quality. The experiment was carried out under rainfall conditions in 2001 in Tejupilco, State of Mexico, Mexico, (18o 54' N, 100o 08' W, 1,320 m asl). Treatments were five Nitrogen doses (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha-1), in a randomized complete block design, with four replicates. Variables evaluated were: total seed yield (TSY), pure seed yield (PSY), number of panicles per square meter, panicle length, branches per panicle, number of seeds produced and harvested per panicle, 1000-seed weight, physical purity and germination. Nitrogen fertilization increased both TSY and PSY (P 0.05). It can be concluded that the highest Guinea Grass seed yield was obtained when fertilized with 100 kg N ha-1.
Forage yield and nutritive value of Tanzania grass under nitrogen supplies and plant densities
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2012
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the nitrogen and plant density influence on the yield, forage dissection and nutritive value of Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.). The design was of completely randomized blocks with three replications in a factorial arrangement with four nitrogen levels (0, 80, 160 or 320 kg/ha N) and three plant densities (9, 25 or 49 plants/m 2). The plots were cut at 25 cm from soil level when the canopy reached 95% of light interception. The total dry matter forage yield and dry matter forage yield per harvest increased linearly with the nitrogen fertilization. The leaf and stem yield had the same response. The senesced forage yield was quadratically influenced by the nitrogen. The stems ratio in the morphologic composition was high in the high nitrogen levels and in the low plant densities. The leaf:stem ratio showed high values in this trial, but it was increased in plots without nitrogen and high plant density. The pre-grazing height was reduced with the increase in plant density. The nutritive value was favored by the nitrogen fertilization, which increased the crude protein level and reduced neutral detergent fiber and lignin. These factors increased the leaf and stem in vitro digestibility of organic matter. Nitrogen fertilization increases the forage yield of Tanzania grass under rotational grazing. After the establishment, plant density has little influence on the Tanzania grass yield and its forage dissection. The harvest with 95% light interception improves the structure and nutritive value of Tanzania grass pastures.
Bioscience Journal, 2013
A field trial was conducted designed in a completely randomized block in a 4 x 3 factorial arrangement to evaluate the application of nitrogen doses (N) (0, 40, 80 and 160 kg/ha) on the morphogenical characteristics and dry matter partition of three forage grasses (Panicum maximum cvs. Mombasa and Tanzania and Brachiaria sp. Hybrid Mulato). The leaf appearance (LAR, leaf/day) and stretching (LER; mm/day) rates, the number of green leaves per tiller (NLT) and the average weight of tillers (MTW; g) presented s positive linear response to the N dose while the phyllochron (Phil; day/leaves) showed a negative linear response. The highest LER, IAL and final leaf length (FLL; cm) occurred in the Mombaça and Tanzania grasses, while the highest LAR occurred in the Mulato grass. There was a negative quadratic effect of the N dose on the stem elongation rate (SER; mm/day) and LF. The Mombaça and Tanzania grasses presented the highest SER; however, in just two forages. The production of total dry matter (TDM; kg/ha), leaves (LDM; kg/ha) and stems (SDM; kg/ha) increased linearly and quadratically with the N dose, respectively, for the Mombaça and Tanzania grasses. There was a high positive correlation among DM, LDM and SDM and the Mombaça grass MTW. The dry matter production and morphogenic characteristics were influenced by the nitrogen fertilization as a result of the substantial increase in the flow of tissues stimulated by fertilization, proving the importance of N for forage biomass accumulation.
Animal performance, production, and quality of Tanzania grass fertilized with nitrogen
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2017
This study aimed to assess forage production, animal performance, and the chemical composition of Tanzania grass pasture fertilized with 50, 100, 200, and 400 kg ha-1 of nitrogen. The variables analyzed were: leaf mass, daily accumulation rate, leaf/stem ratio, average daily gain, stocking rate, live weight gain per unit of area crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and in vitro dry matter digestibility of leaves. The pasture management maintained the pasture height at 50 cm by using a continuous grazing method with the adjustment of stocking rate. The experimental design was a randomized block with three replicates. The leaf mass increased linearly in response to nitrogen, with an increase of 1003 kg (34%) observed between a nitrogen content of 50 and 400 kg ha-1. Nitrogen did not affect the average daily gain, but increased the stocking rate and live weight gain ha-1. The value of crude protein and neutral detergent fiber were higher with increased nitrogen levels, whereas the l...
In order to study the nitrogen balance on the soil-plant system wilth guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq), an essay was carried out in the western part ot Venezuela. The area belongs to a Tropical dry Forest, with an average annual precipitation of 1200mm with average temperatures of 28ºC. An experimental design with randomized blocks was used with five replications and three nitrogen levels N0 = 0 kg ha -1 .year -1 , N1 = 100 kg ha -1 .year -1 and N2 =200 kg ha -1 .year -1 . The data was processed using Pearson's correlation analysis. Se evaluó el contenido de nitrógeno (N-Total) en la planta, las pérdidas de nitrógeno por efecto de la precolación, escorrentía, el contenido de nitrógeno en el suelo y el aporte de nitrógeno por la lluvia. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la distribución porcentual del nitrógeno en la planta resulto en un 55% en la biomasa removida, un 35% en la biomasa residual y un 10% en la biomasa radicular. Las pérdidas por percolación ocurrieron en un 80% como N-N0 3 -y en un 20% como N-NH 4 + . Las pérdidas por escorrentía resultaron muy pequeñas con valores que no excedieron 1 kg ha -1 .año -1 . Del nitrógeno en el agua de lluvia el N-NH 4 + se constituye en el mayor aporte con 8,4 kg ha -1 .año -1 mientras tanto, el N-N0 3 -8,4 kg ha -1 .año -1 mientras un 66,8% y 33,2% respectivamente. Were evaluated nitrogen's content (Total-N) in the plant, nitrogen's lost by effect of percolation, run-off, and nitrogen's content in the soil and the nitrogen's provision by rain. The obtained results show that the percentage distribution of nitrogen in the plant was of 55% in the removed biomass, 35% on the residual biomass and 10% on the radicle biomass. Lost by percolation occurred in 80%as in N -N0 3 -and 20% as N-NH 4 + . Lost by run-off were not too much, with values that did not exceed 1 kg.ha -1 .year -1 . Of the nitrogen if the rain water N-NH 4 + constitutes the highest contribution with 8.4 kg ha -1 .year -1 meanwhile, 4.16 kg N.ha -1 .year -1 showing 66.8% and 33.2% respectively.
Morphogenesis and Production of Tanzania, Mombaca and Mulato Grasses Under Nitrogen Fertilization
Bioscience Journal, 2014
A field trial was conducted designed in a completely randomized block in a 4 x 3 factorial arrangement to evaluate the application of nitrogen doses (N) (0, 40, 80 and 160 kg/ha) on the morphogenical characteristics and dry matter partition of three forage grasses (Panicum maximum cvs. Mombasa and Tanzania and Brachiaria sp. Hybrid Mulato). The leaf appearance (LAR, leaf/day) and stretching (LER; mm/day) rates, the number of green leaves per tiller (NLT) and the average weight of tillers (MTW; g) presented s positive linear response to the N dose while the phyllochron (Phil; day/leaves) showed a negative linear response. The highest LER, IAL and final leaf length (FLL; cm) occurred in the Mombaça and Tanzania grasses, while the highest LAR occurred in the Mulato grass. There was a negative quadratic effect of the N dose on the stem elongation rate (SER; mm/day) and LF. The Mombaça and Tanzania grasses presented the highest SER; however, in just two forages. The production of total dry matter (TDM; kg/ha), leaves (LDM; kg/ha) and stems (SDM; kg/ha) increased linearly and quadratically with the N dose, respectively, for the Mombaça and Tanzania grasses. There was a high positive correlation among DM, LDM and SDM and the Mombaça grass MTW. The dry matter production and morphogenic characteristics were influenced by the nitrogen fertilization as a result of the substantial increase in the flow of tissues stimulated by fertilization, proving the importance of N for forage biomass accumulation.
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2011
It was evaluated the effect of the absence and of application of three nitrogen doses (50, 100 and 200 kg ha -1 of N) and four harvest times in the winter/spring season (from July to October) on dry mass yield (DMY), on the relative chlorophyll contents (ICF -leaf chlorophyll index) and on the contents of total digestible nutrients (TDN), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and lignin, and their respective correlations on Tanzania and Mombaça grasses after intercrop with corn in distroferric red latosol (Oxisol) soil as well. It was used a random block design, in split-plot with four replicates. The greatest DMY occured with the increase of photoperiod (from August), neverthless responses to nitrogen fertilization over cuts difered among the grasses. In an irrigated crop-livestock integration system under cerrado conditions, it is technically feasible the establishment of Tanzania and Mombaça grass intercroped with corn at sowing or if cover nitrogen fertilization is performed because even in the abscence of nitrogen fertilization, great satisfactory quantity of forage was produced, with average DMY of 2,000 kg ha -1 per cut during the highest shortage of roughage for animals (winter/spring). Nitrogen fertilization after corn harvest increases DMY and improves bromatologic composition of the grasses, as contents of chlorophyll and CP in winter/spring is increased, besides the increase of contents of TDN and a reduction on the contents of NDF and ADF until September. Leaf chlorophyll index can be used to estimate the DMY and CP content and as a marker of the need of nitrogen fertilization of Tanzania and Mombaça grasses submitted to cutting. Key Words: crop-livestock integration, crude protein, Megathyrsus maximum, neutral and acid detergent fiber, no-tillage system, total digestible nutrients Produtividade, composição bromatológica e teor relativo de clorofila dos capins tanzânia e mombaça irrigados e adubados com nitrogênio após o consórcio com milho RESUMO -Avaliou-se o efeito da ausência e da aplicação de três doses de nitrogênio (50, 100 e 200 kg ha -1 de N) e quatro épocas de corte no inverno/primavera (julho a outubro) sobre a produtividade de massa seca (PMS), os teores relativos de clorofila (ICF -índice de clorofila foliar) e os teores de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) e lignina, bem como suas respectivas correlações nos capins tanzânia e mombaça após o consórcio com milho em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. As maiores PMS ocorreram com o aumento do
Sources and rates of nitrogen fertilizer used in Mombasa guineagrass in the Brazilian Cerrado region
African journal of agricultural research
Brazilian Cerrado is constituted largely by extensive grazing. In this region, livestock production indices are low, because the producers do not perform a soil amendment. The aim of this work was to study a pasture with high production potential using sources and rates of nitrogen (N). Nitrogen sources used were: Ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium sulphonitrate, sulfammo and urea applied on the basis of 100 kg ha -1 per harvest, and N rates (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha -1 per harvest), using urea as source, in five harvests. The forage used was [Panicum maximum (syn. Megathirsus panicum) cv. Mombaça], and were evaluated: Dry matter yield (DMY), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF). Dry matter yield increased on the second harvest, as a function of N rates. Acid detergent fiber and NDF concentrations there were no significant to the sources, and no adjustment with increasing of N rates. Crude protein content showed no adjustment for the N rates, as well as the N sources were not significant. Because the N performance, we recommend the urea, as this is more affordable and the application of 50 kg ha -1 of N for the maintenance of the Mombasa guineagrass.
Biological and economic responses to increasing nitrogen rates in Mombaça guinea grass pastures
Scientific Reports, 2022
Nitrogen fertilization has been recognized as an essential tool towards the establishment of sustainable intensification of pasture-based livestock systems using tropical perennial grasses if, for a given ecosystem it is capable of increasing forage growth, stocking rates and animal performance. This study assessed pasture growth traits, nutritive value, animal and economic responses of Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça guinea grass pastures subjected to different levels of N fertilization (100 (N100), 200 (N200), and 300 (N300) kg N ha−1 yr−1). Pastures were managed under rotational stocking to maintain similar pre (80–90 cm) and post-grazing (45 cm) canopy heights. A partial budget and a Benefit–Cost Analysis were used to assess the economic returns on increasing N fertilization. N300 resulted in greater post-grazing herbage mass. A slightly higher neutral fiber and acid lignin detergent was observed at N100 (P < 0.05); crude protein increased linearly, and in vitro digestible organi...
Morphogenesis of Tanzania guinea grass under nitrogen doses and plant densities
The objective of this work was to evaluate effects of nitrogen fertilization and plant density on morphogenesis of Tanzania guinea grass. It was used a random block design with 12 treatments and two replications in a 4 × 3 factorial arrangement, with four doses of nitrogen (N) (without N application, 80, 160 or 320 kg/ha.year) and three plant densities (9, 25 or 49 plants/m 2 ). Harvest was performed at 25 cm from the ground when the canopy intercepted 95% of the incident light. Rates of leaf appearance and pseudostem elongation were positively and linearly influenced by nitrogen, whereas phillochron and leaf life span were influenced linearly and negatively. Leaf elongation responded positively to two factors, whereas leaf senescence rate and number of live leaves were not influenced by the factors evaluated. Number of total, basal and aerial tillers were greater at the density of 9 plants/m 2 and at the nitrogen dose of 320 kg/ha.year. Nitrogen increases production of leaves and tillers in Tanzania guinea grass defoliated at 95% of light interception, but high density of plants reduces the number of tiller per bunch.